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Messages - jerry

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Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: new headlamps needed!
« on: 29 January 2013, 19:39:40 »
BTW Im in winterton and work in Norwich so not far from you Twiglet :y

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: new headlamps needed!
« on: 29 January 2013, 19:37:41 »
thanks guys-the lamps are non HID, Ive got Halfords Extreme Brilliance bulbs in them at the momment which are xenon I believe. Had nightbreakers before but the plastic lenses are so marked now that they distort the beam and I need front fogs on sometimes to compensate. Im told that I need to replace both whole lamps as cant just replace the lenses.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / new headlamps needed!
« on: 29 January 2013, 15:22:35 »
Just had the dreaded MOT and both the mig and the esti failed on front headlamps ! Bloody plastic lenses eh? Ive sourced some for the estima but am having trouble getting them for the mig. Admitedly Im still waiting for Steve to call me back from Omegaspareparts but can anyone suggest anywhere else to look? Ive trawled through ebay but cant find any to fit. Its a 1999 2.5v6 saloon cdx and they are all clear lenses.
                                                                                                                                                                        cheers guys/girls :y

General Discussion Area / Re: What would you do !
« on: 29 May 2012, 20:56:11 »
Been there myself so totally understand your "red mist" moment but your better half (lacking the requisite testosterone ) obviously did the right thing and alls-well-that-ends-well and all that. The problem with the knee jerk red mist bit is that we dont think through all the possible outcomes! Guess thats a bloke thing ;DJust glad noone got hurt (well, excluding the little scrotes obviously  ;D) and that you didnt have too much damage/loss.

Now this really does defy belief! From reading the article it seems the UN may be doing a bit of back-peddling regarding the truths/nontruths behind this but why would anyone -especially an organization like the UN-go anywhere near a man like this? WTF just doesnt cover it.

General Discussion Area / Re: Aston Villa
« on: 29 May 2012, 20:36:48 »
excellent! ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Children in Cars
« on: 23 May 2012, 18:27:19 »
If I wasnt such a ludite Id be able to post a link to the "worlds worst dad" video thats on my MSN homepage with the guy with the kids in the boot of what looks like an old cavalier merrily driving along....

maturity level ( ;D) aside-great result mate, hope you enjoy it. Well done Webby :y

You mean youre giving the Americans benefit of the doubt? ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: John Terry - The Scene Stealer
« on: 23 May 2012, 14:35:47 »
Very good! ;D ;D
No time for Terry personally regardless of his guilt or innocence over the racist accusation. Should he have been included in Hodgson's squad? Based on his football then probably yes. Should Ferdinand have been included? Probably not-for the same reasons. As a Baggie I have a lot of time for Hodgson and hope that the press (predominantly London based and Redknap biased) dont treat him too unfairly given that our expectations for Euro 2012 shouldnt be too high in the first place. Just hope Gerrard performs :-\

thanks for your response yar!
Cant agree more with you about misuse of the motobility scheme either-think Ive lost count of the number of times Ive witnessed questionable allocations! I work for a major supermarket and a quick glance at the front row of cars in the disabled bays sees not only the majority to be very new registrations but also of prestige or sport end range. Of course there are blatantly genuine users but there are many users who do not show any obvious signs of disability. Many years ago when I was a store manager for a different retailer I was dealing with a member of staff who we had to release through ill-health. She was a lovely lady with very genuine needs who could barely walk yet she met so many problems when trying to get mobility benefits it was unreal. And then there were others who had the new motobility car, the "blue " badge but could take the dogs for a walk on the beach every day (and I dont mean a very short ramble either). Our 8yr old has a working diagnosis of dystonia in addition to his aspergers. This means that whilst just over a year ago he could walk he now can probably manage 20yds without a wheelchair. So we really do need a vehicle to get about. Weve applied for the "blue" badge and Im happy that weve also got the free tax disc from July. Thats all we need. The car is 18 years old but its fine. I dont need-nor want-a brand new higher spec motobility car. We dont need one so why should the state fund one? Of course there are those in a different situation and they havent got a car but need one and so should be eligible. Then theres a young lad at work who has deformity in his hands and feet. To drive this means he has to have an adapted vehicle. The "snapfit" steering assist that contains most of his main controls costs about £700. Without these adaptations he could obviously not drive a car with all that entails. Did he get any assistance financially? No. I believe his parents are relatively well off but he is over 18 and on a trainee management scheme so hardly rolling in it himself. So why no financial help? I know that no system can be fair to every individual case but its surely not beyond the wit of government to do better than they are?

Dont normally read the Guardian but this was passed to me as our youngest has aspergers and has a statement. Not much different in view point than those of many related charities. Dont disagree that the system needs an overhaul but in typically Tory style their green paper is more a knee-jerk reaction to save money (and encourage more privitization-of which only the far better off will of course be able to access) than the more considered approach it requires. Im not unrealistic. I do understand that it IS all about funding. I do understand that the "same size fits all" that comes as a direct result of limited funding does end up failing many. I also see that the system is currently abused by some (I personally know of some parents (single or otherwise) who do this and screw the system for all its worth when their childrens behaviour is more down to their upbringing than "genuine"/inherent ASD ).Oddly enough, these are the same people who dont really want to work either, preferring to screw the benefits system as well.This latter does not mean that such children do not have behavioural issues, but that the causes may not simply be attributed to such conditions as ASD. Naturally such "enviromental" causes (inc "bad" parenting) also need to be tackled but not under the banner of "special needs". I see clearly that the "every child matters" tagline brought in by New Labour is simply that. A tagline, rhetoric that once upon a time meant well but is now meaningless because it is unsustainable. We have been  very fortunate in some of the really dedicated people we have met within childrens services regarding our sons aspergers and his dystonia but we have also had extremely bad experiences with the school system, so much so that we have had to resort to home tutoring. Although we have met a few excellent people within the school system, far too often we have met ignorance and (much worse) those who think they know better based on so little knowledge. We have met some fantastic people working mostly within chariatable foundations that offer support. We are not stupid. Im a union rep. Im driven. I dont take "no" for an answer easily and I am not afraid to challenge anyone in "authority". (OK, I can be a self opinionated gob-sh*te ;D). Im prepared to push and will find a way through somehow . But are all parents of "special needs" kids like this? Weve recently been allocated a social worker because someone from childrens services was a bit astounded that we have taken on so much on our own. I know its ultimately all down to funding but if we are not so very careful we will slip back to so many "special needs" children slipping through the net and ending up in poverty or crime (unless mum and dad are rich ). Dont believe me? A cursory research of the lives of many who have aspergers/autism and were born in the 50s/60s or even 70s should enlighten you. Like so many of this governments green papers the start of a very slippery slope if unchecked >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: UK Law is now a Joke
« on: 15 May 2012, 20:38:05 »
Doubtless I have my own prejudices but I dont see mysef as racist/sexist/ageist etc and I do believe in fairness and equal opportunites. What I do recognize with every passing year however is the fact that I seem to be slowly turning into a Victor Meldrew style old git with increasing tendancies towards  more concervative (small C !!)/ right wing views. Was it Churchill who pointed out that liberal attitudes were something only youth could afford? Been recently re- reading PC Copperfield and Inspector Gadget and -whilst I may not agree with all their arguments-feel that only a fool could argue that laws re HASAW and Equality and Diversity (not to mention Human Rights !) have not now gone too far. Its almost as if the agencies involved have done the hard bit and addressed the original issues and are now actively seeking ever new "breaches" (real or otherwise) rather than concentrating on continued policing of the key issues. Could this be purely to keep themselves and their little empires in a job rather than tackling genuine problems? Surely there must be a backlash to all this nannystate/politically correct/blame culture at some point? It would be nice if STMO was right and we could influence our MPs but I sadly doubt it. I know that the mantra of "dont just bitch about it-do something about it" is true but I really am quite cynical now when it comes to politics and  the individual citizens ability to influence them whatever party is concerned. Gordon Brown's infamous comment over the lady who asked him about immigration seems typical when it comes to the arrogance of those in power and how they know best. Certainly seems to me that none of our "main" parties are really in touch with how the vast majority of the population feels :(

yep, a very entertaining final day (despite us losing to the bloody Gooners-although this sadly seemed more down to the howlers our keeper made than anything else (we really do need to hang on to Foster!)). Always nice to see Man utd trip up and makes me laugh about all the accusations/excuses their fans are making re their City rivals. Pot-kette-black me thinks ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: My Sister Amy
« on: 17 April 2012, 14:55:12 »
Brilliant news Chris! Another story to prove that advancements in our healthcare do still happen and, of course, highlighting the importance of the doner system. Very best wishes to your sister and hope all continues to go well :y

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