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Messages - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Re: The Apprentice/Little Britain
« on: 01 May 2008, 13:17:09 »
Could be the £100000 a year? ;D

Can't say I think any of them are much cop this year. The average large office has people as talented - they just don't bullsh!t so much.

Still it makes for entertaining TV. I just wish that Alan Sugar for once would say to the winning team. Well done you made a profit of £15 after a 10 mandays work so here is your reward - a trip to the local sewage works. ;D ;D ;D


Oh to be able to actually choose have fully comp. In Spain once your car is "old" it isn't an option. Not worth it !!

So it is Third party, fire theft and windows for me. You insure the car not the person. Anyone can drive it so long as they are over 25. All insurance here compulsarily includes breakdown recovery.

The daft thing for me is the car is valued at - wait for it 5000 euros (about £4000!) When was the last time you saw any Elite ten years old make that sort of money? Course S/H cars here are daft money.


General Discussion Area / Re: Waking the dead- Tuesday night
« on: 26 April 2008, 15:23:39 »
Thanks, wasn't even close then with our guesses!!

BBCi only works for users in Britain sadly and then you have to have broadband not a facsimile of dial up!!


General Discussion Area / Waking the dead- Tuesday night
« on: 25 April 2008, 14:33:02 »
Didn't see what happened in the second episode as we had a power cut.

What happened? Was the baby the beheaded prison chief or the prison doctors?


PS which team won the final of University challenge? Physicists or Justice?

General Discussion Area / Re: Italian Boy`s Confessional
« on: 20 April 2008, 14:23:09 »
Great.   ;D ;D ;D ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: One of the Funniest Films Ever
« on: 19 April 2008, 15:26:16 »
I like Black Comedy and one of my all time favourites is U Turn.

It has got Billy Bob Thornton in it as a garage owner/mechanic.

Highly recommended.


General Discussion Area / Re: best £150 i ever spent....
« on: 19 April 2008, 15:09:02 »
Very seasonal with being so far south in Europe. Really between Jan and March to be on the safe side. There is snow on the northern most slopes of the mountains through to early summer but that is higher than the slopes of the resort.

I've never seen any packages but presume they fly into Granada airport which is about 6 miles West of the city centre. The slopes are half an hours drive up a wonderful scenic road from the city centre. Building of the world's longest gondola cable car link is due to start shortly. It will be something like 19 or 23 km long and link the resort hotels with the city and further hotel capacity. It has got so popular that you have to be there early in a morning if arriving by car!


General Discussion Area / Re: best £150 i ever spent....
« on: 19 April 2008, 12:19:55 »
I would add a small back pack to the list of stuff. Apart from discarded clothes from when you are too hot that is where you carry your daily chocolate supply!!

One of my few regrets in life is that I never took to the slopes in my teens. Skiing/Snowboarding is just great. We have Sierra Nevada slopes an hour and a half from our place but our fitness levels are now rubbish. I bet Canada is just great.

We used to go to Tamworth Snowdome before a skiing holiday to get the body ready............  Great place, far better than the dry slopes like the one at Sheffield. If you go on a holiday make sure you get tuition - one or two sessions every day. On one of ours the tutor had us all skiing backwards down an entire run. To this day I have never seen anyone else intentionally skiing backwards (other than a tutor watching his class), balance i guess.



General Discussion Area / Re: What do you have in your boot ?
« on: 17 April 2008, 10:45:23 »
Set of jump leads (never carried any for over twenty years until Tunnie's europe trip and used em twice in last six months)
Two warning triangles
Garden rake
Chainsaw, oil, petrol mix, axe, gloves.
Large bottle of drinking water


General Discussion Area / Re: Should i stay or should i go ??
« on: 10 April 2008, 14:49:04 »
Some good advice.

Have you actually been out to visit your brother for say six weeks?  That would give you a feel for work opportunities, commuting, house prices, cost of living, health care, climate( go when it is the HOTTEST) and so on. I have a relative in Perth. Very happy and settled but like everywhere it does have its problems.

On balance, I would also say go for it. If you don't you will always regret it and wonder what if.........


General Discussion Area / Re: House Alarm @ 03.45 a.m.
« on: 08 April 2008, 13:55:47 »
Reminds me of a lovely story.

A bloke I worked with had a burglary in identical house next door. So my friend decided to instal an alarm. The mother and father of an alarm with zones, flashing lights, external illumination and NOISE. So far so good.

A few days after installation he went out on the lash, staggered to bed after setting the alarm. Middle of the night got up to answer call of nature and get a glass of water from downstairs. Of course he set the alarm off and went to disarm it but couldn't remember the number due to his still drunken state and all the noise going on.....  ;D ;D ;D ;D


General Discussion Area / Omega elite auto on Ebay -Leeds area
« on: 06 April 2008, 16:07:59 »
No bids on this with less than two days to go!

Parts cost for shocker(s) a bit low.

When was the last cambelt change?

Got to be worth £350 in parts? (I'll have the gearbox please!) Is it the lack of MOT that is putting people off?


Drive. If you have a look around there are some great crossing deals with the smaller ferries.

France is lovely driving country (but stick to the speed limits). I agree the motorways are fast but there are some uncrowded direct side roads which are quite good. Just avoid French Hols and towns like Tours.

If you fly you have no transport at the other end unless you hire.

Hope you have a good time.


General Discussion Area / Re: any garden experts out there?
« on: 05 April 2008, 14:21:33 »
Weed killer it - Roundup. Read the instructions on a bottle.

I wouldn't rotovate it till it is well dead.


General Discussion Area / Re: DOH !!
« on: 04 April 2008, 10:56:38 »
mmm good example of what I think is wrong with customer service in the UK.

However don't despair Entwood because I understand a special task force of 10 employees and a manager will have a focus group meeting on Monday and come up with a number of recommendations to "improve the customer experience". The key ones will be implemented straight away and are as follows:

1.No parcel will have any external documentation that the customer can see.

2. The packaging will be "improved" so that the condition of goods inside cannot be seen prior to acceptance.

3. Further investigation as to why a member of the public was able to get through on a phone line will obviously still need to be carried out by the Board.


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