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Messages - Murph

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Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Bit of an odd request...
« on: 21 March 2013, 23:34:57 »
I will do.
The same assistant did already, hence the theory but I will look myself as and when I get a chance.
Unfortunately my missus is in hospital in London so all my spare time is taken up with visiting her and sorting the kids out at the mo.

I was on my way back from London when she broke down, luckily I was most of the way home!

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Bit of an odd request...
« on: 21 March 2013, 22:46:06 »
I'll try them tomorrow, thanks.

Meanwhile... if anyone has any I'm still interested in hearing from you.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Bit of an odd request...
« on: 21 March 2013, 22:26:05 »
...but does anyone have a set of torque converter bolts?
These are the ones that secure the converter to the flex plate.

It seems my assistant didnt tighten the bolts enough when my engine was fitted and they have now all departed.  Or at least that's the theory - and I hope it's right or I'll be going bloody mental!
Anyhoo... until I can get new bolts I'm off the road again, but I have two problems.
1) I need 6 but vauxhall sell them in packs of 5. They will not split a pack so I have to but two packs at £21 each!  I can get 25% off but still....
2) they don't stock them so would have to order them from the factory. That means a 10 working day delay.

So... does anyone have any sitting on a shelf somewhere?


Even if I can get just one it would half the bill at the dealer.

I usually just take a pair of side cutters to the 'sticky-uppy-boxy-bit' and they come off easily.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: ls1 omega newbie
« on: 19 March 2013, 12:43:18 »
Welcome to OOF Brad.

I nearly had an unfinished 2.5 pickup project a while back.
I only had an A-frame to pick it up from York and had to abandon the pick up as the previous owner couldnt get the prop unbolted.
Being an auto, it would not have survived being towed all the way back to kent.

I was a bit gutted, but last I heard it had found a new home and was going to be finished.

Omega General Help / Re: This could be the end for my Omega
« on: 18 March 2013, 20:24:32 »
I had hoped the heating issue was down - at least in part - do the lack of pressure in the system.
The new engine will have ruled that out at least.

The stored code turned out to be down to an electrical connection that hadn't seated properly so that was an easy fix!

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 18 March 2013, 13:12:40 »
I'n chuffed TBH.

It goes faster too!   :D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 17 March 2013, 23:35:10 »
Finished fitting engine. Added new oil, filter and coolant.
Started first time.


Omega General Help / Re: This could be the end for my Omega
« on: 17 March 2013, 23:11:44 »
Cheers  :y

Bloody heater is still cold though!  ::)

Omega General Help / Re: This could be the end for my Omega
« on: 17 March 2013, 20:55:41 »
It's alive!   :D

The Swindon lump fired up pretty much straight away and idles very nicely.  It was quite noisy at first but that was expected as the engine hasn't been run in about 7 years so the lifters were dry, but once it warmed up it settled down nicely and is now quieter than the old engine by far.

On the road test the EML came on which was accompanied by a stutter from the engine.
I was bloody knackered by that point and bloody annoyed because I have managed to lose the key to my Carlton which was blocking the Omega on the drive - we had to break out the barrel - so I will check the codes tomorrow and report back.

But hey.... it's running! 

Omega General Help / Re: What's this plug for?
« on: 17 March 2013, 20:47:15 »
I got it.
Abiton wins the point - I mistook the part he was talking about.

Thanks all!

Omega General Help / Re: What's this plug for?
« on: 15 March 2013, 20:16:02 »
May just do that.
Will need to get it in the car first of course.

Omega General Help / Re: What's this plug for?
« on: 15 March 2013, 19:37:06 »
That one's already plugged in.
Confusing eh?

General Discussion Area / Re: weird habits..
« on: 15 March 2013, 19:12:42 »
I feel so much better about having 3 and a half sugars in my occasional cuppa now. 

Cheers Cem!  ;D

Omega General Help / What's this plug for?
« on: 15 March 2013, 18:50:29 »
I just refitted the loom to my replacement engine and can't seem to find a home for this small plug:

It's at the back of the engine and seems to want to locate close to the CTS and temp sender, both of which are connected.

Any ideas?

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