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Messages - Rangie

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General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 21 January 2024, 18:45:58 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Head bans prayer
« on: 21 January 2024, 17:48:31 »
I wonder who is funding this kid who has taken the legal challenge in the High Court?  ::)

If the High Court rules in favour of the school, then we can expect an appeal. Ultimately this could end up in Strasbourg at the ECtHR if the kids backers have deep pockets, where of course it will be decided that the kids 'uman rights have been breached and there is a right to pray at school. 

After that all schools will be forced to make provisions for prayers for all religions. Different prayer rooms, timetables worked around prayer times etc

I can just see it happening...  :-\

The regimes of Prisons in the UK were changed years ago to accommodate Muslim Prayers, it makes sense so they could all meet up to discuss their next terrorist attack, another total loss of control.

General Discussion Area / Re: Head bans prayer
« on: 21 January 2024, 16:28:29 »
The powers that be have allowed the Muslims to take over the UK , therefore this total shit is to be expected.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 21 January 2024, 16:26:27 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 20 January 2024, 20:30:14 »

General Discussion Area / Re: I Am Having A Great Day
« on: 20 January 2024, 20:06:30 »
Here as well ordered countless items never had any problems.

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 20 January 2024, 09:36:14 »
I was in our local Lidl on Tuesday .
There were five men of middle eastern origin taking interest in some items in the middle isle ,opening boxes, handling the goods within and then casting them aside . These guys were 18 to 20 in bright new trainers and quilted jackets , phones in hand and with bluetooth pods in their ears .
I watched them from the next isle and it was apparent that they would cause an obstruction to anyone trying to pass.
So , in I go ......
However before I could get into attack position a middle aged lady had got in front of me and when she reached these guys they made no effort to move to the side and allow her to pass .
Only a few seconds passed but it was apparent that she was unsure what to do .
I parked my trolley behind hers walked up to these persons of International protection and after eye scanning them asked if anyone spoke English .
One guy said " I do " to which I said" then you'll understand me when I ask you to tell your mates to get to opps  out of this ladies way ...Now " .
He gibbered something to them and they moved aside , albeit noticeably rather slowly .
I gave no thanks to them and the lady nodded to me and moved through .
When I moved through one of them , lean and tall , drew me a very long and direct stare .
Childish as it may seem I got to the end of the isle turned around and went back through them ......
I felt like Paul Kersey/ CB. . ;D
The impression I got was that their actions stemmed from their indoctrinated perception of women .
I was very angry .

I know exactly how you feel, I had one barge past me in our local Aldi a couple of weeks ago, I confronted him & advised him that the phrase he was ignorant of was "excuse me " he shrugged his shoulders pretending not to understand when I then explained that he was a " piece of shit" he suddenly understood English , I refuse to back down to these arrogant c**ts.

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 19 January 2024, 20:14:26 »
These scum that are invading us have no morals at all , they deserve nothing from us but are given everything I hate what has happened to this country .
I've just been telling the headteacher that it's due to people like her that this country is overrun with scrounging foreigners. That didn't go down well.

Oh dear Steve, silent treatment ahead mind you that's sometimes a blessing..🤣

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 19 January 2024, 19:49:45 »
These scum that are invading us have no morals at all , they deserve nothing from us but are given everything I hate what has happened to this country .

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 19 January 2024, 12:52:03 »
My belief is that the lock gates have been well and truly burst open , removed from there hinges and smashed to pulp .
There is no way back to the Britain that many of us grew up in and enjoyed ,the steady constant immigration into the country is now bearing the fruits of it's relentless and determined march .
The legal , political and social networks are now heavily influenced , if not controlled , by people who were part of , or from , that open door policy and they have no intention of changing it.
The prevarication in all those areas in nauseating , the political gymnastics ,spin doctored arguments , legal complexities , interference from Courts that really should have no influence in UK affairs and the never spoken of, but now immensely influential, hand of Islam signals to me that the UK and other western indigenous cultures are being steadily and irrevocably erased .
This is not " just happening " it's being allowed to .
The vast majority of people in UK ( and here in Ireland too ) are acutely aware of the current and future effects of this unwelcome flood but the Governing Elite either ensure the process is as muddled as possible, berate them  or ignore them entirely .
I visited my Doctor just before Xmas . In twenty years I have never seen the 24 seat waiting room over 50% full . On that day I , along with three others , had to stand whilst awaiting my ( paid for ) appointment . I watched and listened and eventually calculated that there were 6 locals including myself the remainder being mostly young middle eastern and  African males with a few older others of Eastern  European origin all looking very nice in their new attire .
It angers me that this seemingly unstoppable but unwelcome train wreck is careering down the tracks and the only solace I get is that I won't be around when those who steered and/or  participated in this disaster see the consequences of their ineptitude .

You've hit the nail exactly on its head.👍

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 18 January 2024, 19:14:36 »
Plenty of excellent trained snipers around , and the sea temperature would put the scrounging fuc**ers out of misery pretty damn quick simple & highly effective.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 17 January 2024, 17:04:54 »

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 17 January 2024, 16:46:43 »
Driven it to the pub to meet some friends for lunch, the Six bells at Witham on the hill ( between Bourne & Stamford)
best fish & chips I've ever had highly recommended if any of you are ever that way.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 16 January 2024, 23:26:56 »

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Fresh from Holland
« on: 15 January 2024, 19:29:49 »
Welcome,we had CF Bedfords in the London Ambulance Service all automatics & they stood up to all the abuse they were given great vehicles .

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