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Messages - Entwood

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General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 02 July 2020, 21:55:06 »
Classic   :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Hong Kong
« on: 01 July 2020, 21:09:06 »
Read it today that Boris is offering up to three million HK Chinese entry here for five years. After another year, they can apply for UK citizenship. Don't know how that's going to work and where the hell will we put them all. ;D Sorry, can't do links. :-[

They have all had the right to apply for the last 23 years !! All part of the "deal" when the agreement with China over the lease of HK ended.

The only thing that has changed is that the original limits on British National Overseas Passport holders in Hong Kong who were granted special status in the 1980s, gave them restricted rights and they were only entitled to visa-free access to the UK for six months. Those time limits have changed, and they are now able to come to the UK for five years, and after a further year, they will be able to apply for citizenship.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good (but untrue) headline .....

General Discussion Area / Re: The Bells
« on: 30 June 2020, 19:43:47 »
Can I come back just to chat, sans Omega?   :-*

Why not, most of us here now no longer have an Omega .. just fond memories ...   :)

General Car Chat / Re: Battery advice
« on: 30 June 2020, 18:20:29 »
The Audi has done 36 miles in 13 weeks .... that was one trip ! but the battery is in perfect condition as it is put on a charger on the 1st and 15th on the month for about 6 hours.

Not difficult to think about really, and comes under the heading "mechanical (or electrical) sympathy" ...

or in my case ... protecting my wallet!! (tight git that I am  :)   )

That's about the size of it, although the car in question is diseasal ;)

Ahhh ... then for "spark" substitute "fuel injection" !!!!  :)

DG will probably explain it better .. but think of the crank sensor (and the cam sensor) being like an old fashioned distributer.... between the two they tell the electronic ignition EXACTLY where the piston and the valves are so that the spark occurs EXACTLY at the right time to give best power, fuel economy and lowest emissions.

If the signal from either is interrupted or poor, the "brains" of the system .. the ECU, will recognise the error and illuminate the EML to let you know.. the los of power, stalling, etc, is because the spark is either at the wrong time or not there !!

In the simplest terms, the system comprises toothed wheels inside the engine that turn and magnetically induce a signal into coils in the sensors. These "pulses" can be measured and counted to give RPM, and the moment of their occurrence gives the "timing" signal.

HTH a little !!!

Test Zone / Brave browser test
« on: 29 June 2020, 12:20:32 »
:)  :(

well they work !!

General Car Chat / Re: Automatics
« on: 28 June 2020, 14:58:00 »
Test passed February 1969, Austin 1100, belonged to driving school, passed first time..  :)

Practiced in a 1952 Morris Minor, 918cc sidevalve engine, that was MINE ... purchased for £30.00 as a non runner, took me a week to sort it (with dad's help and tool box) and his reward for getting there was to insure it and sit with me whilst practising !!  :) and been playing with cars ever since !!

Omega General Help / Re: driving to europe in aug
« on: 28 June 2020, 14:50:47 »
No reason not to.. we did it for many years.... but think about the cost of getting home IF something does go wrong .... :(

Only reason we got rid of the Omega was I could not get European breakdown/recovery cover, that covered both the car and the tin-tent, once the car was 18 years old.

As we would have been taking the tin-tent with us, imagine if you will this scenario .....   Out for the day and 60-80 miles away from the tin-tent and disaster strikes, car breaks down (or involved in a crash) and will not drive .....  without breakdown/recovery insurance there is the problem of either getting the car fixed locally or recovering to UK, as well as trying to get back to the tin-tent and then getting that back to the UK..   :(

When I priced it up under "worst case" conditions there was the possibility of over £2000.00 to get both car, tin-tent, and us .. back to the UK.. not an acceptable risk to me.

So, if you decide to go, factor in "what if" and the costs involved, make sure you get some sort of cover if you can, and make sure you can afford the "worst case" scenario.

Absolutely no point in going on holiday and worrying all the time "what if", "whats that noise", etc etc ..

General Car Chat / Re: Automatics
« on: 28 June 2020, 00:24:21 »
I'll play the other side of the coin here......

I am unlucky enough to have missed the deadline of Jan 1997.  I do not have 'Grandfather' rights on my license.

Why should somebody older than me be permitted to drive a minibus with more than 7 passengers (7+1driver)?
Why should somebody older than me be permitted to drive a 7.5tonner?

(Both of those questions with the addition of "Without extra tuition")

I can hire a SLWB Sprinter or Daily, or a Luton Van.  I can drive a Tipper or Flatbed.  Size isn't really the issue, as EVERY vehicle mentioned is available in over 3.5T.

A minibus with 8 Seats (total) and a large luggage area is identical to a minibus with 15 Seats and a small luggage area.

Devils Advocate!  The DVLA should have revoked all of the extra classes on every license (where a suitable test hadn't already been completed).

I'm guessing but there is probably some legal reason based on when tests were introduced/changed, that prevents retrospective actions ......  my late aunt who , IMHO, should never, ever, have driven anything ... never passed any test, but had a licence to do most anything .. she started (note I don't say "learned") during the war (and may have been competent .. who knows ?) and had licences for everything up to and including artics and tracked vehicles ... but she was lethal !!...  when her husband died we found she had not driven for 35 years .. but had religiously renewed the licence every year ... so was totally legal and lethal .... lukily I had, under my uncles directions, sold their car !!!  or she would have tried to drive it .......   :(

General Car Chat / Re: Automatics
« on: 28 June 2020, 00:11:51 »
Advised towing weights can be easily found in the owners handbook.

but who reads that?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

If it goes against your "manliness" to actually "RTFI"... then you could always try the VIN plate .. drivers door pillar or engine bay.. both give all the information you need to be legal ....


Don't you mean R T F  M?  ::)

I already knew where to find the info .... the VIN isn't the plate with the weights on  ;)

M= Manual
I= Instructions

Both mean the same IMHO ...  :)

VIN plate lists 4 weights.

Gross vehicle weight = max weight of the vehicle, sometimes called the MAM .. maximum allowable mass
Gross train weight = max combined weight of both vehicle and trailer
max front axle weight
max rear axle weight

If you subtract line 1 from line 2 it gives you the maximum weight of any trailer you wish to tow ....

seeemples ...  :)

If you don't believe me and want further "evidence" .....

line 3 ...

"The actual, exact and only towing capacity figure that should be used for your vehicle is that which is stamped on the Vehicle Identification Number Plate, VIN Plate."

General Car Chat / Re: Automatics
« on: 27 June 2020, 21:56:15 »
Advised towing weights can be easily found in the owners handbook.

but who reads that?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

If it goes against your "manliness" to actually "RTFI"... then you could always try the VIN plate .. drivers door pillar or engine bay.. both give all the information you need to be legal ....


General Discussion Area / Re: Google
« on: 26 June 2020, 22:00:45 »
Are you using .... ?? or ...??  you will get VERY different results from these "different" search engines ..
Interweb will automatically choose according to where it thinks you're based :)

If using a VPN like I do, then having a shortcut to gets around the "auto" choice, which is pretty crap anyway ... same applies to ebay .. gives very different results to, again .. a shortcut ensures you use the one you want, not the one "they" think you should .....

General Discussion Area / Re: Google
« on: 26 June 2020, 17:27:59 »
Are you using .... ?? or ...??  you will get VERY different results from these "different" search engines ..

General Discussion Area / Re: Champions
« on: 25 June 2020, 23:08:32 »
mmmm City lose so the Scousers celebrate ....  typical .. someone elses misfortune is a cause for celebration .....

(doffs tin hat and hides under the stairs....   :)  )
What a dick you are  ;D ;D


(there was a time when you had to put a worm on the hook .... but not where scousers are involved it seems  !!  :)

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