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Messages - Rods2

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All the hard left, like pseudo Tories on here, always quote the US health care as what the evil Tories will turn the NHS into along with such gripping disasters like US children's story Chicken Lickin, which I read as a 5yo, and I still don't know if the sky fell in! ::)

Margaret Thatcher had plenty of time to turn it into an insurance based pay for US system & she didn't she tried to create an internal value-for-money market which the Labour vandals (paid for by the vested interests unions) scrapped. No, quite rightly so IMV, European government will never get rid of their free to access system (or limited, affordable cost system) as it is actually the smart society thing to do, even though the Stalinist NHS system is appalling compared to most of European part state-part private systems. France does this 50-50 system particularly well where they both keep each other honest on cost, effeciency and outcomes, (as OOF French resident Albs will attest to this. :P :P)

Why is it smart?

Because the US system fails, where a considerable minority of workforce age people no longer can afford the heath care to recover & work, where they can't afford their treatment. The doctor's 'cheap' remedy is to prescribe opiate painkillers, hence their current 'rust belt' opiate epidemic and awful in 40's male death rate.

What other busted Marxist flush card has Corbyn & his MSM useful fools got to play with their NHS poker 7-high off-hand when other parties are playing high runs and flushes in comparison? Corbyn is a thick useless fool who will use pay-to-play propaganda from any hostile government or terrorist organisation to try to fulfil his hard-left futile needs & needs to be finally crushed in GE 2019 for what he is.

General Discussion Area / Re: Listen up, codgers
« on: 28 October 2019, 20:12:20 »
I expect the butler has to go round Opti Towers adjusting the clocks & that's the chauffeurs job on your fleet of limos M'lud. ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Listen up, codgers
« on: 28 October 2019, 01:22:23 »
All my clocks except the one in the bathroom use the rugby time signal and sort themselves out. I think STEMO's has to manually adjust his one clock and that only tells the time during daylight hours when the sun is shining. He has been thinking about stealing getting one of newfangled clockwork ones, but he doesn't trust such modern 16th century technology and will leave it for another century or two until it has matured. :P ::)

Several of my digital clocks are also in/out door weather stations with a radio link from an outside module with this evening currently showing a cold 0.5degC 87% humidity, with a warm 20.1degC 52% humidity in my study/office.

General Discussion Area / Re: £21 lighter.
« on: 23 October 2019, 19:21:50 »
£21 lighter. Is it a pattern part Chinese Ronson at that price? ::) Does it use petrol or derv? :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Poor toilet hygiene
« on: 23 October 2019, 19:16:58 »
Taking of hygiene I'm amazed some people let their dog (or even other dogs) lick their face.

Think about what a dog does with it's snout. :-X

After 'rimming' all the local dogs in the park it then gobbles up any warm or cold sick and shit left by other dogs before washing it down with their still warm urine.

You get the picture.
No self respecting cat would ever be seen doing any of that ::)

Where they lick themselves, including their rear ends, they can then transmit Toxoplasma gondii which can give you prostrate cancer and other serious complications especially if you have a weakened immune system. :o I'm sure you will be fine where you cat likes sitting on your food preparation worktop preening themselves. ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Creationist.
« on: 21 October 2019, 21:06:32 »
Yep, it is about 2000 years since our 'god' and glorious leader TB launched his super sized version of Sim City. The software is nowhere near perfect after all this time, so now he needs to know if he implements a cull to make the system more manageable with this:

earth = new world;

cull_list = array ();

for (n=0; n<4000000000; n++)
 push_array (cull_list, rand (1000000000, 8500000000));
earth->delete_people (cull_list);

or pulls the plug with this:

format c:\r\n

 :P ::) :o :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Bugger, seems i have A/F again
« on: 21 October 2019, 20:31:31 »
Wishing you a speedy recovery. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: So I went into Lidl.....
« on: 19 October 2019, 02:02:50 »
Lidl Parkside Dremel Type Thing

You can't beat a good tool, according to the actress & the bishop. ::) ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrickery musings...
« on: 15 October 2019, 04:50:08 »
I checked - Aldi..

Online only I think .. and I am so tempted  ;D

Getting a band saw is one I've been resisting for several years now even though I know I would find it useful.

When I got my air compressor at £20 off £££s later for all the air tools & impact sockets I've bought, where I just can't resist a 'tool bargain'. I've been collecting & building my tool set since I was 10 so it is a lifetime excellent bad habit & there are still lots of tempting tools I'm sure I really must have & I will find indispensable, even if I never use them! ::) :o :-[ :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrickery musings...
« on: 15 October 2019, 04:29:54 »
Said it before and I'll say it again: Last time I got charged for battery was in the 1980's.

FTFY ::) ::) ::)

The Benn Act forces Boris Johnson through threats and coercion to ask for an Article 50 extension with him being threatened with court action, possible contempt proceedings and jail, where he has said he would rather be dead in a ditch than do so.

Watch the 5 minute video and then let us know your thoughts on whether it is compliant with Article 51 of the Treaty of Vienna which is known as the Treaty on treaties.

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrickery musings...
« on: 13 October 2019, 20:45:10 »
They had one left in my local ALDI today as I was browsing their latest offers, which is why I knew it was the time of year for this special offer.

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrickery musings...
« on: 13 October 2019, 17:42:16 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrickery musings...
« on: 13 October 2019, 17:38:04 »
Probably because it is an electronic managed charger that can recharge gel batteries as well as normal lead-acid and the components will have maximum ratings. Aldi & Lidl normally have cheap electronic chargers on special offer at this time of year which when I bought mine (iirc for about £15.00) a few years a go was rated to charge Omega batteries with no problems. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Eliud Kipchoge
« on: 13 October 2019, 17:30:40 »
And I watched it live for the last 30 mins or so, and he looked like he had a lot of running left in him.

Now the barrier is broken, it won't be long before its the norm I suspect.

Bet it made you want to go for a jog around your estate ::)

Err, no where I don't do faster than brisk walks on two legs. If I need to go faster it involves two wheels and pedals as neither damage my slightly painful right knee further. Doctor told me 20 years a go, that through smooth exercise and keeping the muscle bulk around the knee built up then I could long term manage it and she was right. Just over the years it has got slightly more painful in cold damp winter weather, but perfectly livable with.

I suspect I damaged the cartilage when I had a  Triumph twin that used to occasionally kick back when trying to start it. ::) :o

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