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Messages - Dishevelled Den

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General Discussion Area / Re: Lib Dem nut-jobs
« on: 16 August 2012, 12:28:56 »
Go on then I'll stick my neck out again just for a change.

Q1 What is so wrong with taxing carbonated drinks?//.....

Q2 .......// UK speed limits//.....

Yes this is the feature of many of these Liberal/Democrat ideas; they appear to be quite reasonable - in the absence of any in-depth analysis, that is.

A couple of thoughts on question 1; 

Many would indeed think this to be a reasonable idea however, in the real world, how would this be implemented without introducing a tax rise so unpalatable that the purchase of these drinks all but impossible in the financial sense.  And if this were not the case, would not any modest tax rise simply be accepted by those addicted to such beverages?

In addition, how much additional bureaucracy would be needed to account for this new tax band – and, should it be considered to be a success (in the warped minds of those who championed its cause), what is the likelihood that similar moves would be made to discourage the use of other substances considered to be injurious to health or contrary to political doctrine.

And on question 2;

Many drivers do not adhere to the presently established speed restrictions – even in the face of cameras, monetary fines and penalty points – so how likely is it that they will obey this reduced limit?

To try to make this work, surely the installation of a much enhanced surveillance network would be necessary in an attempt to police the new regulation – this again raises the question of additional bureaucracy, furthermore, what do you do when people carry on regardless, much as they do at the moment when driving in existing speed regulated areas?

No, when one looks closely at such ideas from most of these groups who like to consider themselves to be ‘enlightened social democrats’ one can easily see that to implement them measures would need to be adopted that would be anything but democratic or liberal in substance and may well be downright oppressive in practice.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lib Dem nut-jobs
« on: 16 August 2012, 09:15:46 »
I think that being out of touch with reality is a prerequisite within the ranks of those who like to follow a ‘liberal’ doctrine.

In my own experience those groups constituted under the banner of being either ‘Liberal’ or ‘Democratic’ are frequently anything else but in their desires to ram their dogmatic views down the throats of those unfortunates sentenced to live under their control or influence.

Coalition government in this country has been a miserable failure and I fear the day should the Liberal Democrats ever be in another position to form a part of government simply to boost the numbers of whatever party that hasn’t quite managed to get the numbers necessary to form majority government.

Then I suppose there’s a sound reason why these muppets - espousing such tripe as easily as the air they breathe - have never formed a majority government in recent times.

May Christ help us should they ever be in a position to do so!   

General Car Chat / Re: Now here's a rare motor .....
« on: 16 August 2012, 08:41:10 »
Looks like a Peerless GT Coupe.

Indeed, Seth is 'Peerless' amongst the membership when it comes to these historical matters. 8) :y

General Discussion Area / Re: How to say know on Facebook ??
« on: 15 August 2012, 22:20:23 »
Is there an actual arsebook site?

If so I'd be constantly trying to befriend this lady:

 :-[ ;D

That'll do for Uncle Denny - thank you Abi. :-* :y



 ;D ;D ;D Go on ya boy ye - get tore into the miserable Lady bitss. ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :y

........has a neatly trimmed bush. :D

This means I can see right into her bedroom window. :)

I can see right into her bedroom window

Is this yet another euphemism for the vulva Opti?

 ;D ;D ;D Very enjoyable  ;D ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: UK Rail fair increase
« on: 15 August 2012, 09:16:54 »

Time to trust our politicians perhaps? :-[


A valid question B.

In the light of First Group's rather financially robust bid to run the West Coast services for the next few years, the displacement of the current operator (Virgin Trains) as a result of its acceptance and the (obvious) hope by the Department for Transport that things will not go teats up (à la East Coast line), I think it quite reasonable to ask whether or not it is sensible to trust the government’s strategic view on all matters of critical infrastructure – particularly in these matters of transport.

This government (and those of recent times) appears to have fallen victim, with disappointing regularity, to those in the commercial sector who promise much to secure a contract but deliver little when the anticipated profit margin can’t be achieved without a subsequent (and obvious) reduction in costs.

As a result, the inevitable diminution of service standards for those unfortunate people who have no alternative but to use them, the continued development of (and investment in) the core purpose of the business and, of course, the reduction in value for money for the taxpayers who must fund these ventures (at the behest of confused government) seems to be blithely accepted in the knowledge that little or no sanction will ever be levied against those who are instrumental in creating such fiascos in the first place.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: newbie
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:09:23 »
How do you do Big G, welcome. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: A bit of Total Wipeout USA funnies
« on: 14 August 2012, 22:27:03 »
 ;D ;D ;D That tickled me fancies. ;D ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: UK Rail fair increase
« on: 14 August 2012, 12:38:22 »
One of the many things I miss about my London posting is ready availability of either cabs or the Underground as I used these means of transport rather than my car which remained parked up (for the most part).

In light of these proposed increases I do not know how people are ever going to be persuaded to use public rather than private transport - but then, the shambles which passes for an integrated public transport network in this country dictates that the operator of choice is permitted to shove it up the ass of the travelling public, as they please, in order to fund any essential maintenance or service development (rather than take it from the profit margin).

Coming from a country at one time rich with affordable and reliable public transport to this constant drip-drip of fare increases - with diminishing returns in terms of satisfaction for those who are obliged to use such services - says much about the commercial expansion that has all but destroyed our public services in the name of profit and market position and is another clear signal that government in this country has lost control to the power of the lobby, cronyism and the hope of getting through each parliamentary session with as much ease as possible.

It's a national disgrace - a bloody great big one.

Congratulations B, some impressive work in that lovely part of the country. 8) :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy Birthday Seth
« on: 13 August 2012, 08:02:18 »
Congratulations B - a very hapy birthday to you. :y

Yes, it would be funny if it were not so sad.

This country is bulging at the seams with people who are disconnected from reality to such an extent, and so bereft of personal responsibility, that they begin to believe they are exempt from the rules and regulations we must all attempt to follow in order to maintain at least some semblance of good order.

I fancy the term 'gobshites' can be applied quite reasonably to them and their ilk.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Omega not starting
« on: 12 August 2012, 14:34:12 »
How do you do VJ, welcome. :y

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