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Messages - Rods2

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General Discussion Area / Re: Impressive turnouts for climate change
« on: 20 September 2019, 19:58:03 »
The world is still about 2oC cooler than the global average for the last 1 billion years, found through the analysis of sedimentary rock cores, & more recent values also from ice cores & tree ring samples, where we are still recovering from the last ice age in this current interglacial period where the polar ice caps formed a mere 33 million years a go.

140 million years a go during the most fertile era on this planet in terms of the explosion in the number and varieties of plant & animal life, CO2 was 3000 ppm. CO2 has gradually dropped since then from the locking of carbon in the formation of fossil fuels. Cellulite (wood) plants evolved about 140 million years a go & when the trees died there were no wood eating bugs, funguses or bacteria around to break them down (as there are now) which as they were buried under layers of rock through heat and pressure created coal seems. Sea custrations evolved to have a carbon based hard shell armour and depending upon conditions these locked up carbon as they died & decomposed to form oil & gas or just their hard shells survived to form calcium-carbonate or chalk.

With CO2 continually dropping over that last 140 million years we were about 2 million years from an ice age CO2 low point of it dropping below 120ppm (in the last ice age it dropped to 150ppm) so 85% species of C3 plants die out & planet B Earth so it then looks like planet A Mars. The other 15% are C4 plants that can survive with much lower CO2 levels but their photosynthesis requires much higher energy levels so they are limited to equatorial plants. The good news was humans by burning CO2 & raising CO2 are actually saving the planet until the politicians & anti-Westerners realised that Western civilization is build on a plentiful supply of cheap energy & those who control the energy supplies (politicians & governments, rather than the people through their businesses) control the people with their imaginary bogeyman clear, tasteless, inert, CO2 which is vital for plant life & our entire planet B Earth eco-system.

Stalin told us if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it & virtually everybody in the Western world believe, including most on here, that rising CO2 levels are a problem & to be 'good' citizens we all need to work to reduce them. Religions, Communist & NAZIS et al all knew that if you want to brainwash a population, you start with the easily influenced & converted, the children, hence the children's globally coordinated school strikes today.

None of this is going to end well for the planet or Western societies.

General Discussion Area / Re: Statins
« on: 20 September 2019, 18:43:17 »
Different tablets have different side effects on different people. Long term my digestive system can't cope with the type 2 diabetes drug Metformin. I put up with gradually getting worse for about 5 months until I thought I can't take these any longer and was put on the slow release version, which was fine until they doubled my dose and the same thing happened again. :( I'm now taking two completely different class of drug which are fine. :y

Vaccines are generally x1000s safer than the disease they are trying to prevent, they are very safe, but always remember, not totally safe as I found out to my cost & ending up partially sighted. Any faulty drug is reported using a yellow notice which was done by the hospital treating me for blindness where I got uveitis in both my eyes which is virtually unheard of except as the result of a faulty flu vaccine. :o >:(

Flu vaccines cause life changing problems in about 1 in a million to 2 million doses which equates to 10 to 20 people per year in the UK where the benign version of the virus used boosts your immune system against that variety is bred in vats of egg whites, occasionally a virus will mutate into something nasty & cause a problem, which is what happened to me. :(

I've been advised never to have this type of flu vaccine again & won't but I have had the anti-pneumonia one since then with no complications. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: A deal might be done
« on: 20 September 2019, 10:15:16 »
The Benn law where it was rushed through Parliament is full of holes.

If Boris tries:

1. To get a deal & it is rejected by the EU he can probably get away without asking for an extension.
2. If May's BRINO is re-voted on and rejected he can definitely not ask for an extension.
3. If May's BRINO is re-voted on and passed, PM prerogative is not to complete the ratification and again he needn't apply for an extension.
4. Whether Boris can be forced to seek an extension with contempt proceedings is open to question under the Bill of Rights and also the 1947 Act that specifically excludes crown v crown legal action.
5. All this has got to be decided , appealed & judged by the Supreme in under 2 weeks or we leave.
6. Finally the nuclear option is for the crown to concede the Robin Tillbrook legal action that the extensions were illegally passed by PM May, so we actually left on the 29th of March.

The reason that Remainers are currently having a meltdown is that by the 1st November, it is odds-on we will be out of the EU.

Expect the last 2 weeks of October to be a 'living in interesting times' event, the likes of which, we are unlikely to ever see anything like it again in our lifetimes. :o :o :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Statins
« on: 20 September 2019, 09:00:01 »
If so then you'll have had a double benefit as I assume you'd cut out beer too  :y

Absolutely, only now drinking a few wines at the weekend.

General Discussion Area / Re: Statins
« on: 19 September 2019, 19:56:19 »

General Car Chat / Re: Decided to keep the Tata... for now
« on: 19 September 2019, 19:52:12 »

and if you are looking for live examples in the flesh, I can suggest a titty bar in Holborn. :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Statins
« on: 19 September 2019, 19:16:39 »
Been on statins for about 6 years with no issues. Where my weight has been creeping up & I had put on 3kg over the last 12 months I had worsening lower joint pain & my Type 2 diabetes control has been worse. I had over the last 6 months been cutting out carbohydrates like potatoes & rice, but could not face going without brown bread, but after being told if my weight & insulation resistance were not better controlled long term I would probably end up having to inject insulation, it was time to take action. Four weeks a go I started a very low calorie & carb diet which meant totally cutting out bread, but also eating plenty of protein so I don't lose muscle bulk. Within 3 days my lower joint pain had gone so there is obviously something in wheat that my body doesn't like that I was previously unaware of.

I've personally found it the easiest diet I've ever been on, where hunger is a dull ache rather than run out of short energy boosting carbohydrates cravings & in the 4 weeks, I've lost 5kg. Daily, it consists of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, non-root vegetables, salads & small quantities of lower sugar & carbohydrate fruits like strawberries, blackberries & blueberries. The only disadvantage I've found is where it contains less fibre I'm not so regular, so I'm now taking a Psyllium husk & Inulin fibre supplement which is helping. If you want a weekend alcoholic drink, high carbohydrate beer is out where it is made from malted barley & likewise cider from its high sugar content. Dry white & red wine are fine & where I like pint sized drinks, white wine & carbonated water is an acceptable substitute.

This is the book I found most useful for setting up a low carbohydrate diet: "The Real Meal Revolution by Professor John Noakes

and this one recommended by my diabetic nurse for fast safe weight loss: "The Fast 800" by Dr Michael Mosley.

and if in the future (I don't yet & I'm very happy with the current diet) if I want to make some very low carb bread (about 10g a slice) I've now got a couple of recipe books for this. The only thing is that wheat flour substitutes like almond flour are expensive, so you are looking at £3 a loaf in ingredients even when buying in reasonable bulk quantities.

Where there are two types of cholesterol, HDL is fine, it is LDL that is the problem & from what I've read, when on a low carb diet you can't make much of this. I've got a fasting blood test in November & will keep you posted on any improvements.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any swimmers?
« on: 18 September 2019, 18:37:20 »
I normally let about 250 million loose twice a week with the missus. ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Rise of the Nazis
« on: 18 September 2019, 17:35:31 »
You can't have a functioning democracy if the losing side in any vote never accepts the result which is the situation we have in the UK. Once the losing side use their power in trashing your democratic institutions with 'one off' exceptions in trying to trash, the result they don't like, then your democracy is over, which is where we are now in post-democracy UK. I'm not sure what is going to happen next in the UK but Corbyn & his cabal can sense opportunity with their current political maneuverings to form a 'limited time unity government' with Corbyn in charge, once he gets hold of the levers of power and find they 'need limited time emergency powers' (who does this remind you of in 1933?) then they will then turn the UK into a one party Marxist dictatorship, with all property & businesses nationalized as they plunder all of our wealth for their own personal benefit. >:(

One off undemocratic exceptions are so dangerous as they then become the norm as we have seen in the US with the increasing use of Presidential executive privilege to bypass Congress & the Senate & we are now seeing similar things in the UK. Personally, I would put Western civilization falling in the next 20 years at 60-70%, where nobody seems to much care about preserving it as it's a given that life with or without democracy will stay the same, believe me it won't & you will being quickly wishing you had taken better care of it. >:(

At the end of WWII French Monet, the driver of the EEC which morphed into the EU disliked and distrusted democracy and was a big fan of the Soviet Union which is why the EEC/EU is modelled on this. Luckly, they haven't an army, police & border force swearing allegiance to the EU because once they have do, they can then go the full hog to complete their dictatorship. Oh err, their about to. >:(

Is is less than 30 years since the STASI (escentially the German Gestapo) was finally disbanded in 1991, we had the return of European death camps & genocide in Yugoslavia just over  20 years a go, these dark forces have finished their short rest & are on the march again as winter is coming for all of us unless we all proactively stop it happening. Climate Fraud shows how easily people are duped & manipulated, especially the brainwashed young, where schools are no longer about teaching children "how to think" but "what to think" with the UK common purpose teachers amongst the worst in the world. >:(

I was fortunate when I was at school that we had an exceptional Cambridge graduate with a masters degree in history, who should have really been teaching at a much higher level. Other pupils loss was our gain & I did get a top grade 1 O'Level in the subject. :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Health updates.
« on: 16 September 2019, 16:22:23 »
I'm going to see nurse Dracula in half an hour, then we can have our annual 'discussion' about statins.
Done, I'll wait for the phone call to tell me I'm not very well and I should take some nice statins.

I'm sure your Gristlers pasty & palm oil filled shortbread were just the top up your LDL cholesterol needed to keep you as unfit as a fiddle. ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone seen this?
« on: 16 September 2019, 16:11:59 »

Sounds far fetched, but who knows? >:(

Not at all PM Treason May has been behind our backs been signing away our armed forces, probably illegally with no parliamentary scrutiny, including our nuclear deterrent, so the oath of allegiance is to the EU not the queen, all our military assets belong to the EU and are under their command & 2 years conscription between the ages of 18 & 21 will apply. Much of this is already done & it's formalization as a treaty is in her dreadful WA whose intention is to make us cease to be a country and the EU empires first colony, so they can finish stealing all of our wealth, where getting JRL to move Land Rover production with subsidies to Slovakia is a typical example. If the WA is ever passed we will look up to Europe's poorest countries being rich compared to us. The EU also have the rights to command our police & border forces and deploy their police & armed forces in the UK to 'restore order'.

Likewise, all procurement will be through the EU with our defence budget to create military assets owned & controlled by the EU. The most onerous provisions are through PESCO which I have put a link to a slide show which describes it in more detail.

Like all hard left socialists not only does May hate her Tory 'nasty party' but the English as well where she has tried her best to destroy this country. This is the EU & remain punishment for us daring to vote & try to leave. I used to only dislike ultra-remainers, now I totally & utterly despise them where they are trying their best to destroy this great country, our great Sceptred Isle & like in all cold (& hopefully not hot) civil wars we all end up having to pick a side.

IMV this will finish NATO & with two expanding dictatorial empires having a common Russian-EU border with both vying to control Ukraine, Moldova & Serbia what could possibly go wrong for our conscripted children & grandchildren as they claim their 2m x 2m x 0.5m plot of mainland European turf? ::) :o :-[ :-X IMV we should be walking away from this and joining the US, Canada, Australia & NZ in a democratic Western nations defence alliance & let the EU get on with creating their authoritarian EUSSR empire & fighting alone any wars they are stupid enough to start.   

General Discussion Area / Re: Fuel going up
« on: 15 September 2019, 17:54:32 »
Iran is in serous financial difficulties, due to Trump's reimposition of sanctions & as a very aggressive autocratic regime, don't expect them to fade away quietly, especially with the helping hands of their best friends, Russia, DPRK & China.

Saudi Arabia are bitter rivals not only in Yemen, but also for religious reasons & who is the preeminent regional power. Don't expect this one to go or fade away any time soon, which is going to mean more instability & oil price rises.

General Discussion Area / Re: Election interference
« on: 15 September 2019, 16:49:48 »
Pots & kettles comes to mind where the Donald gave sensitive Israeli Intel to the Russians in January 2017 who passed it on to the Iranians, so Israel now filter what is released to the US & the US pulled their top CIA mole from the Kremlin in 2017 due to the Donald & family indiscretions where POTUS now operates a pay-to-play foreign policy with Russia, Saudi Arabia & other Middle Eastern countries paying the Trump family well for their favours. :o

My guess is that with Corbyn's Intel leaking connections he is seen as an undermining rival in this pay-to-play arena which will be bad for the Trump family grifting. The Mafia always get upperty (or worse) when income streams are threatened, so it's: "Nothing personal as it's only business!" :-[ :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Prorogation Of Parliament.....
« on: 13 September 2019, 13:41:06 »
IMO the art & life cycles of her stories can best understood by missing out the Carole below & reading it as a list. :-X

Carole Codswollop
Carole Conspiracy
Carole Corrections
Carole Deleted

 :D ;D

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