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Messages - Galahad

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Omega General Help / Re: prefacelift bits onto facelift 2.2
« on: 21 June 2013, 00:54:26 »
I think the MFL seats have side airbags, whereas the PFL don't.

Oh bugger then. Oh well, no leather for me :(

Omega General Help / prefacelift bits onto facelift 2.2
« on: 20 June 2013, 23:08:20 »
Been offered an s reg omega 3.0 v6 with head gasket failure its an auto.

I've got a 2.2 auto facelift with intermittent limp mode.

Is the auto box suitable from the 3.0 v6 to fit to the 2.2 facelift?

I assume the seats would be a straight swap over from pre to facelift?

Omega General Help / Re: Omega 2.2 auto box woes
« on: 27 May 2013, 17:37:57 »
If box is goosed, got a good one here if you prepared to remove yourself

how much then squire?

Omega General Help / Re: Omega 2.2 auto box woes
« on: 27 May 2013, 16:14:02 »
OK, who's got a known good one that isn't a billion miles away and not a billion quid

Omega General Help / Omega 2.2 auto box woes
« on: 24 May 2013, 00:25:03 »
Picked up a 68000 mile Omega on an x plate as scrap, wasn't going to scrap it in any case, but the missus drove it back from Weymouth and it was faultless.

Chucked it in for and MOT and it sailed through.

Guy came to buy it, had money in his hands, but when he took it for a test drive, gearbox went into limp mode, throwing up a warning light on the digital display.

So, can only change gear if you do it manually, switch off and turn engine back on, and it clears the light, gearbox back out of limp mode.

checked fluid, didn't look too clever, so fresh filter and fresh fluid.  car is fine for 30 miles or so, but again, damnd thing went into limp mode.

driving up a small incline, not pushing the car hard, all of a sudden its like its gone into neutral, engine revs climb up rapidly until at some point box sorts itself out and transfers power again, but throws it into limp mode.

engine off and on again, and its out of limp mode.

any ideas?  bloke is wanting to come back to it tomorrow and I thought the problem was sorted.

Got a Cavalier GSi 2000 with a 3.0 Omega V6 under the bonnet.  Right, now i've got that sacriledge out the way, looking for some advice.

Omega 3.0 V6 with standard F25 FWD gearbox from Calibra 2.5 v6, and management is standard Vauxhall/Bosch 2.5 V6 ECU (PN type so no immobiliser nonsense!).

2.5 management runs the 3.0 absolutely fine, just wondered if there are any performance upgrades for Omega 3.0 V6, such as ECU chip upgrades.

Other than fitting a flatter and lighter XE flywheel and F20 gearbox, theres not much I can think of that will be beneficial to the car.

Any thoughts?

General Discussion Area / Re: Traders watch out, DVLA are about
« on: 16 March 2012, 12:01:29 »
Seems a similar cut'n'paste to the saving petrol circular to me...

No mate its not.  That link and the thread is entirely written by me.

I've witnessed all this first hand, its happening right now, and people seem to be utterly oblivious to it happening.

Media have been informed, as has the MP Mike Penning who is overall responsible for the DVLA from a ministerial angle.

DVLA are exploiting people plain and simple, and the reason why they are targetting traders?  From the DVLA enforcement officers own mouth "because they are such easy targets, its easy pickings, we can't keep up with the amount of vehicles we're seizing".

Please do NOT get complacent over this, this is not a random circular by someone with too much time on their hands, I had to literally HIDE all my vehicles yesterday because of this.

General Discussion Area / Traders watch out, DVLA are about
« on: 15 March 2012, 23:46:57 »
Think putting a car into trade absolves you of any problems from the DVLA? Think again!

The DVLA are exploiting to the fullest, the SORN/Continuous Licensing introduction with full vigour, and they are taking vehicles you simply wouldn't expect.

They are currently in the South West of England right now, in the Bath/Bristol area, and they are only going to make this more widespread as it will pay them big money to do it before Government realises they've cocked up.

New rules introduced in 2004 stated that if you're not taxing your vehicle, it has to be declared SORN.

Recently, they also introduced rules stating that if the vehicle wasn't declared SORN, then it has to be insured.

Sounds great in principle, but what about Traders?

Filling out Section 9 of the V5C/3 Logbook (i.e. the yellow section) does NOT exempt you from the DVLA being able to take your car!!!!

Think i'm joking? Tell that to several traders near Bath that have had cars clamped and then removed.

The DVLA have subcontracted a company to go around in a new Transit, which has cameras on each corner of the roof. Allegedly they also have sound recording equipment that can work upto a range of 20metres or so from the van, so anything you say is recorded, so if you're trying to give someone a headsup to move a car, its on record, and obviously if you threaten the drivers/enforcement officers, they've got that down as well.

But herein lies the problem.

If you collect a vehicle from a customer that you've just bought that is on a SORN, the second the DVLA receive the yellow part of the logbook, that SORN is now NULL AND VOID.

The trader cannot and is not supposed to declare SORN, because they are not the registered keeper of the vehicle.

If the vehicle is still taxed, you don't have a problem, but if it isn't taxed, then you do.

So, you have a vehicle that is untaxed and now cannot be SORNed, so I asked the enforcement guy, "so technically you can still take the vehicle?" and he said "yes".

If its on a public highway.....they'll take it (people only have themselves to blame in that situation)

If its being worked on, they won't take it..... however.

If its on the work premises and has been in trade for what they perceive as a long duration and doesn't appear to be worked on.... they can take it!

If the vehicle is off the road but in a public car park or communal car park and isn't taxed or SORNed, they can take it!!

If the vehicle is on the driveway of a private dwelling (i.e. a house) and registered to that address, they can't take it!!

A vehicle also attracts their attention if from the date of expiry of the last tax disc (2months and 1 day from expiry), it hasn't been retaxed or SORNed, they can take it!!

A couple of local garages that have had customers cars, a couple of the cars were taken because they were working on other vehicles, and the DVLA basically said "you've got 5 cars here but only two are being worked on" so they took the others!!

You think i'm kidding? I asked a Police Officer on the legalities of cars being in trade, and he directed me to speak to the DVLA guy, "he'll know more of the ins and outs" he said......... which pretty much means the Police will give the DVLA Carte Blanche to do what they like, irrespective of whether or not its right or proper or legal.

Secondly, the DVLA guy was good enough to tell me that its down to his "reasonable discretion", which can largely mean anything.

I gave him the example of a massive car sales place that has 200 cars that are all in trade.

He tried to claim that DVLA wouldn't touch vehicles for a period of 6 weeks, and then they would expect the car to now be out of trade and put into someones name.

I said to him thats ridiculous, because it is entirely conceivable that a trader can legitimately have a car hanging around for a long duration unsold, and now you are insisting that the trader has to devalue the car by adding himself as an owner, just because he couldn't sell it quickly enough?!?!?

So, the upshot is, that lots more legitimate traders are going to lose some of their cars, through no fault of their own via a system that doesn't allow them the ability to escape without punishment.

Watch out chaps, if in doubt, keep them out of sight, he did say that he wouldn't be making a point to go into premises to seize vehicles, but did try to claim he could certainly do it.

Read more:

Please feel free to spread this around, this isn't BS, its not nonsense, its happening, and happening now!!!

thanks mate, but I don't use Paypal anymore, bad experience.

Doing a customers car, and one of the lads forget about the selector rod that comes off the gearstick and it got ripped off! :(

Tried welding it, but it flexes too much and i'm getting and bit hacked off having to keep drilling out the old stick.

So, its a facelift 53 plate CDX Estate, and I need the complete Selector unit that is riveted to the floor.

I'm in Bath and kind of need this pronto as its the only thing stopping me giving the bloke his car back.  Not a million miles away please, and be kind on the price! ;)
I know it`s no help to you but I sold one last week for £20 :(

'Thanks' 'a' 'bunch'!!!

No help at all, but £20 is a fair price.

Doing a customers car, and one of the lads forget about the selector rod that comes off the gearstick and it got ripped off! :(

Tried welding it, but it flexes too much and i'm getting and bit hacked off having to keep drilling out the old stick.

So, its a facelift 53 plate CDX Estate, and I need the complete Selector unit that is riveted to the floor.

I'm in Bath and kind of need this pronto as its the only thing stopping me giving the bloke his car back.  Not a million miles away please, and be kind on the price! ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Diane Abbott does it again
« on: 07 January 2012, 20:32:21 »
Seems any claim she has to people reading into her comments is largely 'dangle berries'.

Now shes been quoted as tweeting "I find it hard to believe that some black people can claim they've never experienced racism, have they tried to get a cab in London recently?"

its all us love, its not you  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Diane Abbott does it again
« on: 06 January 2012, 20:11:22 »
Its not the first time shes put her foot in it, she said "Indian women would go to the ends of the Earth for their kids", suggesting obviously that those that are not Indian would not!

Its a simple analogy, if a white politician had said "black people use the race card and we shouldn't let them get away with it", that politician would be gone by now.

What Dianne Abbot said is no different, and her lame excuse about there being a 140char limit in a Tweet, well Brainiac, if you can't fit what you want to say without breaching a post limit, don't bloody post it!

I don't necessarily want her sacked for her remarks and a witch hunt, but, knowing what would happen if it was a white politician that said something questionable about black people, thats exactly what would happen to them...... so why not the other way around?

General Car Chat / Re: Just been offered...
« on: 06 January 2012, 10:27:14 »
Its a buyers market right now, not a sellers, and certainly the market for 3.2 old Vauxhalls is not what you'd call plentiful!

Personally, 750 is too much when 600 would probably buy the car.

My 64,000 51 plate Omega 2.6 cost me 289 all in, excellent condition and went straight through its MOT, and low mileage facelift Omegas are not a rarity it would seem, so whilst that Omega is perfectly capable of still going on and on at that miles, its less attractive to the next buyer.

It might owe him 1000, but its just after Christmas with a thirsty high mileage car, he should be thankful for what he can get, because the longer he has it, the more hes losing.

I can't post in the wanted section for some reason, so I can't directly ask anyone who would likely use that section!

I can understand if theres a post limit on selling items, but requesting wanted items, don't see the point of making it so tricky.

Anyway, i'm not trying to circumvent posting rules, but I still need a bearing/hub assembly for my 2.6 V6 51 Plate Omega on the drivers side, so either reccomendations for cheap new items from trusted sellers, or if anyones breaking an Omega and isn't too far from Bath/Bristol and i'm happy to put on a decent and used replacement instead if the price is nice.

Sorry once again if any mods think i'm being an arse, but how else can I ask with this wanted section restriction?

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