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Messages - Bigron

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General Discussion Area / Re: Statins
« on: 19 September 2019, 16:54:26 »
You should have persevered with them, Baza; the health benefits far outweigh any minor contra-effects. I have been taking 40mg doses for years and they help with my other issues besides cholesterol, such as high blood pressure.
Incidentally, the oft-repeated advice to limit egg consumption (because they sre high in cholesterol) has long been discredited: just because you ingest cholesterol doesn't mean that you retain it. Does eating beef turn you into a cow? :)


General Discussion Area / Re: Phew!
« on: 19 September 2019, 11:05:28 »
Malingerer, moi?! I've done my share of shirking, dear doctor.  :P


General Discussion Area / Re: Racism
« on: 19 September 2019, 06:44:49 »
Agreed. In any event, nature doesn't regard homosexuality as normal for either gender as it doesn't fulfill nature's prime directive for ANY species, that of creating more of that species. Not possible with two of the same gender!


General Discussion Area / Re: Phew!
« on: 19 September 2019, 06:39:06 »
Thanks STEMO; It certainly was a worrying time, but still more appointments to come, the worst of which will be next Wednesday when I see my kidney consultant - the one who gave me two years to live six months ago!
After reassurances from other Oofers, I'm not quite so worried about having to go onto insulin.


General Discussion Area / Phew!
« on: 19 September 2019, 05:37:05 »
Just a quick update, gents, on my neck scan results: all clear, nothing serious to worry about and definitely no cancer = happy bunny!
Many thanks for your support and encouragement: only my kidney and diabetes reviews to go.....

Relieved Ron.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any swimmers?
« on: 17 September 2019, 00:26:26 »
In my earlier years I used to swim competitively, both for distance (longest, three miles non-stop - no, I didn't pee in the water!) and for speed. I used to swim underwater as much as possible because there was less drag so I could swim faster.
Ahem, no way could I do it now - sic transit gloria mundi :(


General Discussion Area / Re: Racism
« on: 16 September 2019, 19:15:37 »
WE are pilloried for "offending" them, but care not a jot for offending us. I really, REALLY do not wish to see two "men" kissing on screen and if I witnessed in real life, I'm surev that I would throw up. >:( :o


General Discussion Area / Re: Health updates.
« on: 16 September 2019, 19:01:21 »
I really do appreciate your kind words of support, folks - and the p1ss-takes too! Lycra indeed!
It's not only my diabetes to worry about, but the stage 4 kidney disease that's the bigger threat, plus the uncertainty regarding the suspected cancer.
I do check my blood sugar level; four pricks per day...steady, Lizzie ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: Racism
« on: 16 September 2019, 12:13:50 »
The Sexual Offences Act was made law in July 1967. It decriminalised homosexual acts in private between two men, both of whom had to have attained the age of 21; although the comments of Roy Jenkins, the Home Secretary at the time, captured the government’s attitude: ‘those who suffer from this disability carry a great weight of shame all their lives.’ Lord Arran, one of the original proposers of the bill, tried to minimise criticisms by making the qualification to what he called an ‘historic’ milestone: ‘I ask those [homosexuals] to show their thanks by comporting themselves quietly and with dignity … any form of ostentatious behaviour now or in the future or any form of public flaunting would be utterly distasteful …’

That what you mean, Raeturbo?


General Discussion Area / Re: Prorogation Of Parliament.....
« on: 15 September 2019, 01:34:47 »
That's patriotic, DG, NOT political - you are forgiven!


General Discussion Area / Health updates.
« on: 15 September 2019, 01:32:00 »
Hi All.

As mentioned elsewhere, my car passed its MOT last week, no advisories, just a clear pass and a compliment from the tester on its condition for its age!
I had an appointment with the diabetes consultant last Friday and he wants me to go on to insulin. Obviously I'm not keen, but I want to live, so I'll have to accept it. He did say that so long as I keep my blood sugar level under control. I won't have to give up driving - phew!
I have another appointment this coming Wednesdaay to get the results of my neck scan regarding suspected cancer: fingers crossed.
Also, Wednesday week I have an appointment with my kidney specialist - the one who gave me two years to live!


General Discussion Area / Re: Prorogation Of Parliament.....
« on: 15 September 2019, 00:35:51 »
Oh, and as Im currently watching BBC1. The displaying of the EU flag to be banned anywhere in the UK. Anyone attempting to do so at the last night of the proms, will be shot in front of their family !

And to think I once believed in Socialism.

AND that so-called "pride" flag that the fat lezza waved at the Proms tonight, bringing sexual politics into the finale of the world's greatest music festival. I disliked the wearing and/or waving of the EU flag, too - we ain't europeans!
I'll applaud and comment on your manifesto later, Albs, but I have an early start tomorrow, so off to bed for me.....


General Discussion Area / Re: Watch battery cost.
« on: 14 September 2019, 20:37:44 »
Just to upset TB, I bought a code-controlled, talking watch off ebay, £12.50 delivered - and it arrived prompty and working:P


General Discussion Area / Re: Prorogation Of Parliament.....
« on: 14 September 2019, 20:31:36 »
As Engineers are the most intelligent beings on the planet, Albs, I hope your Cabinet will comprise mainly of Engineers (I'm one); we will help you put so many of this country's wrongs to rights.  :y 8)

How are you with railways? Asking for a friend...  :D

Why, DG? I had a train set once and I did (sometimes) lrt the kids play with it! ;D


General Car Chat / Re: Ruddy tyres
« on: 14 September 2019, 20:25:53 »
My 2.6 saloon came with a spacesaver wheel, but I didn't like the speed/distance restrictions, so I fitted a proper one in its place - just! The carpeted cover is safely in my garage! :)


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