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Messages - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Anyone touring Spain this year?
« on: 16 May 2008, 10:35:37 »
Are any OOF'ers touring Spain this year?

If so where are you going?


General Discussion Area / Jet Man on Sky news this morning
« on: 15 May 2008, 14:32:12 »
Did anyone else see the man flying with jet powered wings on Sky news this morning?

There was quite lengthy footage of him wheeling around the sky. It took something like 5 years to develop. Austrian?

As usual with these news items they didn't answer two crucial questions to my mind anyway. Firstly how did he take off and secondly more importantly how on earth did he land? ;D ;D ;D

If anyone knows please let me know. It might be onthe Sky News website on a video clip (I can't see that sort of stuff on slower than dial up)


General Discussion Area / Re: PC or Not PC?
« on: 13 May 2008, 13:22:37 »
 ;D ;D ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: CAR TAX HOW MUCH WILL YOU PAY
« on: 10 May 2008, 15:16:28 »
169 euros.(about£135) Just had my renewal. Only a few euros more than last year. Unbelievably the car tax here is set by local councils so varies from town to town. They keep the money.

Those increases in Britain are monstrous.


General Discussion Area / Re: £1.50 per litre
« on: 08 May 2008, 14:49:37 »
The rapidly ever rising cost of fuel and food is going to cause the bubble to burst soon in my view. People on fixed incomes can't easily save money on fuel or food. How long before inflation gets into double figs?

The fuel solution as i have said before is to "give up" the Omega and get a Tata Nano Elite! (That is the one with window winders) PM me if you want your name adding to the waiting list.


PS it won't be too long before LPG is taxed to death as well once people have been suckered into conversion. Remember diesel?  

As a 1st year, the custom was to be initiated by being thrown off a high wall into a muddy puddle. A third year decided to "get me" . I snapped and fought back and they gave up. I was never bullied again.

We did have a class bully called Olsen. The history teacher punished him one day by wait for it.......

Making him stand on one foot in a rubbish bin at the front of the class. He had to hold a book out horizontally on one arm whilst describing circles with the other arm and leg. Each time his hand holdintg the book lowered from horizontal the teacher hit him on the head with a piece of broken chair. By the end of the lesson he was silently blubbing. That did him for bullying from that point on.

I would like to see a teacher try that nowadays!


General Discussion Area / Re: My list of jobs for the CDX
« on: 05 May 2008, 14:12:22 »
Blimey, what a fast worker.

You don't fancy nipping down to see me in Spain from when you are on holiday. I need my cambelt and gearbox changing.

You (well we) should have it done by lunch despite it being a seven hour drive from where you are staying. You would be back having a sundowner by 7p.m.


General Discussion Area / Slowest Omega Owner?
« on: 06 May 2008, 13:28:16 »
Just had a look at my Mid. Just over 4000 miles. Average speed 22.1 mph and this despite the fact that I recently did a 300 mile round trip to Seville on the Motorway cruising at 75 mph!

Am I the slowest (speed) OOFer ??? ;D ;D


PS I could go faster if the man with the red flag would get out of the way!

General Discussion Area / Re: T*sco lager deal
« on: 03 May 2008, 18:46:36 »
Oh for a pint of Marstons Pedigree and a bag of Walkers salt and vinegar crisps.

having to make do with an alhambra 1925 special reserve (lager -6 for 5 euros 25 cents for 30 cl!) and some nuts!  


General Discussion Area / Re: T*sco lager deal
« on: 03 May 2008, 17:14:43 »
SPAIN - no rules (at least that are enforced) ;D

BRITAIN - rules rules rules enforced by an army of enforcers. ::)

Booze is getting cheaper in Britain than in rest of Europe!


General Discussion Area / Re: so long
« on: 07 April 2008, 13:56:18 »
James, all the best for the future. I am sure it will work out given time.

You (and Mr Mc Burger) were very inspirational and helpful when I first joined the forum. Without the help, I would have been thousands of pounds out of pocket instead of just hundreds!!

Thanks, varche  

Are you a pikey?!! ;D

I've asked my brother who is also a member on here. If he can help or knows anyone who can help he will get in touch.

The reason I ask is we had a single axle caravan that was the longest you could get without being twin axle. Most campsites we went to in Europe checked us out as they had a "no gypsies" policy. Apparently one person turns up with the trailer then that night loads more people and vans come........ Not that I have anything against gypsies.


General Discussion Area / Re: Spring Has Sprung.....
« on: 02 May 2008, 16:24:49 »
Grass - what is that then?

Saw a Cuckoo and a Montagues Harrier quartering last night at beer hour (6.14p.m).


I used to cycle to work when I was younger. It was a lot faster door to door and supposedly healthier. However I gave up as I had quite a few near miss accidents with drivers cutting across to turn left or just not leaving enough room when passing.

I have always thought that drivers should "experience" a bicycle, motorbike, van and an HGV (and perhaps even a horse!) before being allowed to actually drive a car. That would soon stop people moaning about lorries legally allowed to do 56 passing one only able to legally go at 50 particularly when the driver is paid for loads tipped not by the hour.

Problem is in England in particular a lot of people are very, very selfish especially when they get behind the wheel.


Couldn't you get Frodo, Bilbo or even Gollum to help?   ;D ;D


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