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Messages - deviator

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General Car Chat / Re: Traffic cops
« on: 23 February 2021, 09:57:43 »
MPS engine is 256BHP as standard, throw £1k at it and you'll get +60bhp. You can push these to 400bhp, but it's not cheap and the rods are known to be a bit Cadbury's.

General Discussion Area / Re: Libre Office or Open Office?
« on: 22 February 2021, 11:32:51 »
I posted this as it's likely more legal than other sources which we obviously don't mention.
Its not.

In which case, I'm sorry, please feel free to remove any references.

General Discussion Area / Re: Libre Office or Open Office?
« on: 22 February 2021, 11:24:53 »
The biggest thing is when you save your documents, you need to change the format to .doc or .xls or other people will not be able to open your documents.

I'm not sure if it's there in the later versions, but there isn't support for .docx or .xlsx in the free office suites I've used.

As for buying it, it was less than £20 last time I looked on CD Keys for standard Office 2019. 2019 was the last, non-cloud version.
You mean the most current.  MS have committed to more "Offline" versions.  They realise that not everyone can use Microsoft 365 for a host of reasons.

.doc and .xls and so on are proprietary formats, which is why so many non MS products make a real hash of reading anything but the simplist documents.  .docx and .xlsx and so on are openly publish formats owned and controlled by MS, so no reason not to support them in your open source tools, but again most implementations make a mess of it.

£20 for an illegal hooky key sounds extortionate BTW.  If you want to be hooky, there are millions of resources out there for how to do it for free.  But obviously we do not allow that sort of discussion here.

I didn't realise they had more offline versions available, I've just avoided it ;)

I admit it's been a few months, but neither of the free tools I tried then supported docx/xlsx.

With regards CD Keys, whilst you can never be certain of the origins of the key, they do guarantee them. So at least you can prove you've tried. I posted this as it's likely more legal than other sources which we obviously don't mention.

General Discussion Area / Re: BazaJT crowd funding promotion
« on: 22 February 2021, 10:50:30 »
No, its a special kind of preventative maintenance. Best £40 I've spent this year ;D

Yes much like my 'chassis rust protection'.

AKA, the rocker gaskets are leaking and the wind is making the oil cover the firewall and the underside of the car.

General Car Chat / Re: My paintwork, WTF
« on: 22 February 2021, 10:26:10 »
I have had this appear recently on my silver none Vauxhall. I wonder if there is an environmental change that has caused this?

General Discussion Area / Re: Libre Office or Open Office?
« on: 22 February 2021, 10:22:02 »
The biggest thing is when you save your documents, you need to change the format to .doc or .xls or other people will not be able to open your documents.

I'm not sure if it's there in the later versions, but there isn't support for .docx or .xlsx in the free office suites I've used.

As for buying it, it was less than £20 last time I looked on CD Keys for standard Office 2019. 2019 was the last, non-cloud version.

General Car Chat / Re: Advice please
« on: 19 February 2021, 13:55:33 »
To be honest, most of the comments here (except the engine sizes) would apply to any 20 year old car you were thinking of buying.

General Discussion Area / Re: BazaJT crowd funding promotion
« on: 19 February 2021, 13:52:05 »
Your donation of just 2 posts a day can help a lost and lonely Baza.

General Car Chat / Re: Advice please
« on: 18 February 2021, 13:33:54 »
My 3,2 Elite has cost £17,951 over 8 years now to buy then maintain to the best levels possible.

Wow. Just wow. I think and I accept I could be wrong, but I think you've spent more on your Omega than I have on every car I've owned, including maintenance for the last 25+ years. It's a close call if I could include the insurance I've paid in that time as well.

Credit to you for keeping a car you want running. But when it's put like one lump sum, it seems an awful lot.

EDIT - No I couldn't get the insurance in that as well.

General Car Chat / Re: Advice please
« on: 18 February 2021, 10:19:24 »
If you want luxury, look at the trim levels too. It might be an idea to find the minimum trim level that has the toys you really want. Elite/CDX are amongst the top trim levels.

With these cars, as suggested, rust is the killer. I will also add, (and I'm not trying to put you off) you can pretty much expect any Omega you buy will need work, budget for this.

General Car Chat / Re: Motability
« on: 18 February 2021, 10:11:39 »
Personally if you are on a tight budget, I'd take the money and buy my own car. Done correctly, it will cost you less than an eternal lease.

What cars do you have now? What's wrong with them? Is there another reason(s) that you are looking at PCP/Lease?

General Car Chat / Re: Another straight pass
« on: 15 February 2021, 16:00:51 »
Congrats, although I believe they prefer for you to drive in.

General Discussion Area / I feel sorry for the Italians...
« on: 15 February 2021, 13:12:36 »
... it appears Sky doesn't like them.

General Discussion Area / Re: MacBook Air M1.
« on: 05 February 2021, 11:15:44 »
Does this sound reasonable? DESKTOP-R6QVQ17


(Target Disc Mode - You used to be able to start a Mac up whilst holding down the the letter T. This made the internal HDD of the Mac act like an external HDD. You connected it to another device using Firewire not USB and the Mac would appear as an additional drive in My Computer.)

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