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Messages - Jay w

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Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 09 June 2008, 07:32:53 »
got the skid shield fitted today, it's not pretty currently but i didn't get a great deal of time on which to do it this weekend and it was a priority.

Basically i has situated the screw for the jubilee clip at the lowest point, this was what hit the bump, so i have moved that round as well,

Gary if you need a hand you know where i am mate  :y Dazzler same for you buddy :y
But only till the end of June :(

May have an extension on the contract that i am working on yet mate  :y

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 08 June 2008, 20:13:34 »
got the skid shield fitted today, it's not pretty currently but i didn't get a great deal of time on which to do it this weekend and it was a priority.

Basically i has situated the screw for the jubilee clip at the lowest point, this was what hit the bump, so i have moved that round as well,

Gary if you need a hand you know where i am mate  :y Dazzler same for you buddy :y

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 06 June 2008, 21:45:33 »
80 miles and about 2 hours later it is done, calibrated  :y

total deflection is less than 5%, no hesitancy just can't tell the difference and its quieter than if it was on petrol!!!

Sump guard is being made tomorrow, i was being a little over zealous with the bumps and it bottomed out, i am sure that with proper protection it wouldn't happen again

i am glad it is finished but i have to say it was easier this time round, however it has to be said......and witnessed by other members of the forum reading wiring diagrams is not my strongest point!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with this little project  :y

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 06 June 2008, 09:28:39 »
Daz  :y no worries mate

Just spoke to Jeremy, he seems to be returning to normal now.

Just got to do the final calibration and increase the LPG pressure, Kevin, it was the allen key behind the sticker  ;)

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 06 June 2008, 00:36:18 »
At Last!!!!! all sorted....

Picked FFCGary1 up tonight and headed over to Kevin's, on the way i said it would be either something so stupid or something has broken......

It was the stupid one, i had connected the switched live to something that kicked out less than 12 volts at times, this meant the the ECU was shutting down, once we had that sorted the rest just fell into place.

However the heater pump packed up tonight, so we replaced that with some copper pipe, i don't think that repair held out as it looks like the car has dumped its coolant all over the place.

Big thanks to Kevin for his help and thanks for the food as well :y

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 03 June 2008, 18:07:25 »
we found it eventually, but i still has not cure the issue we have in not being able to get it running correctly.

Going to Kevins this week to let him have a noset over it and see if i have done anyting really bloody stupid that is causing this or is it potential component failure.

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 03 June 2008, 10:14:34 »
Easy to find RPM signal wire on 2.5 V6.

Pull back the protective sheath from the loom where it exits the ECU plug and search for the thin plain green wire. It's the only one without a second tracer colour.

A simple tap connector onto this wire shouldn't cause any problems as it's well protected from the weather in there, and you can easily bury it in the loom for a more professional look.

Mines a 2.6 with the later motronic ECU that has the double plugs

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 02 June 2008, 07:11:44 »
Guys feel free to ignore this (it may be totally off the mark!)

But I have recalled back to what Mr DTM advised me when I was converting my 2.5 CDX, and I'm almost certain that the RPM feed from the ECU was pin Forty something, maybe 44?

Sorry I can't be more certain without more digging...

Hi James, thanks for the comments.

Mines the 2.6 with the stupid double plug set up, on the old 5.1 setup i think you are right it is pin 44

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 01 June 2008, 19:47:03 »
I will pop over on e night Kevin and we will have a look.

Just one query, what size did you drill the nozzels, according to the instructions it should be 2.2 mm but i seem to remember them being bigger on the elite  :-/

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 01 June 2008, 10:59:52 »
back on the case today, have checked everything and cant find any issues, all the connectors are in the right places, the voltages seem to be equal across all injectors, the tank and vaporiser solenoids are kicking in, all the live data is reading correct.

Kevin the only thing i did different to your suggestion was the lambda connections, i went with the blue wires that go to each one,  would that have made that much difference? we are still getting good data and it cycles from about .15/.45/.75 which i believe is the same as it going lean/rich

I am starting to think we may have a faulty component here, shame Phate123 isn't around, he has James's old CDX i could have seen if i could borrow his ECU for test  >:(

Giving up on it until next week now

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 31 May 2008, 23:49:40 »
Could there be a wiring problem with the tank valve circuit? Really clutching at straws now though.

I'd also check the connections to the control panel / level indicator. Had some weird things going on with Marie's install when we had a short here.


We can hear the valves clicking both front and back end, that was one of the thoughts i had, we have voltage at the switch and going from it once it is active.....


Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 31 May 2008, 23:23:22 »
AFAIK the ECU supports up to 8 cylinders anyway, so you just have a few spare wires in the loom. Can't see what would cause a problem there. :-/


the plan is tomorrow is to disconnect the battery, pull the connector on the ecu and try again, in addition we want to see it there is voltage on the LPG injectors, from there i don't really know

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 31 May 2008, 23:14:43 »
Hmm. >:(

Are there any faults stored on the LPG ECU?


No, and nothing on the petrol ECU either

This is the 8 cylinder ECU and loom we are using, but in the settings i have just changed everything 6 cylinder and the 7th and 8th injector leads have been tied back

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 31 May 2008, 23:09:07 »
Have you got the lpg injector type configured correctly on the LPG ECU? I wonder if it shuts down due to excessive current through the injectors? I believe we configured Marie's ones as Valtek 3 ohm.


yep, i have even tried other configs just to see if that helped.

all the sensors are set a they should be as well

Omega General Help / Re: LPG conversion started
« on: 31 May 2008, 23:00:58 »
pressure drops from 1.05 bar to .95 bar, not a great deal and well within range.

Lambdas drop from from .75 to .15 and then go back up but i put that down to the fuel change, it isn't running LPG long enough to settle down

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