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Please play nicely.  No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....

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Messages - fletchesmrs

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13
General Discussion Area / Re: It was worth all the work.
« on: 23 April 2010, 23:04:35 »
Oh go on then...just to keep you interested!!!!!/photo.php?pid=30760622&id=1308623741&fbid=1285504300223 8-) 8-)

Glad to see fletchersmrs estate still looking good  :y

she was only there for the day in a working capacity as support vehicle for the older wiser consul, and chauffeur duties for the photographer, my hubby ( v6fletch )

General Discussion Area / Re: This is going around a few forums
« on: 09 April 2010, 22:51:02 »
My car valeter has lost his 3 series coupe today........

It was up for sale, 2 blokes came round to look at it and he let them take it for a test drive unaccompanied........

Never seen it since......

Sorry but all i can say is .......what a knob  ::)

No, seriously......!!!

 ::) ::) ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: grand national
« on: 10 April 2010, 14:14:44 »
Im backing " cuprinol" good over fences  :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Best possible news ........
« on: 09 April 2010, 21:39:17 »
Fab news, look forward now to many happy years ahead for you and your family, good luck  :y :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: rant time
« on: 05 April 2010, 17:16:19 »
At least he ranted at you lot for a change instead of me  ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: AmigoMV6: Guy`s Birthday
« on: 05 April 2010, 10:15:29 »
Happy Birthday Guy, have a great day, Ellie-mae cow bag will be round later with your prezzie x [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

General Discussion Area / Re: Car scrappage
« on: 05 April 2010, 18:12:07 »
Bet there are a few Omegas among that lot  :( :(

I was just looking to see if I could see any :P I might go down in the night with a van and tool kit ;D

anyone want any parts ? list below :-    :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Car scrappage
« on: 05 April 2010, 17:23:07 »
Bet there are a few Omegas among that lot  :( :(

General Discussion Area / Re: The Consul is finished at last!!!
« on: 04 April 2010, 19:46:44 »
So when do i get the keys for my test drive Guy ?  :y

Go on Guy ,buy it , you know you want to ;D ;D  its only 10 miles away from you, i dont mind giving you a lift to pick it up  :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: 02 April 2010, 16:12:24 »
Happy Birthday [smiley=birthdays.gif]

General Discussion Area / Re: Car cleaning fail
« on: 31 March 2010, 21:32:21 »
Nice one  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: All gone quiet now
« on: 29 March 2010, 22:42:07 »
Can i just say one thing, ive been on a lot of car forums, and have never seen so much arguing and squabbling within the last few days. Its not something i enjoy reading on a car forum, and hope its not a regular thing

i agree, i joined this forum thinking it would be informative ( it is  :y) but did not expect all the petty squables and arguments and back stabbing that goes on, sometimes its like listening to kids in a school playground,think alot of people on here need to get a life and grow up IMHO,  but hey im female so what do i know >:( >:(
Boys will be boys childish :y. ;)

Ow I so agree  ;D ;D ;D ;D ::)

its OH not OW  ;D ;D ;D   TB  will be telling u (sorry you)off for text speak ( NOT )  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: All gone quiet now
« on: 29 March 2010, 22:36:31 »
Can i just say one thing, ive been on a lot of car forums, and have never seen so much arguing and squabbling within the last few days. Its not something i enjoy reading on a car forum, and hope its not a regular thing

i agree, i joined this forum thinking it would be informative ( it is  :y) but did not expect all the petty squables and arguments and back stabbing that goes on, sometimes its like listening to kids in a school playground,think alot of people on here need to get a life and grow up IMHO,  but hey im female so what do i know >:( >:(
Boys will be boys. ;) ::)

i know boys are boys been a lorry driver for 17 years , worked with mostly men all my life, think your quote should read tw**s will be tw**s,  :D :D :D waiting for the boll*%king  and ban from admin now , bothered ? NOT  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: All gone quiet now
« on: 29 March 2010, 22:10:21 »
Can i just say one thing, ive been on a lot of car forums, and have never seen so much arguing and squabbling within the last few days. Its not something i enjoy reading on a car forum, and hope its not a regular thing

i agree, i joined this forum thinking it would be informative ( it is  :y) but did not expect all the petty squables and arguments and back stabbing that goes on, sometimes its like listening to kids in a school playground,think alot of people on here need to get a life and grow up IMHO,  but hey im female so what do i know >:( >:(

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