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Messages - RossPhim

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 62
General Discussion Area / Re: Canadian F1 GP (Spoiler)
« on: 11 June 2019, 10:25:48 »
Im not a fan of Vettel at all, but Im undecided whether or not he deserved the penalty. On the one hand, he cost Hamilton time by doing what he did,and may well have cost him the chance to pass him. On the other he came back on track between two concrete walls, so didn't have a lot of space to play with.
However, his petulance at the end makes me think he deserves it, so fack him.  :D
Btw, Ferrari are appealing against the penalty, so the result is provisional.
To appeal the penalty, they would have to get a change in the regulations. That ain't gonna happen.

To get this back on track!
It's a shame that if the appeal is turned down, the outcome isn't further punishment.  :y :y
That would make his team think twice?  ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Bye Theresa May
« on: 24 May 2019, 13:29:36 »
She'll still be at the helm till long after that Lad.
I think she's already done untold damage to our future.
She should have been top of TB's list long ago, and sorted, before she sold us down the river.
 >:( >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: DVLA
« on: 24 May 2019, 13:26:50 »
My driving licence expired yesterday and despite getting the reminder last month to renew it I forgot.  ::)  :(

I remembered on Sunday and did an online renewal where they use your passport photo, nevertheless as last time it took about 3 weeks to arrive I've been expecting to be walking for a while.  :-\

I went away on Sunday night, got home yesterday evening to find my shiney new driving licence on the mat!  :)

Good service DVLA!  :y

I had exactly the same experience as you recently (although I didn't let it expire first  :P ).
Thought I'd try and see if the new way of renewing would work.
Couple of days later it appeared through the post box, like magic.
If you're like me and have a 3 year medical license it will very much depend on your answers to the questions and whether they feel the need to contact your specialist (Diabetes Dr for me). I can see that slowing it down severely.  ::) :-[ ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Americanism?
« on: 04 April 2019, 07:51:18 »
You just beat me to it, Andy! If we don't all use the correct way to present dates, confusion abounds. The septic way of showing today's date, 4-3-2019, would have us back to 4th. March.
I also agree with their abuse of our fine language.....

Ron, I haven't heard that for years. Septic. Love it.  :y ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Now that's what you call a BBQ !!
« on: 20 March 2019, 06:52:36 »
Yep, been watching that since Sunday on ABC13.
Started as a 1 tank fire and expected to burn out within 2 days.
Now its spread and they still think it will burn out in 2 days.

I'm sure glad I don't live near there any more!  :( :(

General Car Chat / Re: Vauxhall Astra advice
« on: 08 March 2019, 14:52:04 »
There once was a site where all Vauxhall owners used to gather.
I'll be polite and say some of us were asked to leave, and then thats when TB decided to do his own thing, and this was born.
I cannae even remember the name of the old place now.
 :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: help required
« on: 01 March 2019, 06:02:50 »
Burger me that was hard work!
Good luck.  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Parking Ticket - Win
« on: 07 February 2019, 11:24:29 »
 :y :y :y

Good outcome!
Do you feel about 6" taller than before you got that postal confirmation. I know I would!

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 31 January 2019, 14:59:04 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 15 January 2019, 08:20:52 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 30 October 2018, 15:17:13 »

General Car Chat / Re: Car shopping
« on: 26 September 2018, 16:19:42 »

Figure into the equation that diesel is deader than tank tops and your car will be harder to sell and worth less money.

 Some people are taking advantage of cheaper used diesels because owners are willing to take less in order to be get shot of them. :)

Not rocket science.

 Few people are  willing to buy new diesel cars. :)
I'll buy used ones until there's none left. They don't suit everybody but are ideal for my purposes.

.......and then buy a new derv? ::)
No, I don't buy new cars.

I'm done for then, as I drive a derv, and guess what kind of sweater I pulled out of the drawers this morning??
 ::) :-[ ::) :-[ :-X :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Trump Rocking Theresa's Boat
« on: 13 July 2018, 09:58:22 »
He's not one to mince his words is he!  ;D

I quite like the fella, as he's pretty much doing what he said he would.  :y

Whether he's good news for the USA or the rest of the world for that matter awaits to be seen!  ;)

Just picked up a OnePlus. Mostly because iPhone won't play nice with my Sonos. And I like the Sonos.  :P

We have 4 iphones in the house between us. Sonos system is controlled perfectly, on any of them.
The only one who has a problem with sonos is the daughter, as she's a Samsung phone girl!

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