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Messages - Drewomega

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General Discussion Area / Re: Sir David Amess MP.
« on: 16 October 2021, 20:40:26 »
You are right there Lizzie! “bring back the death penalty?”
BUT! it will never happen. Unfortunately.
The way I see it from here in Mallorca is the governments in the UK in the past have welcomed everybody from ethnic countries with NO checks or if any skills which they have would benefit our UK society. And still they bring them in! WTF?
This last sad incident proves it! The lefties and not so lefties will twitter on about our great country and our wonderful right to vote as a democratic country.
It's time to take a vote on EVERYTHING that is very important to the running of this country, never mind what idiot is next to the box with a (tick or X) next to it.
That to me is a fully democratic country.
BUT! it will never happen! Unfortunately.
I have done my bit for this country twice and I weep what is happening now. I do weep!
What can we do? sweet FA! I do weep!

I digress!
I have just been watching uk commercial tv here and are there no northern europeans to fit the adverts? any space alien watching from out there would think that everybody was, well????

And! before anybody starts having a go at me for being a racist or any other (ism) there is, I know what racism or any other (ism) there is, I have worked all over the world. North and central muslim Africa worst and central Africa second.
Bombs, bullets and spitting at you on the street. Calling names? waaaay down the list.

Thats the way it is! It's a pity you all cannot experience it as I did!

Happy days though!

PS back in gods own next month due to brexit. Doh!


General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 25 August 2021, 13:33:44 »
Saw the Stones in Hyde park on the 5th July 1969. (giving my age away now!) A great day but bloody roasting hot. They were using fire hoses to cool the crowd (250000+) down. The Stones were great though. See 'The Stones in the Park' video, I am in there somewhere the stage side of the line of trees. RIP Charlie.

General Discussion Area / Uncle Bens RICE
« on: 18 July 2021, 19:35:13 »
I have just watched an advert as above on ITV, and they have taken the black "Uncle Ben" logo from the packet. We are changing they say. ALL the adverts after that were all black actors advertising something else?? wtf is going on? You could not make it up!!  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Dominos Pizzas advert.....
« on: 09 July 2021, 21:16:07 »
...WTF is that all about? Yodelling? I have a bad feeling that we in this country (UK) are losing our identity and most cant be arsed to defend it. As most OOFers on here know I am a Jock but lived in East Sussex for many years, so I cant be bothered with Nicola Krankies ideas. So keep UK together I say! BUT, we must fight for it as I have in the past militarily. Nuff said maybe for now!  :-\ :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: What to do chaps?
« on: 28 June 2021, 13:26:28 »
Thanking everybody on here for their input and heads up on my recent parking predicament.  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: What to do chaps?
« on: 26 June 2021, 12:24:04 »
Hi again guys! Well, I got in contact with the company that owns the land that the retail park sits on last week and talked to a lovely woman in Glasgow. She said she would do as much as she could. Read my different emails yesterday and success! She has managed to cancel all six PCN's. Not only that, she has managed to whitelist my car reg and I can use the retail park any time I want including overstaying. I won't overstay as dont want to tempt fate! RESULT!! so it pays to get in contact with the owners of the supermarket/retail car park first. Yea!  :y :y :y   

General Discussion Area / Re: What to do chaps?
« on: 13 June 2021, 11:45:47 »
Hi everybody! Thanks for your replies up to now. I will go visit the ALDI manager today if he is working. The store is in a retail park along with Home Bargains, Superdrug etc. I was using the car park for meeting friends from different villages around Aviemore not realising there was a 3 hour limit. I reckon now that I will receive around 10 parking notices!! Has anyone on here got any tips and what to say to the manager? Tried ringing but only 0800 number and was advised to go and see him instore. :(

General Discussion Area / What to do chaps?
« on: 12 June 2021, 12:25:50 »
As above! I know some of you OOFers have had problems with private parking companies in the past. Do I have to pay these extortionate charges? I fear I may have up to 6 of these!!!

General Discussion Area / Crocodile Dundee
« on: 24 May 2021, 23:00:49 »

(I am not a film critic and I do not want any other critics on here to comment on the film  ::) ::))

Just been watching Croc D on channel Film4 at 7.05. Now, I know all the storyline from that film made in the mid 80's. My brother worked on that film in Oz where most of the filming was made!! His name is on the credits.

I noticed that two scenes were very cleverly cut from the film. The scenes were obviously not for UK eyes. ::) wtf?
The scenes in question were when at a party when CD was warned by his taxi driver that the lady that fancied him was not a lady! so he checked by the most obvious way. That was cut out.
Next scene was at a different party he was at and he did the same thing but to a very dubious looking woman but she was the real thing :-*. That also was cut from the film. wtf?

Where are we going with this nonsense of censorship?

Mr angry from Kranki land  >:( >:( 

General Discussion Area / Re: Correct me if I am wrong?
« on: 20 May 2021, 20:03:43 »
Football? girlie game.  :-* :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: Correct me if I am wrong?
« on: 20 May 2021, 19:56:28 »
And, in answer to your 'Why?', Drew, it's called brainwashing.

STEMO you are right mate. :y

Unfortunately 'people' believe all this crap and it is a bit worrying!

As most OOF'ers know on this great site that I live here in Scotland and Mallorca. Krankie wants more of the wee devils up here! :o (as you have probably guessed I am not a NK fan)

I know what 'racism' is in foreign parts directed at me! believe me it is nowhere near the racism that has been in the media reported here against asians and blacks. Nowhere near.  >:(

Rant over  :-X :-X

Time for a beer! :y :y


General Discussion Area / Correct me if I am wrong?
« on: 19 May 2021, 23:02:59 »
I have been watching commercial tv for the last few nights. Very unusual for me as I never watch the damn thing or any other channels.
I have been working and been to most countries on this planet earth and any tv programmes in any country reflect the colour of the people of the country I am in .i.e. China have chinese newsreaders etc, and african countries have black newsreaders etc. Same with middle eastern countries.
Why, why have we got so many black actors in the adverts on itv and newsreaders etc on the BBC?
Not much reflection on the colour of this country. I cannot see this boding well in the long term.

Just noticed on tv that the new series 'Anne Boleyn' is to be played by a black actress! What is going on?

NOTE. if anybody has a dig at me about being 'racist' as I am not. Someone on here did before though.
So much for free speech!! :( :( 

General Discussion Area / Re: SNOW!!!!
« on: 07 May 2021, 10:29:27 »
The thing is, I own a house over there and this Brexit crap is going to severely curtail my visits to Mallorca as is covid restrictions. The way things are going up here Nicola Krankie will take us back to Europe so won't be problem.  ::)

Varche: there is always snow on the Tramuntana mountains in the winter. I used to be a skiier big time here in Scotland. Was a ski instructor when I was 17.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: SNOW!!!!
« on: 06 May 2021, 11:12:25 »
Erm no! Can't wait to get back to Mallorca TBH.  8) What with Covid and Brexit, god knows when that will be!  :-\

General Discussion Area / SNOW!!!!
« on: 06 May 2021, 10:51:52 »

It's been minus temps all week up here. Lovely!!

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