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Messages - TD

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Read the OP, he can't get one! :o :y
I have, the op wants it now, I know when we are unwell seeing a doctor,is a thing you require, and trying to book an appointment before you get ill, can't be done, most surgery's offer a same day service, this means ringing up as soon as they open, or being on the door,when they open.

As a thought, what did we do before we all had cars, in the oldern days.!

I don't know where you read that, I wouldn't have minded waiting a week for appointment with my doc. I was told no appointment available and to goto walk in centre. So, I went and was told there was a four hour wait, would you really sit there in a room that is full of other unwell patients for 4 hours  :-\

And they wonder why people turn up to A&E! >:(

Who should assess them and if its not A&E they 'should' get sent next door to the walk in centre.....

If there is noticable swelling, then anti inflams might work, as liable to be muscle and soft tissue. If no swelling, it could be skeletal, in which case I'd personally wait for quack, and keep pain killers to a minimum - pain is a self defence mechanism to prevent you doing more damage...

Years ago quacks used tell you to lie still and wait till it gets better.....until they discovered patients were getting DVT's.
LAst time I went to the docs with a slipped disk, he prescribed me 5x strength painkillers (that you couldn't  buy over the counter) and told me to keep moving.....

Edited to make sense  ::)

What of waste of time that was  :(.....didn't it occur to the receptionist that if she'd told me there was a four hour wait to start with, then it would of saved 5 mins of faffing about "Name/address/whats wrong" before me saying "nahh I'm not waiting 4 hours"  :(

If there is noticable swelling, then anti inflams might work, as liable to be muscle and soft tissue. If no swelling, it could be skeletal, in which case I'd personally wait for quack, and keep pain killers to a minimum - pain is a self defence mechanism to prevent you doing more damage...

Years ago quacks used tell you to lie still and wait till it gets better.....until they discovered patients were getting DVT's.
LAst time I went to the docs with a slipped disk, he prescribed me 5x strength painkillers (that you could buy over the counter) and told me to keep moving.....

Simple solution. Close down the NHS. It can't be fixed as an organisation. I doubt it could even work if privatised, as its rotten to the core.

As to the illness TD, I'm still getting over my death infection, been over 2 weeks  >:(, first time I've left the premises was Saturday, and again today. Legs are still like jelly, and easily knackered by walking up stairs too briskly.

I only went out to supermarket to pick up essentials......milk/bread.....Id normally walk as its not far away......but I drove and still came back knackered  :( Right Just had a cuppa so I'm off the hospital now......i'll report back lol

Good luck with that TD, last time we went to the one at GWH, there was only one person in front, and after waiting so long that the broken limb mended itself, we gave up. :-X :-X :-X :y

Last time I went there.....I got seen to straight away.......but maybe a DVT sharpens their focus  :-\

Ill just check there isn't a strike going on at the hospital today   :-\

Well, I woke up this morning, turned to my right and tried to swing my legs outa bed and OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!!!
Dunno what I've done or how I've done it, but I'm in agony with back pain! Managed to crawl to the bathroom & back, then crawl downstairs. Never felt pain like it  :'( :'( :'( brought me to tears.

I can't remember ever being pained by a bad back before and I've done some silly stuff in the past, feels like someone I've gave a ticket to  in the past has made a voodoo doll of me & is sticking red hot pins in the base of my spine  :( :( :(

Doc's rang, appointment for next Tuesday  ::) ::) ::)

You were lucky then!

I get a slipped disc time to time.....doc will only prescribe painkillers and ive ended up at an osteopath to fix me

Heres to a speedy recovery  :)

Chesty cough.....that  hurts when I cough and I get out of breath just walking about. (if I had to guess some sort of chest infection maybe)
So decided to phone the docs to get some antibiotics of some sort. I was shocked when the receptionist told me they were fully booked and advised me to go to a walk in centre  :o :o

What is the point of being registered to a docs and then being unable to see him  >:(

I did have a quick look on the website for the surgery. They have 5 doctors but all only work part time. Be a shame if they had to do a full weeks work  ::)

I do have a plan though.....there are two walk in centres in Swindon. I'm not going to town centre told theres usually a 3 hour wait. The other one is at the hospital and as its not labelled as a walk in centre there will be less of a queue....Its a nightmare trying to get into the hospital at shift change (upto 30 mins to get in). Next sift change at i'll wait until 3pm  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Driver awareness course.
« on: 29 March 2016, 11:08:47 »
YZ250 was done in an area where the do-gooders had extended a 30mph limit into the realms of the ridiculous. And I'd actually argue was not enforceable, as its not an urban streetlit area, and there are no repeater signs.

Its a road I use a fair bit, and I've never seen plod with their rayguns on that stretch (but have on other stretches where people should stick to the limit), although the mobile cash generator often hides up on one of the farm entrances, much to the annoyance of the farmer.

Its the usual story of some idiot moving to the area, and then demanding everything is changed to suit them.  Line 'em up, shoot 'em. And shoot the mobile cash generator operator as well.

I would have added that as a 'get out of jail' card as well. Parked on private land without the written consent of the owner.
A mobile cash generator has to be legally parked.

General Discussion Area / Re: How tragic
« on: 27 March 2016, 21:18:21 »
I assume the rest of the country was similar to here yesterday, pissing down and horizontal rain?

And they were allowed to play on a bouncy castle?

I suppose in this day and age it HAS to be somebody else's fault, not the kids or the parents....

Very tragic  :(

However I suspect the bouncy castle owners put it up so they would get paid....  :-\

Maybe a rewrite in their contract would correct instances like only guessing what's in their contract mind  :-\

IE we arrive on site, determine its not safe to erect it due to weather conditions....if the organiser of the event....disagrees with us....then they sign a disclaimer that they are responsible if anything goes wrong.....and we still get paid......
Might alter a few wrong decisions  :-\

General Car Chat / Re: Screw you, screw.
« on: 25 March 2016, 17:41:36 »
Actually Opti, it looks to me that tyre might be shagged maybe a trick of the camera....but to me the 2nd line of tread towards the outside is 'feathering'. Run you fingers over the tread rotational wise and see if it seems smooth....if not is knackered and will cause loads of tyre noise. I used to think 'feathering' only occurred on cheap tyres.....but Ive just changed the two back tyres on the Mondeo for exactly the same thing and they were Michelin's.....

General Car Chat / Re: Screw you, screw.
« on: 25 March 2016, 17:33:10 »
And tyre foam renders the tyre unrepairable so I believe. Tyre fitters nightmare.

not true
I sell one that is biodegradable and will wash out with warm water

Agree, I had a flat tyre once I tried to repair with a foam can.....I didn't read the instructions on the can properly and didn't jack the car the can didn't work. Took the wheel to tyre fitters.....and after them moaning that id use a can of gunk on it.....they just wiped it clean with rag and repaired it  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Car insurance quote
« on: 23 March 2016, 18:20:56 »
Went on gocomperethemarket etc., for quotes and now find there have been 18 searches of my credit report. WTF makes them assume that I was going to pay monthly? It's getting worse...I heard that soon landlords can view and contribute to your credit report, that won't end well for some people.

Soft searches I'd hope.....

General Discussion Area / Re: Where did that week go?
« on: 23 March 2016, 18:18:31 »
Seems I caught a bad dose of death, slept virtually non stop for a WEEK :o

Bad case of man say...lucky to live thro that....glad you made it  :y :)

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