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Messages - Olympia5776

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General Discussion Area / Re: Adedi...
« on: 04 February 2024, 23:01:16 »
We have a load of young Moroccans in our Spanish lessons classes. Their views are quite horrific. Women are inferior and certainly not and never will be equal. When we walk on the street two Moroccans swagger along and own the pavement. They cannot go to discos - either sexes  so the young men just hang around looking good ( they are well dressed).

Varche, we have the same problem here in a town called Sa Pobla.
As you know, Sunday is a very important day for the Spanish and the wives and families walk around the square and have socialised for centuries NOT anymore in "the village". The Spanish wives have stopped going there because these ass***** are ogling them walking around in their Sunday best.
You will never see that fact in the media!! True! Effing ass*****! >:D >:D

I find that very sad .
We've  visited Sa Pobla twice in the many holidays we had in Port de Soller .
It's this small but dramatic erosion of local culture and life that is the indicator of the negative change that is being inflicted upon us .
As Albs also pointed out the change here in rural Ireland is also significant and noticeable on a daily basis .
On the periphery of our small town there is work being carried out on a large. very prominent and indeed beautiful hotel that has lain empty and disused since the time of the Irish Tiger economy crash.The property was taken into the ownership of the State to be sold at a time when the economy settled again . That time has long passed but only recently has the work started to be done which included new windows ,extensive interior/exterior  work and all new bathroom equipment etc.Our local MP has no answer to why this work is being done as no record of change of ownership can be found but it is all but apparent that it is to house those requiring international protection .Locals are very upset at it .
I'm told that the local ,and growing, Islamic community are complaining at the lack of a"suitable " place of dedicated  prayer and are lobbying to have a mosque built that is able to be accessed by those without personal transport central to the town .
This is the steady creep , creep , creep of change thrust upon a community that was not consulted or considered by those driving this transmutation.
I firmly believe that Islam is not equatable with the Christian west in neither the short or long term , there is a clash of monumental proportions thundering over the horizon .
Some of us can here it rumbling closer ,some of us within are willing it on .......

General Discussion Area / Re: Adedi...
« on: 02 February 2024, 23:43:04 »
Whoa! Oly, you nailed it on the head there! Best analogy I have read in this forum for a long time!
We are all getting blase about all this crap spouting from the house on the Thames!
Here in Scotland it is getting even worse! Damn SNP is full of them. First minister? give us a break! AND they love him ffs,
I weep!  >:(
I am Scottish and follow with intense interest  the stramash that is occurring up there .
Ask yourself why the recent story that was about to break about Dumza's affair with a muslim MSP during Covid disappeared . The ex husband , who followed the same faith as the MSP,after approaching the media with promised proof positive of the dates that it took place suddenly declined to give the text's and transcripts of their infidelity to the same baying media .
Now who could or would have suggested that it was not in their collective interests to do so ?

General Discussion Area / Re: New car technology .
« on: 02 February 2024, 23:05:50 »
I'm finding the stop / start function is a Real pita , I really don't want to have to go through a pre flight check to manually disable/enable it ,the lane assist and gradient handbrake each and every time I use the car .
It took me nearly two hours to figure out how to switch the duplicated map on the dash in front of me ( which was already on display on the full central screen)  showing me where I was .
I'm nearly where I want to be regards all the features but that's a week of 'kin headache .
Owners forum gives great feedback on this so it is winging it's way to me as I write this .

General Discussion Area / Re: Adedi...
« on: 02 February 2024, 22:49:34 »
I say to you all again , the reason he and the other tens of thousands of economic migrants have not been , and will not be , repatriated is because those migrants of a generation ago are now steadily getting to hold the reigns of power and will always side with those of their kind .
And bear in mind that those in power that follow islam will always obey the instructions of their leaders in either an overt or covert manner  .
Woe betide us all when Church and State eventually go hand in hand .........
We will never now silence all those indoctrinated ,angry , vociferous, bearded young men that want to kill us all and take our country  .
Sorry .  :(

General Discussion Area / Re: New car technology .
« on: 29 January 2024, 23:50:31 »
OK you guys. You may not believe this and many of you will fall over laughing, but I have a VAUXHALL OMEGA:D

It's fast, comfortable and has enough driver aids, like mirrors, switches and analogue dials, to make driving a breeze.  :y

I've still got mine too .

General Discussion Area / New car technology .
« on: 28 January 2024, 21:56:18 »
Picked up my new car on Friday after a seven month wait .
Salesman was almost orgasmic showing me the "infotronics " which frankly induced glazed vision and thoughts of what was for tea when I got home . 
Anyway after identifying the lights , wipers and seat adjustment I set off for home .
A couple of peculiar things occurred on route , one of which was AEC Matador type steering and a bright red flashing warning for  " lane assist " which twiched my sphincter more than a little .
So over the weekend I sat down to go through the owners manual .
I opened the case containing it to find an inch and a quarter thick book , all in English !
I turned my attention to the heating and ventilation chapter to be confronted with THREE pages of intro warnings and important notices before it led you into the maze of touch screen tedium ....and have I said that I detest touch screens in cars .
The dash chapter shows me all of the 83 indication/warning icons that tell me what's going on , all of which require me to switch to reading glasses mode before I can identify what is going to break first .
The technology is clearly aimed at the technological elite of todays world yet the intro feature identification page has a big arrow pointing to and identifying ,the headlight .
In the 8 years between our little & loved Yeti and this the equipment content has went batshit crazy .
80% of it will never be used . >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: I just can't believe this story
« on: 20 January 2024, 13:53:51 »
I watched that report on Sky yesterday but they did not mention the baton incident .
I'm an advocate of stronger Police Tactics but that is just beyond brutal , I cannot think where the motive for such actions came from .
I can only think that the lean sentences are to appease the Police as a whole and not to induce any backlash from the force ,which let's face it France depends upon.
The Police have to have the powers to control but with power comes responsibility .
What's the world coming to ..........

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 19 January 2024, 23:40:23 »
I was in our local Lidl on Tuesday .
There were five men of middle eastern origin taking interest in some items in the middle isle ,opening boxes, handling the goods within and then casting them aside . These guys were 18 to 20 in bright new trainers and quilted jackets , phones in hand and with bluetooth pods in their ears .
I watched them from the next isle and it was apparent that they would cause an obstruction to anyone trying to pass.
So , in I go ......
However before I could get into attack position a middle aged lady had got in front of me and when she reached these guys they made no effort to move to the side and allow her to pass .
Only a few seconds passed but it was apparent that she was unsure what to do .
I parked my trolley behind hers walked up to these persons of International protection and after eye scanning them asked if anyone spoke English .
One guy said " I do " to which I said" then you'll understand me when I ask you to tell your mates to get to opps  out of this ladies way ...Now " .
He gibbered something to them and they moved aside , albeit noticeably rather slowly .
I gave no thanks to them and the lady nodded to me and moved through .
When I moved through one of them , lean and tall , drew me a very long and direct stare .
Childish as it may seem I got to the end of the isle turned around and went back through them ......
I felt like Paul Kersey/ CB. . ;D
The impression I got was that their actions stemmed from their indoctrinated perception of women .
I was very angry .

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 19 January 2024, 12:21:59 »
My belief is that the lock gates have been well and truly burst open , removed from there hinges and smashed to pulp .
There is no way back to the Britain that many of us grew up in and enjoyed ,the steady constant immigration into the country is now bearing the fruits of it's relentless and determined march .
The legal , political and social networks are now heavily influenced , if not controlled , by people who were part of , or from , that open door policy and they have no intention of changing it.
The prevarication in all those areas in nauseating , the political gymnastics ,spin doctored arguments , legal complexities , interference from Courts that really should have no influence in UK affairs and the never spoken of, but now immensely influential, hand of Islam signals to me that the UK and other western indigenous cultures are being steadily and irrevocably erased .
This is not " just happening " it's being allowed to .
The vast majority of people in UK ( and here in Ireland too ) are acutely aware of the current and future effects of this unwelcome flood but the Governing Elite either ensure the process is as muddled as possible, berate them  or ignore them entirely .
I visited my Doctor just before Xmas . In twenty years I have never seen the 24 seat waiting room over 50% full . On that day I , along with three others , had to stand whilst awaiting my ( paid for ) appointment . I watched and listened and eventually calculated that there were 6 locals including myself the remainder being mostly young middle eastern and  African males with a few older others of Eastern  European origin all looking very nice in their new attire .
It angers me that this seemingly unstoppable but unwelcome train wreck is careering down the tracks and the only solace I get is that I won't be around when those who steered and/or  participated in this disaster see the consequences of their ineptitude .

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 22 December 2023, 17:01:52 »
Our Skoda Yeti....... >:(
LHS DRL bulb blown .
New bulb €25 !
Fitting it was " difficult " resulting in much time , blood , cuts and swearing due to realistically impossible access only overcome by self indulgent masochistic tendencies of owner now with multiple  stinging wounds .
Rear wash not working . Water feed is through wiper spindle via a 90 degree elbow so it's impossible to scoop out any dirt inside .
New wiper motor assembly €100 from Latvia .

New Tiguan due for delivery January so that's it ..............

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 09 December 2023, 18:12:42 »
I'm surprised that this slipped under the radar .
Unique is an apt description for her .
RIP Rosemary Smith .

I spotted that. Good article. They dont do rallies like London Mexico/Sydney anymore. The recent Roger Albert Clark rally had a final special stage of around 38 miles. About the total stage length of modern rallies. The Lancia Stratos was a sight to behold and was being pedalled enthusiastically.
Rallying seems to be dying on it's ar*e at the moment . No RAC , Mintex , Rally GB , very little local action around here  :(

Still well supported over here where the public roads are closed off and used .
We had this locally last weekend , 'tis an annual event .
It normally runs passed my road end but this year took it to new stages so I didn't get a chance to see any of it .
The Irish Tarmac championship is a great series and nearly all are on Youtube .
I seldom watch WRC 1 cars now preferring  WRC2 or European Rally Championship series . The competition in that catagory is wide and fierce and much much more entertaining .

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 09 December 2023, 00:43:32 »
I'm surprised that this slipped under the radar .
Unique is an apt description for her .
RIP Rosemary Smith .

General Discussion Area / Re: BANNED.........
« on: 09 November 2023, 21:18:07 »
OOOKAY ... :)

I just cleared all cookies ,cache , history etc . and it has allowed me to log in on my desk PC again .
Looks like your advice and august knowledge has sorted it TB , many thanks . :y

General Discussion Area / Re: BANNED.........
« on: 09 November 2023, 21:09:53 »
Its fair to say most VPNs will have the majority of their IP ranges banned now.  Aside from some very niche things, like trying to watch iPlayer from abroad, Internet to Internet VPNs do nothing useful anyway (and usually quite the opposite of what they claim to).

Olympia5776 - next time it happens can you get me the exact time and date, ideally to the nearest second, and I'll look at the logs to try to understand why. Unfortunately, looking more than about 20s either side is like pissing in a Force 10 needle-in-haystack due to all the spam traffic, particularly since the Ruski's got a bit pissed off with the rest of the world.

If you flick between real Internet and VPN you really need to fully clear cookies between the sessions (which will mean logging in again), thats what Migalot's issue was.

TB,   9/11.  @   21.01.15.  :y
One of my tablets is showing same message now..I'm in quicksand and sinking  :-\

It is parody but I think it says it all..........

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