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General Discussion Area / Re: Foreign holidays
« on: 21 July 2021, 07:24:46 »
There is no way I would contemplate a foreign holiday during the current situation.

General Discussion Area / Solar Battery Chargers
« on: 21 July 2021, 07:23:18 »
Are they any good?

Is this one any good? :-

As both cars are not used much these days for long journeys, I though of getting a couple.

General Discussion Area / Re: End of roaming..
« on: 20 July 2021, 19:27:11 »
Switch to Three, they have free roaming to 70 odd countries worldwide.  :y
Isn't that like poking yourself in the eye?  At least the main networks in the UK have UK coverage ;D

I've been with Three for years and the only time I've had signal problems was in deepest darkest Deben.  :)
I have a PAYG Three SIM, and coverage in England is appalling, similar to GSM in the 1990s ;D
I've been with Three for fifteen years, yes fifteen years, and never, ever had a problem. That includes in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales and in London.

You get about a bit, don't you ;)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 19 July 2021, 17:19:23 »
Drove it back from Penzance.

That's the best way to get it back :y

General Discussion Area / Re: OOF Memories
« on: 11 July 2021, 16:54:29 »
Afternoon one and all, hope you're all well. Long time no speak.  ;)


Hi Stranger ....  :y :y

How's things Andy.

I forgot how to work the forum so ended up posting before I had finished  ::) ;D ;D

Hi Pete :y

General Car Chat / Re: A good looking new Vauxhall!
« on: 10 July 2021, 18:32:16 »
Calibra was a fine looking Vauxhall.

I'd contest that .....  ;)

I believe a certain Admin on here used to own one.

General Discussion Area / Re: OOF Memories
« on: 10 July 2021, 18:30:33 »
A certain Admin who shall not be named, trying to be a pikey at the very first meet. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: OOF Memories
« on: 10 July 2021, 18:28:00 »
There was that incident with the Duct Tape and the Porta-Potty. ;D


I remember it well :D :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: We never had bonfires like this
« on: 08 July 2021, 08:59:52 »
What about the emissions?!  ???  :o  ;D

Same with fireworks, doesn't apply, only applies to cars ::)

General Discussion Area / Is Windows 11 the death of the PC?
« on: 01 July 2021, 09:04:02 »
As millions of PC's won't be able to run Win 11, will people just use their tablets and phones instead?

General Discussion Area / Re: new version of WINDOWS
« on: 25 June 2021, 17:46:34 »
Free "upgrade" from win 10  :) IF your system meets the minimum hardware requirements  ::)

System requirements

  DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver  ::)
so Microsoft wrote W11 for the bitcoin ethereum miners then , no one else can get decent graphic cards  :-X

According to Dell (I have 3) non of the models I own will be compatible with Win 11.

General Discussion Area / Re: Birmingham Clean Air zone
« on: 31 May 2021, 18:44:02 »
Anyone on here going to be affected?
Yup, my new office is right in the centre, when they finish building it.

As others have said, its simply a lame excuse to raise money to pull down statues, and otherwise piss it up the wall, just like London.

Places like the Bullring will ultimately close - double whammy of losing their large stores already, plus the fact nobody will drive there to do, say, xmas shopping.  Then suddenly, the council will be crying that the centre has died, and how its everybody's fault but theirs....   ....much like Oxford city council ;D
And, of course, they get no money from the charge  :)

They are causing congestion elseware, so they will have an excuse to widen the scheme until it takes in the whole of Birmingham.

Everyone will be confined to their houses, and only be able to order online.

Every road will become a bus or cycle lane if this council have their way.

They've already had to back track on the Bristol Road, after spending millions, as it made it too dangerous, now they're spending millions putting it back to how it was - yet the idiots keep voting them back it.

General Discussion Area / Re: Impressed
« on: 31 May 2021, 17:44:30 »
Why would you need to remove it? Sod's Law will say it's at home when you most needed it

Got security cameras at home ;)

It stops low life trying to steal it :y
Would anybody bother?  Its not like it has any value?


General Discussion Area / Re: Birmingham Clean Air zone
« on: 31 May 2021, 10:34:50 »
Just been reading about the charges for this. £8 for car and £50 for a lorry.

You cannot argue against the concept of saving lives by reducing pollution but that is a hefty payment. I can see some businesses losing custom.

I spent a few years working in the centre of Birmigham in the 90’s. I used to mix driving and train. Both had their pluses and minuses.

Anyone on here going to be affected?

I've lived in Birmingham most of my life, and I have avoided going into the City Centre for several years now, waste of time.

It will soon become a ghost city.

The Labour council is altering roads left right and centre to make it more difficult to get around by car, causing more traffic jams, hence increasing pollution.

They expect all the O.A.P's to do their weekly shop at Tescos on a push bike.

Loads of buses being subsidised all travelling about empty.

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