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Messages - B52

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Omega General Help / Re: Crank sensor...I think?
« on: 01 December 2020, 21:55:01 »
FWIW my recent crank sensor replacement was the first for KW02 (assisted by helpful responses on here)

It would start every time if cold - stall appeared after 10-15 minutes and was always at idle or no load.

General Discussion Area / Re: Scouse bouncers are nancy boys.....
« on: 01 December 2020, 21:47:20 »
Mill St Blues by xh535, on Flickr

Related - I read this recently and enjoyed

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 01 December 2020, 21:43:35 »
DG: I'll pay heed to and not dismiss anything that's been properly scrutinised and tested. TBH, I'm still somewhat troubled that the focus is mainly on states which have (on the face of it) won it for Biden.

If the entire electoral system has somehow gone wrong, then it must also have gone wrong in the states which voted Trump?

General Discussion Area / Re: Utah monolith?
« on: 01 December 2020, 21:34:21 »

Sorry, showing my age - I couldn't resist

You are lucky - I can only use it as a desktop for now


General Discussion Area / Re: speeding
« on: 30 November 2020, 20:29:21 »
The average speed of traffic in Glasgow city centre area was 22.6mph. That was before they introduced a 20mph limit around 2016.

Now 20mph zones are appearing across the rest of the city, together with a lot of cycle lanes - and I mean a lot.

EM by xh535, on Flickr

Not photoshopped - this place is on my bucket list

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 November 2020, 16:53:02 »
So far, the Wisconsin recount is costing a lot to change little -

I really hope ordinary people aren't donating their money to a lost cause. Those numbers don't look like a good use of $3M to me.

General Car Chat / Re: Plug-In Hybrids
« on: 26 November 2020, 23:57:45 »
True - I've also seen some reports that Covid is influencing the housing market. I live in an area of gentrified 3 and 4 storey tenements which is presently overcrowded by ICE vehicles but I've seen more electric cables across pavements for recharging. At some point, the penny will drop that they could move to a cheaper area and have a driveway for that cable.

Shifting to electric/PHEV means all you need is a power outlet which can be anywhere, if you get my drift. Less need for refineries which could be targets.

BTW I 100% agree that a lot of current commuting is pointless.

While it's possible DG, think his contributions will just be frozen

General Car Chat / Re: Plug-In Hybrids
« on: 26 November 2020, 15:25:51 »
If you like a good read, Vance Packard did a good assessment of such things as far back as the 1960s (The Waste Makers and The Hidden Persuaders). I'm slightly suspicious the same tricks are still around with electric vehicles.

A sudden disaster that might make us change the way we look at commuting and travel? Like... Covid?

General Car Chat / Re: Plug-In Hybrids
« on: 26 November 2020, 12:22:25 »

Even in its 11mpg ICE form, the Hummer makes little sense -

General Car Chat / Re: Plug-In Hybrids
« on: 25 November 2020, 15:00:52 »
DG/Rangie: it's seldom thought out sensibly - there's a mixture of a commercial car industry (including new/used sales, servicing, parts, fuel, and so on) which largely works by supply and demand AND government regulation of the design and use of the product (which has nothing to do with supply and demand).

We still have massive choices - new, used, lease, hire, switch makes, keep existing car, trade in, swap on ebay. These all have different costs and benefits.

Conflicts appear if, say, I'm still running the MV6 and my local area becomes a ULEZ or they alter the VED bands again. Then I'd need to choose between the additional cost against changing cars. I might choose the additional cost.

But I think it's important to keep that choice and keep governments out of it as far as possible, even if the intentions are good. Or it could end up with being told when and which Trabant you're allowed to have.

None of these things have easy answers:,_the_Pinto_Memo

General Car Chat / Re: Plug-In Hybrids
« on: 25 November 2020, 12:16:10 »
I suppose the main influences are environmental pressure, oil production and what the consumer wants.

The first was already happening in terms of progressively stricter emissions. As an aside, I recently ended up behind a 1990s Merc in traffic and the exhaust fumes were really strong. Strange to think most cars would have been like that at the time.

At some point, there will be a shift away from oil just as there was from coal. I think it'll be progressive for cars as liquid fuel is so convenient.

The last part is more tricky - if the industry stops producing ICE cars, we can't buy them any more (like it or not). But that's not to say we'll definitely buy what they produce instead. A lot will hold onto what they have while this develops, particularly while the economy is uncertain. And I could see a bigger shift towards PCP or similar, with no commitment to own in the long term.

Related, the GM EV1 could only be leased -

Omega General Help / Re: Buzzing from passenger door.
« on: 25 November 2020, 00:18:06 »
^ This. And my passenger door pin doesn't trigger any other door - only the drivers side, when I don't want the alarm to set.

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