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Messages - Diamond Black Geezer

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Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Mv6 Bumper
« on: 12 November 2019, 17:55:35 »
I think £150-200 a 'panel' for a quality job is a sort of good going rate...of course it's easy to charge that much for a poor job, too, so price is no guarantee of quality! Depending what standard you want, it's like anything, try and have a look at an example of the place's work before handing over pennies.

Are you good for a MV6 towing eye cover?

Omega General Help / Re: Misfire
« on: 11 November 2019, 23:36:04 »
and if thats what you do (and I know it sounds obvious but...) make sure you know what lead went to what plug, you dont want to fire the car up and she's missing horribly...because you got a couple of leads the wrong way round...not that I ever did such a thing, ever....ever  :y

( i think i got the whole thing 180 degrees wrong, so no single wire was in the right place  8))

General Car Chat / Re: Well, that was fun!...
« on: 11 November 2019, 23:32:45 »
well this one certainly sounds ceramic! sounds like a teacup rattling around inside a biscuit tin!

My old (GM) ones are still in the back garden, I'll be donating them to a friend who works on a lot of cars, he can always make use of the tubing for car repairs.

Unless the persons of the traveling persuasion discover them first...

General Car Chat / Re: Sounded fantastic.
« on: 11 November 2019, 12:38:20 »
If it was the 'original' then check here...

if it was a 19reg must have been the very, very last of them.

Obviously the dopey eyed one runs a BMW V8 I think, and theyre still going.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Hello again. Back in the MIG fold
« on: 11 November 2019, 12:34:16 »
Welcome back! PM me about a boot spoiler, I know an ex-owner on here who has one, it got a coat of nocturno, but then had the finish spoiled before the clearcoat went on, so it just sat as an unfinished project.

Yes, Nocturno with cream interior does look good, as an owner of a PFL in black I can't get that excited about star silverfacelifts, no disrespect to those who own them, but that's all you ever see now...when you see one.

General Car Chat / Re: Well, that was fun!...
« on: 11 November 2019, 12:29:24 »
Oh, I'm going to retire off the proceeds, yes!  :D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 11 November 2019, 10:30:40 »
Changed OS catalytic converter in the gutter and re-sealed the scuttle yesterday, in the dark, ruddy cold last night. Back and fingers still aching. Just the rear springs to change and that's me done for car work until the spring, sod it, had enough for one year!  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Halfords
« on: 11 November 2019, 10:27:02 »

Yeah, I work at a certain hardware store chain for my sins, who of course almost exclusively employ 17 year olds specifically chosen for their inability to talk to people, and lack of knowledge about anything. I'm forever watching incidents like that, and just sticking my oar in and offering a practical, instant solution that costs nothing, and lets the customer get on with their day, as opposed to the other.

Omega General Help / Re: car struggling to start on first start
« on: 11 November 2019, 10:24:22 »

It's amazing how many things there are that are free fixes/diagnostics. And dont think for a second that many a garage won't do the same, sometimes it just helps diagnose the issue, but other times when it's something like a fuse (which I'm counting as a 'free fix') that's a nice few quid in the old Xmas fund for no effort. Leave the car there for a couple of hours to make it look like it took some effort "yeah you had an issue on your squared grommet, but we re-sponged it, which is normally £100 but did it for £50, luv"

So worth trying the free fixes/diagnostics first.  :y

General Car Chat / Well, that was fun!...
« on: 11 November 2019, 09:20:27 »
Last week my seven month old Catalytic converter started in touch with the retailer, they sent me another one out,

Because the car is in daily use I had the weekend only to do the job...then other half got called into work on Sat, and it was chucking it down, I was at work Sunday, finished at 3pm, get home, someone parked in such a way we couldnt quite get the car on the front garden patch of tarmac. So from 4pm till 7.30ish scrabbled around in the gutter, with the car not nearly high enough to do the job.

The replacement they sent, though from the same make (BM Cats) theyve changed the design,so for a pedant like me they now no longer 'match' no head shield any more, though the cat itself seems to have a painted finish - odd, also the flange to manifold looks to be an inferior design with larger holes without as much 'purchase' for the (soft metal) manifold nuts, the middle bracket is also a weaker design. The genuine GM gasket is in the bin, I guess they can't/shouldn't be reused.

::) Ah well! Then sat scraping off sealant to redo the scuttle, which is leaking causing a misfire.. until 10.30pm. this a one-off, or has BM cats' quality fallen off a cliff, too? The NS cat has only been on about a month, so if that starts grumbling in May I'll let you all know!

Omega General Help / Re: Misfire
« on: 11 November 2019, 08:50:54 »
Yup, very stuffed ones through age look 'burst' and rusty, however shorting for any real length of time will leave a cosmetically nice exterior but stuffed internals.

I found one for about £40 brand new Bosch, so just get looking out there and you'll find one at the 'right' price for you. I'd guess yours is the oval plug.

General Discussion Area / Re: Halfords
« on: 11 November 2019, 08:45:38 »
Oh dear!! Sounds about right!

Ive got to return an axle stand at some point, I'll avoid that branch, then!

Omega General Help / Re: Misfire
« on: 09 November 2019, 17:26:23 »
Right, you've got the same as I have / have had before. If that foam's wet, it needs sorting, end of even if it's not the cause of your missing (though I'm 75% sure it is)
You need to get it when it's dry, get the scuttle trim off, and reseal the join between the 'left-hand 2/3rds' and the 'right-hand 1/3rd' which contains the pollen filter. Also, try and work out what kind of sealing you have around the base of each wiper arm, as these have a foam washer, but these can let water in too.

I think that's it. Sadly the DIS may be stuffed if it's been heavily abused )that's my issue, too  :'()

Also would like to know the state/age of
DIS pack
rocker/cam covers
breather box

you say the rocker covers are leaking a bit, but what's 'a bit' so try and check each well for oil

If unsure the location of any of the above, just search, if no joy ask  :y


as may have been mentioned elsewhere, one of my lovely cats which I fitted when the weather was dry and warm has now failed  >:(, a new one has been sent out but this means (unless I can get away with it?) chucking the 7-month-old genuine Vx gasket in the bin. I have one spare, luckily, however I want one or two 'in stock' especially as the other cat may fail in a few months, who knows?

Ta in advance. I know aftermarket ones few quid on the 'bay, but trying to go genuine as it will - ahem - last (not in this case, it seems!)  :y

Ive often wondered this, it 'feels' like you're wearing out something by having your foot on brake, in D, feels 'bad practice', but good to know.  :y

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