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Messages - star_whites

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Omega General Help / Re: Power Steering Pump
« on: 28 September 2013, 11:43:47 »
Well my bearings in my pump have sounded worse this week so I'm gonna have to take a risk and hope this pump fits ok!

The replacement pump has been cleaned, two bottles of dextron 2 purchased, two foot of hose purchased (just in case), new jubilee clips, two tins of carb spray and a large pack of kitchen roll to mop up with!!

Cancelled all plans for tomorrow and fingers crossed everything goes ok!!....if I've forgotten anything let me know lol

Omega General Help / Re: Power Steering Pump
« on: 26 September 2013, 20:42:26 »
I would post a photo up but only have my mobile 3G so can't at the minute.

The old one is black cast and the new one has what appears I be a aluminium body.

Ref the pipes I can't see it being a issue as the main pipe out is in the same position, the only difference is the location of the feed pipe which is at the side rather then the top!

I just don't want to spend hours changing it for no reason. Oh and is it dextron 2 for the power steering as I can't remember!

Omega General Help / Power Steering Pump
« on: 26 September 2013, 20:28:51 »
I recently bought a replacement power steering pump off a member for my 2001 2.6 estate along with a few other items. I quickly realised that it looked different from my one fitted but to be honest I quickly forgot about until I need to fit it as mine has squealing bearings.

I had the original old pump that I swapped 2 years agoas I bought it with a failed pump. The one off the car has an Opel sticker and the number 90538732 on it however the replacement I got that was off an omega has a sticker saying Societe Du Groupe Usine De Marignier no 7691955313 on it.

The mountings appear the same but the feed tube is on the side and not the front!!

My question I'd will this fit or do I need another one!!

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Wanted - Drivers Seat Belt
« on: 15 September 2013, 23:36:10 »
I'm after a replacement seat belt for my 2001 elite estate. It's black and for the drivers seat.

The original is jamming and locking up so I can't put it on and then the next minute it's ok again but it always does it when your in a hurry!

Omega General Help / Re: Rear brake pipes
« on: 01 September 2013, 20:35:38 »
I had to do these on my estate for the MOT. Only vauxhall sell a complete pipe but any spares shop will sell you a length of copper.

The pipes are hard and I used a dremmel to cut the pipe. I then used two flaring tools to flare the end. The first shattered trying to tighten it enough to hold the pipe without it slipping!...the second better quality set did it first time, but I would defiantly recommend a complete system bleed!

You can drop the heatshields at the rear to get to them better!

Omega General Help / Re: Rear Brake Overhaul.
« on: 01 September 2013, 09:00:02 »
I had this prior to my MOT. I stripped the brakes down to find hardly any wear on them! was just the hand brake cable that needed taking up under the car.

I was lucky as had it on my brothers four poster ramps but just removed the heat shields to gain access to the adjuster and used a long extension and short extension on knuckles to gain access and adjust them up. Saved me a fortune in parts and the brakes are brilliant now.

So I would defiantly give it an inspection first prior to buying everything !

Omega General Help / Vauxhall Prices
« on: 27 August 2013, 12:26:58 »
Just been in my local vx dealer to get some antifreeze and while I was there I got a price for new plugs and can cover gaskets!

I almost fell over!.....the plugs were reasonable at £23 + vat, but the gaskets were £33 + Vat Per Bank!!.....I don't remember them being that damn expensive the last time I bought some. Is my dealer taking me for a ride or is that right??

Omega General Help / Antifreeze
« on: 24 August 2013, 11:38:20 »
Which is the best antifreeze, should I stick with gen vauxhall or is another make just as good??

Oh it's a 2.6 Auto 2001

It's working but the bearings are squealing. Don't want it seizing up on me!

Need a replacement radiator and power steering pump for a 2001, 2.6 Auto Estate.

Mines sprung a leak under pressure and is leaking all over!

Also I need a set of rubber bellows for the front plenum chamber (think that's what it is called!). It's the rubber piece that mounts between the aluminium air intake and the plastic tubes that has four jubile clips holding it together!!.....I also need a hand full of the boot carpet clips as mine are all shattered.

If anyone has any of the above please pm with details, thanks in advance!!!


Omega General Help / Re: Car Stalled and not firing!
« on: 26 November 2012, 17:05:37 »
Ok well it defiantly sounds like this is the problem so does anyone have a clue how much they are??

Omega General Help / Re: Car Stalled and not firing!
« on: 26 November 2012, 13:25:12 »
Ahh ok, I know which one your talking about.

Ok so I just need to clarify if its the same as the 3.0 or not then.

Omega General Help / Re: Car Stalled and not firing!
« on: 26 November 2012, 13:17:15 »
I though there was two crank sensors on the V6?

Omega General Help / Re: Car Stalled and not firing!
« on: 26 November 2012, 13:08:11 »
I did wonder about that.

Are the 3.0 and 2.6 crank sensor the same or are they different as I think I still have a good one from my 1999 3.0 in the shed. Oh and is it mounted on the front of the engine on left hand side?

Omega General Help / Car Stalled and not firing!
« on: 26 November 2012, 12:56:25 »
Ok hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I have a 2001 2.6 auto estate. I had to drive through flood water yesterday but he car appeared ok. Ten miles down the road the car stalled whilst cruising around a corner. Rolled it to a halt and put it in park. Tried to restart but it just wasn't firing!

Waiting an hour in case it was something damp and tried again, no firing!....waited half hour and again no ignition. At this point battery was drained.

Called AA and two hours later a truck arrived, told him what happened and he put his booster on and it fired straight away!!!! (So annoying!).

Went on my way and was day in traffic and she stalled again but fired up straight away. Then was fine rest of the night. Drove to work this morning no problems, been to the sandwich shop and sat in the car and its stalled in the carpark. Turning her over and she's not firing again???

I've done pedal test and there's no fault codes stored at all?.....anyone got any ideas??

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