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Messages - Olympia5776

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General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 30 October 2021, 09:59:27 »
Dessie Nutt .
Any of you who have followed Classic Rallying in the UK over the years will have seen this man in his bright yellow Porsche .
I met him once down here in SW Ireland and he was a charming and engaging gentleman .

That'll go with the forked tongue that is just about to slither out on this photo..........
Enlarge it at your peril.

General Discussion Area / Re: Cressida Dick
« on: 28 October 2021, 21:06:16 »
I await her hollow apology , once again , to the Family and the wider public  for the two ghouls that are reportedly pleading guilty next week to taking and sharing selfie's of the two sisters bodies at the scene of the crime .

Utterly abhorrent .

General Discussion Area / Re: Cressida Dick
« on: 28 October 2021, 13:48:28 »
Should boris go because his health secretary was shagging some aide? Or any other boss be that responsible for their staff’s actions.

I guess it depends if it’s deemed her fault. Is it due to her or her senior staff knowing of issues but not acting on it.

Any org as large as the Met is likely to have bad apples, no matter how good the screening.

I agree it would be unreasonable for the manager of my local Lidl to resign due to a member of his staff stealing three ( albeit tasty ) donuts .
I'd also suggest that fornicating between staff members is a very poor comparison to indefensible repeated investigative failings resulting in loss of life , sex for favours , continual disruption of the busiest road network in the UK and her staff becoming a laughing stock but more worryingly disliked and mistrusted by many of the nine million people who's safety she has a responsibility for .
But I guess we all have different expectations .

As a footnote I just watched the mother of the two poor woman murdered by Danyal Hussein speaking from the steps of the OB and have to say that she conducted her response in the most dignified manner and has my respect and admiration .

General Discussion Area / Cressida Dick
« on: 28 October 2021, 12:43:45 »
After the damming reports on the Met's behaviour around the murder of Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry this morning I question why this woman has the audacity to continue as Commissioner for the force .

When will she accept the fact that she cannot continually apologise for the failings of the administration that she heads and retain the trust or respect of the public and have the good grace to " go and go now " and allow a new brush to sweep clean and rebuild confidence .

General Discussion Area / Re: COP26
« on: 26 October 2021, 11:24:37 »
I thought this was exceptionally funny and sums up the feeding order much to sturgeon's dismay ......

General Discussion Area / Re: What a strange world we live in
« on: 23 October 2021, 17:31:29 »
Time to close the thread, it's become divisive and now succumbing to mission creep......

General Discussion Area / Re: What a strange world we live in
« on: 22 October 2021, 14:24:03 »
I have to hope that somehow you are incapable of writing what you are thinking and that it gets corrupted in some way when you actually type it .
I've seen you write some shit over the years but that is utterly repugnant and way below your normal low bar .
Which bit are you disagreeing with?  The bit about how obeying lockdown laws not applying to her, or the bit about thinking that walking a fair distance alone at night when nobody else was around (as it was lockdown, remember) was a good idea?

As, for 100% clarity, the 1st was illegal, hence she should not have been doing it, and the 2nd was ill considered, hence a bit of a silly idea.

I never argue on the 'net , I often do debate but that only works with those that are of rational mindset.
Your denouement that because she was silly , broke lock down rules and had the temerity to walk out alone in a Capital City she therefore deserved to be culled , your words not mine , say more about you than I ever could .
I sincerely hope fate never touches yours and /or your families  life like it did to that poor girls  .

I'll continue to file you under " Sad " but will occasionally look to see if you improve with age  .

General Discussion Area / Re: What a strange world we live in
« on: 21 October 2021, 23:48:58 »
Nobody in this world can guarantee that a woman out alone at night will be safe.  So why was she out alone, walking miles, at night.  If you had a daughter, would you let her walk alone in the dark streets of South London?

I wish it wasn't that way. It shouldn't be that way. But it is. And always will be.

And she was silly, partly for being so stupid, but also because she clearly thought the laws didn't apply to her.  You could argue that her punishment was a little harsh.  But as somebody who clearly felt her needs were more important than everybody elses, she would have been on the cull list anyway.

The fact he was a policeman is shocking.  But that wasn't my point.  Yes, he was the criminal, she wasn't (though was, as she shouldn't have been out walking miles from her mates during covid lockdowns).  But if I walked though Bletchley Queensway with £10,000 cash in a clear plastic bag, I'd expect to be jumped. It would be a stupid thing to do.

I have to hope that somehow you are incapable of writing what you are thinking and that it gets corrupted in some way when you actually type it .
I've seen you write some shit over the years but that is utterly repugnant and way below your normal low bar .
You really should consider deleting that post , you will be remembered for it .

General Discussion Area / Re: Heat pumps
« on: 19 October 2021, 21:58:32 »

 lovely pair of rodent control sentinels making sure mice don't steal logs from the fire  8)

Thank you Dave , you should see the other three ..... ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Heat pumps
« on: 19 October 2021, 21:02:42 »
Bollix to all that crap. You simply cant beat a good old coal fire in winter. No chimney in my current house, but if I ever move again that will be a definite requirement.
Coal or logs burning in the front room is a wonderful thing. Couldnt give a toss what little Greta says.  :)

These boys would piss on my slippers if I even considered such a abomination as a heat pump....

PS you'll notice the stove is on full fire afterburner mode ........YEAH . :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Heat pumps
« on: 19 October 2021, 12:15:23 »
The only thing you all have to look forward to is being colder and having to pay more for the privilege .
You get nothing for nothing in this world and is it a coincidence that all this posturing and promises  by politicians and royalty comes just before they take centre stage at COP26.
They want the glory but you'll all have to pay AND suffer  for it .....
The householder heating his house is low hanging fruit .

I watched a programme on the making of laminated shaped auto glass recently and was aghast at the energy required to make a single piece . And yet they want to replace every IC car with an new design electric equivalent  .

"GREEN IS GOOD" ... oh f\/ck off Boris .

General Discussion Area / Re: Sir David Amess MP.
« on: 16 October 2021, 20:08:54 »
If the Government cannot stop the main arterial roads being blocked and those committing the offence stick two fingers up at it what chance have you of ever overturning the abolished death penalty .
Life without parole is your only real hope and even then there would be insufficient support for that in the  House Of Lords to pass into law .
We live in a very unfair and unreasonable world now far removed from the days of " let the punishment fit the crime ".  Some may say , correctly ,that we  reap what we sow .....

Re the Death penalty . This quite an austere and harrowing insight into it's modus operandi .

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