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Messages - Olympia5776

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General Discussion Area / Re: 24 migrants drowned in channel
« on: 25 November 2021, 12:39:24 »
Well this unequivocally an EU problem and the hypocrisy of them accusing Luckashenko of weaponising the migrants on the Polish border yet openly avoiding the issue of them crossing a border out of the EU into a non EU country  is repugnant , but wholly expected.

Perhaps , if this is the case , then the UK should say OK y'all travelled across various states of the EU to enter our country illegally  so it's only right and proper we will return you to the EU .
Ship and bus them to the Irish border and point them south .
I'm certain that many will turn north but let's see them sail across the Irish sea in a rubber boat or try and find succour in the warm and welcoming Unionist or Republican gated estates that are so loved up there ......

Before the usual suspects have an apoplectic fit .................I say this tongue in cheek.. ;)
That was all fine up until that last bit.

I've got to cover my arse down here Steve....... ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: 24 migrants drowned in channel
« on: 25 November 2021, 12:23:11 »
Well this unequivocally an EU problem and the hypocrisy of them accusing Luckashenko of weaponising the migrants on the Polish border yet openly avoiding the issue of them crossing a border out of the EU into a non EU country  is repugnant , but wholly expected.

Perhaps , if this is the case , then the UK should say OK y'all travelled across various states of the EU to enter our country illegally  so it's only right and proper we will return you to the EU .
Ship and bus them to the Irish border and point them south .
I'm certain that many will turn north but let's see them sail across the Irish sea in a rubber boat or try and find succour in the warm and welcoming Unionist or Republican gated estates that are so loved up there ......

Before the usual suspects have an apoplectic fit .................I say this tongue in cheek.. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: 24 migrants drowned in channel
« on: 24 November 2021, 23:54:53 »
Couple of random thoughts.

What are the EU doing as these migrants didn’t parachute into France before getting on a smugglers boat?

There has always been migration. The Irish left Ireland in huge numbers during famine for example. Italy likewise. The countries they ended up in weren’t exactly welcoming and yet now they are part of  society.

Well Sir , if you don't know by now why there is such a public aversion to mass uncontrolled , unregulated and unscrutinised economic migration from predominantly non Christian countries  then you must let us all know where you purchased the bubble you live in .

General Discussion Area / Re: Liverpool Women's
« on: 16 November 2021, 22:50:03 »
I had a read at this Wiki article this evening just to refresh my memory of it .
I appreciate it's Wiki but most of the salient points can be referenced .
It's quite revealing really and his predictions are uncomfortably close to reality .
I would suggest that he was indeed correct .

Oh , and I should say that I could not give an Astronauts fart if you don't agree , or feel that some minority are discriminated against .

General Discussion Area / Re: MP3
« on: 15 November 2021, 17:42:01 »
I have Media Player set to automatically rip a CD to MP3 the first time it's played. It also downloads the track details and album art if that matters.

With that done, copying the music to other devices or memory cards is easy.

/\ /\ /\ This , I do it almost daily .

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 15 November 2021, 10:36:02 »
As teenagers the hours spent debating the nuances around the lyrics of the Moody Blues when we were at the beginning of our life's journey were thoroughly enjoyable  ;).
Graeme Edge .

General Discussion Area / Re: COP26
« on: 13 November 2021, 21:38:52 »
The final "agreement " seems to be an oxymoron written by Stanley Unwin .

General Discussion Area / Re: next door neighbour sudden demise
« on: 13 November 2021, 10:13:52 »
90 years old, in bed, shot by a jealous husband.  ;D
It happens  :D

My old Uncle Sam , a wonderful cheery widower , was caught out philandering with two " widow wummin' " in the Aberdeenshire village where he lived .
He was 80 at the time .
I have to say that my affection for him, and admiration  :y,  skyrocketed post event .
He passed just before his 83rd birthday .

General Discussion Area / Re: COP26
« on: 12 November 2021, 00:15:07 »
I watched the ITN news tonight and was initially shocked and then angry at the almost panic stricken imminent armageddon that was being prophesied from the studio and all at the cop venue .
It was reminiscent of the Cuban Missile Crisis where , as children , we went to bed fearing that death and destruction could visit us overnight .
It was not a news report , it was a horrid and painful death within a week , or else ....statement .
The hyperbole was almost orgasmic , especially from Robert Peston .
The report then went onto confirm that the sticking points of the final agreement were down to money and how much the poor countries can screw the rich initially and then long term.

I'm sick of the whole 'kin lot of them .
Farage is right we need a referendum on this .

General Discussion Area / Re: next door neighbour sudden demise
« on: 11 November 2021, 23:56:49 »
You never know the minute .
I lost a friend three weeks ago over here . He was 58 and built like an ox ,worked outside all year round and often in a only a vest and jeans . He did prize boxing when he lived in London .
PM showed massive heart attack .
Like you I knew his family and it stuns you .

General Discussion Area / Re: COP26
« on: 07 November 2021, 22:11:42 »
I guess her PR manager had a day off.......... ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Boys in skirts.
« on: 07 November 2021, 11:36:27 »
I dont believe for one minute that 10 year olds came up with that idea all by themselves.  ::)

I think you're right Albs .......

General Discussion Area / Re: COP26
« on: 06 November 2021, 17:55:14 »

That arsehole is worse than the wee one herself

You'd better get used to him and show some "raspektttt...." because it's highly probable she's about to jump ship and he'll be the new leader .

She knows that she will never get the true significant majority or legal green light  that will force Westmonster to cut them free and will therefore avoid another defeat like green kryptonite and what better time to hand over the reigns than in the after glow of an international conference that spotlighted her green/trans/covid success (?) / wee wummin against the big bad centuries old oppressor image .
The SNP are like a car with a slipping clutch driving up an ever increasing incline.
Off stage and camera I'll wager  she's arranging her next nose in the trough  job in EU flag draped tartan carpeted  back rooms .
She's an odious, egotistical, narcissistic liar who has turned Scotland into a hate filled ,bigoted and divided country .
                 Jeez sorry, I never knew you liked her so much🤣🤣

That's the edited version , with the Scottish hate crime bill planned I'd be extradited from here .

That arsehole is worse than the wee one herself

You'd better get used to him and show some "raspektttt...." because it's highly probable she's about to jump ship and he'll be the new leader .

She knows that she will never get the true significant majority or legal green light  that will force Westmonster to cut them free and will therefore avoid another defeat like green kryptonite and what better time to hand over the reigns than in the after glow of an international conference that spotlighted her green/trans/covid success (?) / wee wummin against the big bad centuries old oppressor image .
The SNP are like a car with a slipping clutch driving up an ever increasing incline.
Off stage and camera I'll wager  she's arranging her next nose in the trough  job in EU flag draped tartan carpeted  back rooms .
She's an odious, egotistical, narcissistic liar who has turned Scotland into a hate filled ,bigoted and divided country .

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