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Messages - Gaffers

Pages: 1 ... 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 [765]
General Discussion Area / Re: Floods?
« on: 26 June 2007, 14:35:30 »
Has it been raining then?

You probably didn't know TB because your always on your computer ;D
Nah, on works computers today - bloody internet servers never behave :(, and you lot would all moan if you lost your Tinterweb.

Dont get me started... just switched from a useless provider that starts with T and ends with iscali.  Was paying for 8Meg was getting 100K... not chuffed.  Took 6 weeks to finally admit they had a problem with their servers all the while insulting me with basic IT questions as they were convinced that it was my setup that was at fault!

Switched to BT on their lowest 8Meg line.  I am just waiting now for them to say that I have to upgrade because I using too much bw. ::)

I have the same kit and found it to have the same problem.   Then I put it on correctly and it lined up nicely.  Unless yours is a duff...


General Discussion Area / Re: Whats your top speed????
« on: 18 June 2007, 13:15:38 »
My 2.5 gets to 60 in 10.5 - :(

Not tried the top end yet but when I go to germany later this year (posted - woohoo!) I will be sure to try it out on the autobahn :D  I did manage 125 a couple of months ago after some fool tried to ram me off the road, following my efforts to stop him queue jumping on the M5/M6 junc, so I had to get out of the way (typical medic - run!) then Mrs G went spastic on me..... ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: forces
« on: 27 May 2007, 08:22:40 »
Not directly related, but… I’ve just seem the new Pirates of the Caribbeans, and I don’t understand why people love to hate British troops… OK, so they may have had corrupt leadership (and incidentally, the two baddies giving them orders are not actually servicemen), but they are the only ones in this mess who risk their lives for King and Country, instead of chasing some sort of personal gain or riches. Why do people rejoice when seeing marines being killed is beyond me… with respect to Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightley, I sympathise with the Royal Navy, not with the treasure-hungry pirates… and I was actually saddened when the magnificent 4-gundeck HMS Endeavour sank with all hands on board, I really can’t see why the audience were cheering.

I know what you mean.  I get mixed reactions from people when I am about in public in my uniform.  Some, regardless of how polite and courteous I am just see the need to hurl abuse, I have to walk away.  

Incidently I have also been to Canada and the states (wife's a spectic tank) and the difference there is phenominal.  In the states people shake my hand and buy me drinks to the point where I adctually feel uncomfortable because I am not used to it.  In Canada it is much the same, civilians saluting you as you walk through the air terminal and it is law that you must provide a military discount to people serving in the british or canadian army.  Why can we not have something like that?  The only place I know of that regularly gives a military discount is Burger King (love them whoppers!!)  Most other places value students more than service personnel.  >:(  I am not saying students shouldnt get discounts, I used to be one and I appreciated them, but how is a pot smoking stinky student worth a 10-20% discount when hard working squaddies who risk their lifes for less than a grand per month get nothing but a dirty look as if to say "you are lucky we let you in"   >:( >:( >:(

Sorry...  Rant over...

General Discussion Area / Re: forces
« on: 26 May 2007, 10:15:20 »
no problem  :y

it probably pains you to know that maybe a couple of our members hadnt even been born??

You'll get older one day!  ;D In a conversation at work a while back I said I'd joined up on 7/9/79, one of the young lads smiled and said " I was only 1 then!"
The second word of the 2 word reply was ... OFF!!!  ;D  ;D   :y

I was 2   :P ;D :D ;) .... running.......

General Discussion Area / Re: forces
« on: 26 May 2007, 10:14:08 »
I am currently serving with the RAMC (God's Corps) in Tidworth as one of those non-doctor ruperts.  The joys of commanding doctors who have illusions of grandure and 2+ ranks of me.  Not to mention some of them pay more in tax than I get paid per month!!  >:(

If anyone is interested there is memorial service for the 3 guys from 16 AFA who were killed while disembarking Sir Galahad - 53 Welsh Guards were killed at the same time, but the way 16 AFA recovered despite losing their 2IC and having many injured themselves inspires even the most disgusting sniveling recruit.  The service will be in St Michaels Church near the new medical centre on Fri 8th June after which there wreath laying in the cemetary and then curry and beer in the Sgts Mess.  ;D :D ::) :y  All welcome.

General Discussion Area / How quick is that?!!!
« on: 24 May 2007, 13:47:23 »
Sent my postal order to ABS tuesday lunch, received magasine and TC this morning!!!

If only the army could work so efficiently!!

General Discussion Area / name change?
« on: 22 May 2007, 14:52:47 »
Hi moderators,

I was wondering, I joined using a rather boring name.  I obviously sign off as gaffers which is my nickname and it rolls off the tongue better than gaffney.

Any chance I can modify my screen name at all? Or am I stuck with a boring name?


have you got his details?  Web search only brings up a carpet place near watford......  ::)

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