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Messages - SIR Philbutt

Pages: 1 ... 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [100]
General Car Chat / Re: logbook loans, how do you know ?
« on: 17 July 2011, 00:16:23 »
The twist is even though the lenders have the V5 you can then get a copy from DVLA if you fill in a form saying you lost it.

They can then sell the car to the unsuspecting

Dont know if a copy V5 looks different from the original ??? does anyone else??

ECU error codes

In my search for and an error code that my car was giving out  and not listed in the useful and informative OOF list I found this website search page thought it might be useful to fellow OOF'ers

Thanks for all the responses and the realisation I am not the only one  :y

Right continuing to be sad (but not as bad as TheBoy with his books and spreadsheets and VB'd databases showing trends and price comparisons to OPEC oil barrel prices etc etc  ;D ;D ;D ;D) please dont take offence

First observation is that you six pot guys have better MPG than us 4 pot lowlife sorts. Ah well! thats what you get from having to work on them more often. Anyway arround 22 - 25 is the norm for a 4 pot

Just filled up on lpg again after having the LPG ecu "fettled" and now getting 17.5 calculated from the receipt. BUT . calculating the same milage, 172, with the number of gals on the MID get to 21.5 mpg which is the same as the MID average (so thats how it calc's it ???). Result getting what should it be ish. :y

Setting of for the Cote D'Azur  8-) on Friday with the tribe and filled to the gunnels with stuff so will report back on that trip.  :o

Would be nice if the was a maintenance guide on what to look for/do to get the best, or fix bad, MPG with us all having these guzzlers

As a footnote have just sold the previous meg (xreg) on fleabay for 1220 yet another result  :y (although he's not picked it up yet). :-/

General Car Chat / What MPG can you get - this is really sad
« on: 15 July 2011, 01:01:19 »
[size=9]Saw this article and it made me think. What displayed and calculated MPG am I getting from mine? and how the hell is it reading it and calculating it? ::) and how does it know if i am on LPG or petrol? (assume it's the air flow sensor thingy). Anyway .....

Soooo filled up with LPG, reset the trip distance and average MPG and drove around as usual. After 150 miles (urban) fill up again (40ltr) shock horror 15 mpg  :'(. Average says 17mpg close enough

This is the sad bit

This time determined to get better MPG with better driving. Reset again and set off this time watching the average .... and  missing a few green lights as it rapidly goes down whilst stopped  :o.

After a few miles get it back to 17, then 16 (bloody lights) then 17 and staying. 17.2, 17.5 17.7 god i'm getting good at this oh nooooo the lights are on red 16.9, 17 and so on and so on. Get the picture  :D :D

Got it up to over 19 :y on a good 15 min run with no lights & hills. But currently going between 18 and 18.2 (bloody rush hour & lights  :'( ) and yet to fill up again (will update if there is any +ve interest).

Yes i know the LPG wants looking at, it's booked in. Also know it uses some petrol that throws calc out but this is omega science not rocket  >:(

What can you get from yours?  Lets start a game  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Remember drive safe, dont use your mobile or watch your display whilst driving  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: I've just ordered one of these....
« on: 11 September 2011, 22:04:23 »
I got one of these over a year ago

The 510

Cut me down from 40 a day to the occasional real one.

All i've got to do is quit the ecigg now. although a lot cheaper (juice) and supposedly not as harmful

Can be used anywhere including flying (if no one objects or catches you)  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Banbury. Inbreds.
« on: 16 July 2011, 01:46:43 »
Tandys went the way Craplin are going. More interested in selling tat than staying in their core business.  I suspect they will end up going the same way as Tandys.

Trouble is, I can't imagine there is any real demand for a shop that sells electronic parts.. how many people do you know who routinely think "Oh, I just need a 2M2 resistor?"..

Years ago there were more 'hobbyists' around - these days everything is throw-away and with the advent of cheap, powerful computers and programming languages designed for monkeys (Visual Basic, I'm looking at you) nobody has any desire to understand the fundamental underpinnings of electronics or computing :(
You'll be off the Christmas card list if you dis VB :P

Like many "Of a certain age", I started with Sinclair machines, and thus quickly went on to Z80 assembly.  I still enjoy a bit of MASM even now, but for Windows, life is too short ;D

VB has a place in my programming collection, as its great for 'cheap and cheerful' utility knock-ups. Wouldn't be without it in the collection TBH.

My trouble, I wrote, many, many years ago, a stock system for my brother. It satrted out as a MS Basic PDS 7.1 demo to show him what computers could do for him, then moved to VB1 when that came out. And has been updated over the last 20yrs into an unmanagable mess  :-[ (LOL, mirroring the mess MS got in with VB pre .NET), stepping through all of MS's VB versions up to VB6.

Now I'm in a situation where I don't want to rewrite from scratch, but VB.NET says it has too many issues to import, so stuck in VB6 (which, incidentally, the IDE doesn't run properly in Win7)

Although I am pretty reasonable at most common general purpose languages (except Perl, bummer seeing as that is what this forum uses ::)), Basic variants do tend to be my language of choice if starting something new on Windows.

I started off life with COBOL & PLAN(for ICL 1900 series machines).

Used to like VB in my later life.

Well how about this.

Started with basic on a ZX then Spectrum then commadore 64, moved up to db3+, did a little cobol (not injected), vb, and the DEC VAX one (?), then a loooaaad of Lotus Notes. Now renovate properties, fit bathrooms, decorate, etc, etc.

No version upgrades, no bloody users pulling what youve done to pieces etc etc just plumbing plastering have a brew having a laugh and getting a life (appart from being on here at 1 in the morn). ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D

RS componenets forever but do miss tandys

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