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Messages - Olympia5776

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General Discussion Area / Re: Latest Bond film......
« on: 03 October 2021, 14:02:03 »
Watched it last night .
T'was a good watch but for all sorts of reasons I don't believe it was the Craig's best although down to script/production rather than him.
My prophecy is that it's the end of the Bond/007 brand that we were familiar with and loved over the decades ....... :(

General Car Chat / Re: 40 years old today
« on: 29 September 2021, 21:52:07 »
They were great cars , very comfortable and capable .
I had three , all from new , and covered  40-45 K miles a year in them .
Well , except the first one .... :-[ a 1.6 L , it lasted 5 months .
It was replaced with a  1.8 GL and then 2.0 GLS .
I went onto the Mk3 and had another three of them but actually preferred the last Mk2 I had .
My one endearing memory of them was that the radio cassettes in our fleet were being stolen almost weekly . A guy I knew showed me him getting into my car and removing the RC in 15 seconds .

General Discussion Area / Re: Is Starmer insane?
« on: 27 September 2021, 10:42:32 »
I haven't quite grasped the importance of this whole "trans" thing yet but there seems to be a huge thrust  by the members of that community in politics  as a whole .....
From the importance that it seems to be being given by some parties it would imply that there is an enormous assemblage of confused cross dressers living amongst you all over there , certainly enough to warrant political parties wooing their votes .
Now being comfortably ensconced deep in the mountains of SW Ireland I dont seem to encounter too many of that ilk, although I thought I detected a slight 12 o'clock shadow on big Clodagh the postmistress on Saturday .... .
Scotland , in particular , seems to be teetering on the edge of a shoogely  stilletto abyss with the importance of cowering to the peculiar " rights " of this over vociferious amalgamation.
In this era of over amplified offence by social media I just don't see why any political party should be so overtly concerned about the sexual orientation of a group rather than the more obviously important difficulties that seem to be facing the country in the immediate and long term future .

After watching SKS on the the Andrew Marr show yesterday he confirmed my belief that he is impuissant, ineffectual and rudderless .
A man that knows he doomed to be another chapter in the history of Labours demise .
And as for that gobshite Rayner ......
It fills me with despair because every democracy needs a strong sensible opposition and that does not exist in any of the four corners of the UK .

General Car Chat / Re: Weekend sorted .
« on: 20 September 2021, 10:01:39 »
Since the live streaming of the event started several years ago  I shut out the world , settle down and watch the whole three days from start to finish.
It's as close as I can get to it.
You have to be grateful to the wealthy owners for subjecting their (very) valuable cars to the rigours of close combat racing .
Even the bike racing is something to behold .
It's a very unique event which could not be replicated elsewhere . I love it .  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: The Greenies M25 Protest
« on: 17 September 2021, 09:34:58 »

If they tried blocking the road out of our little town this is what they'd get .

WTF is happening over there ...Rainbow police cars with rainbow face painted police non bineries in them  carrying rainbow painted riot shields asking these cretins if the " want a cuppa tea and a little biscuit Luv ..? "
My Old dad , who was a Police Sergeant in rough tough Lanarkshire , wouldn't have polished his regulation tackity boots prior to breaking a few teeth and fingers .
Y'all better wake up and see where this is all going .....and soon.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 09 September 2021, 20:33:41 »
Final myriad of parts arrived for the manual gearbox conversion on the E24 . refaced flywheel to be collected on Friday and then we are under starters orders ...

That will keep you busy for a while, assuming you are doing the job yourself. Hope it all goes smoothly.

Winter project Steve . Will do it all myself except for the actual removal of the old auto box which is very heavy . A couple of the lads from my local classic car club will help. It's a rare detachable bellhousing 'box so easy to fit . The 'box condition is known so I'll only replace seals and front bearing every other component in the change will be new or refurbished.

And Albs , you're right it wasn't cheap but it'll increase the value of the car beyond it's cost and eliminate the dreary 3 speed auto driving experience . :(
And being rare gay gold in colour will be the holy grail of S1 E24's  ;)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 08 September 2021, 22:58:00 »
Final myriad of parts arrived for the manual gearbox conversion on the E24 . refaced flywheel to be collected on Friday and then we are under starters orders ...

This really should be picked up by mainstream media and there should be an outcry. This kind of thing really does boil my piss  >:(

Chill Steve .
I can thoroughly reccommend this , I've read it twice ... ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: ME 262
« on: 08 September 2021, 22:06:24 »
Don't see any jet wash or heat dissipation from the engines .

General Discussion Area / Re: Afghanistan
« on: 17 August 2021, 20:02:40 »
You’re not bad Stemo you’re a realist what you say is true.  I’m not sure whether I would rather be a man or women there right now. It’s just as bad for both.
But you're not there, you're in that little paradise that's stuck on to the west side of England  ;

              That’s correct so are you, I didn’t choose where I was born and… somebody very close to me has done their part there too representing you and me. Rangie I have the same view as you..  right or wrong.
Yes, Rae, and I refuse to spend whatever life I have left worrying about global warming, racism, sexism or any other ism. Or Afghanistan.
In the sixties it was ban the bomb, Cuban missile crisis, then Greenham Common, etc. People laid down in the middle of the road and camped out in the rain and stuff. What difference did any of it make? None whatsoever, just as it won't today.

Here you .... >:( That's my outlook in life now , get your own .

General Car Chat / Re: Does anyone smell bullshit?
« on: 30 July 2021, 08:46:47 »
After reading the article my immediate thoughts were that it is simple protectionism aimed at reducing the ability to use non EU branded parts thus quietly excluding non EU manufacturers./sources from the ring fenced market .

Charge the end user more / keep the cheap suppliers out ,win for the EU .

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 29 July 2021, 08:52:55 »

ZZ Top
Dusty Hill Dies at 72

End of an era for me ........ :'(


Requested by whom?

I don't tell anybody they can't wear a mask, and don't expect them to tell me I must.

What I do is none of their business.

it is there business if it's their BUSINESS you get refused entry too for not complying with their request to wear a mask  ::)

only 17 people died with SARS when that broke out because people listened, wore masks, didn't travel, social distanced and importantly SARS wasn't covered up for months

if you choose NOT to wear a mask most of the time then you should be considerate to people in shops who don't want your germs and are wearing a mask so they reduce the germs they spread

if you aren't bothered about catching Chinese virus because you think because you had 2 jabs that you are immortal then fair enough , some people can't be vaccinated for many reasons

wearing a mask in shops etc now is common courtesy to others

Completely agree. Its not just about choosing your own level of risk. You could be carrying Covid unknowingly and breathing it onto highly vulnerable people, who could be dead in a month due to having caught it from your breath.
Swmbo is highly vulnerable, so I wear a mask when around people, so I dont bring it home.
She just doesnt go near people anymore.

Albs's situation is an exact mirror of mine as my wife has type 2 Diabetes and a history of immune system issues., I'll happily continue to wear a mask , socially distance and clean my hands at every opportunity.
Even If she was not as described I would still cover and clean as a matter of  social responsibility.
Today in Ireland the hospitality industry opens fully with the requirement to display your QR code passport to gain access to all eateries etc.
There's debates in all of the local Irish social media platforms stating that we are in 1930's Germany territory now , which is despicable , but whilst I would never refuse or deny the individuals right of choice I believe that a refusal to be vaccinated should carry caveats and have a cost to the individual within society as a whole .
I fully expect the anti vaxxers out in force today demanding to be allowed entry where denied.
If I cared , if I really cared ......I'd pass a law allowing pepper spray to used on them . :)

Omega General Help / Wim settings
« on: 23 July 2021, 23:23:42 »
Did a search but haven't found the actual WIM settings for the Omega yet .
Anybody got them ?
Cheers .

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