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Messages - TheBoy

General Discussion Area / Re: Ebay antics
« on: 16 August 2006, 21:31:58 »
I believe the stats are that 1 in 4 cars is clocked. Alas, for us, is that Omegas are one of the worse - the cars easily eat big miles without showing the strain, coupled to how easy it is to do on Omega, make it an easy target.

General Discussion Area / Ebay antics
« on: 16 August 2006, 20:42:03 »
bleeding crook!


Someone bought a car on ebay.

Now he's selling it on ebay using the same photos description etc but with a tiny difference – check the mileage – he must have been reversing a lot !!!


Strange but he must have been caught out because…



“The seller ended this listing early because the item is no longer available for sale”

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 16 August 2006, 11:53:57 »
This is what we have done, as to slagging - some of us - notably Finlay got rather a lot, and the problem was NOT caused by VXON site owner
Its history - do we really need to drag it all up again?

I know many of us got banned from VxON, and there was a lot of bad feeling, but we have already said that VxON slagging will not be tolerated here....

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 16 August 2006, 11:18:32 »
Please, no VxON slagging here, else thread will be closed.  As web users we have a choice - if we don't like a site, we don't visit...

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 16 August 2006, 11:11:34 »
TTL: Time To Live - This is basically a 'self destruct' for packets, if they get bounce around so many times they die... if packets did not have TTL value then the internet would ground to a halt....
Not in this case - Time To Live in this case is how long should a caching DNS server or client cache the result for before requerying...

So if you wanna move IP, set the DNS TTL to, say, an hour instead of the usual 2 days or so...

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 15 August 2006, 22:19:09 »
Bet BT will suck at DNS updates, Autotrader changed theirs at the weekend, took BT 2 days for the DNS to take affect on their servers  >:(
BT's DNS servers obey the TTL. If BT's DNS servers didn't update for 2 days, that would be the muppets at Autotrader not reducing the TTL before moving servers...

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 15 August 2006, 21:52:27 »
If I notice people are going to the IP, I'll add host headers to the Apache config...

This is a temp server. We may move to a new host at any point, or even to a new VM on the current server (one built for the task this time!), hence IP may change at any point without warning...

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 15 August 2006, 21:47:41 »
Please don't use the IP address.

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 15 August 2006, 20:27:06 »
Use a redirector (hint: Look at Taxi Driver's signature on VxON (assuming he hasn't changed it recently))

General Discussion Area / Re: Other site
« on: 15 August 2006, 20:23:08 »
Our URL is a censored word on their forum, so you wouldn't be able to give a simple URL...

General Discussion Area / Re: 4500miles later.....
« on: 15 August 2006, 17:46:01 »
Welcome back, though sorry to hear the bad news.

General Discussion Area / Re: Just noticed.....
« on: 15 August 2006, 17:37:40 »

General Discussion Area / Re: NEW CAR
« on: 15 August 2006, 20:22:02 »
Only released a few months before they went tits up...

General Discussion Area / Re: NEW CAR
« on: 15 August 2006, 20:21:08 »
Well,Jaime,they cant have done a very good job advertising the fact because,as I said, never heard of it.
Yeah, I had. I remember one of the postal mailings, and some mag adverts, used that rower bloke who won the medals...

General Discussion Area / Re: NEW CAR
« on: 15 August 2006, 20:14:44 »
I think the Rover engineers did a proper job from what I've heard - doing what they wanted to do with 75, and not what BMW wanted them to do. As said, RWD, different gearbox, 18" wheels, uprated brakes...

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