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Please play nicely.  No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....

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Messages - Entwood

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General Discussion Area / Re: E-bay
« on: 07 June 2020, 19:20:34 »
OK .. might help, might not ... when you next get to ebay, or any page with the same problem, hit Ctrl+F5 together .. this "forces" a new page to be loaded without using the cache.... if it works, let us know and we can guide you through clearing the cache & cookies

General Discussion Area / Re: Tosser Trump blunders again
« on: 07 June 2020, 12:12:56 »
Yes, it’s all ‘good fun’ until these fools get treated as they are treating the police etc, just because the cops have protection on they should never be assaulted with bottles,  stones, and various missiles, they are there to uphold the law and should be treated with respect even if we like it or not. If I And the majority of us have to observe these rules then I really cannot see how these clowns are allowed to get away with all this in Whitehall for example, they need to be identified, interviewed, and charged and made to pay for the waste of taxpayers money. Ffs it was not anything to do with us anyway!

This country will do sweet FA against any of these idiots running amok in these " protests" because nobody in power has the balls to direct the Police to make  a hard stand , I saw all this coming weeks ago & if I could so could others who are in a position to do something about it , it's been happening for years with the Police & Prison Service it's all anti authority no more no less.

and just what do you want ??

Please explain to this simple minded idiot just how around the Police can "arrest" 50-100,000 people ?? Physically impossible

Please explain how the courts can prosecute 50-100,000 people who are "innocent until proved guilty" in the UK ?? Physically impossible

Please explain why our Police - who we were all cheering as "keyworkers" a few days ago, are suddenly expendable targets in your rush to be "hard"

Please explain why you believe that excessive violence by the authorities in the UK would have a different outcome to excessive violence in the USA ??

The overarching principle of policing in the UK is "police by consent" ... I would not like to see that destroyed by those who simply like to display and exert power against the people.

Well let it all carry on , when they enter your house just let them do it ,stand by & watch everything you've worked for get destroyed by morons.

I was hoping for a rational explanation .. not a "sound bite" lifted from some MSM or reactionary site.  Quite how demonstraters in London are going to "enter your house just let them do it ,stand by & watch everything you've worked for get destroyed" here in wiltshire I'm not 100% sure, perhaps you could also explain that argument fully ?? AFAIK not a single house was entered and destroyed yesterday.

General Discussion Area / Re: Tosser Trump blunders again
« on: 07 June 2020, 10:43:04 »
Yes, it’s all ‘good fun’ until these fools get treated as they are treating the police etc, just because the cops have protection on they should never be assaulted with bottles,  stones, and various missiles, they are there to uphold the law and should be treated with respect even if we like it or not. If I And the majority of us have to observe these rules then I really cannot see how these clowns are allowed to get away with all this in Whitehall for example, they need to be identified, interviewed, and charged and made to pay for the waste of taxpayers money. Ffs it was not anything to do with us anyway!

This country will do sweet FA against any of these idiots running amok in these " protests" because nobody in power has the balls to direct the Police to make  a hard stand , I saw all this coming weeks ago & if I could so could others who are in a position to do something about it , it's been happening for years with the Police & Prison Service it's all anti authority no more no less.

and just what do you want ??

Please explain to this simple minded idiot just how around the Police can "arrest" 50-100,000 people ?? Physically impossible

Please explain how the courts can prosecute 50-100,000 people who are "innocent until proved guilty" in the UK ?? Physically impossible

Please explain why our Police - who we were all cheering as "keyworkers" a few days ago, are suddenly expendable targets in your rush to be "hard"

Please explain why you believe that excessive violence by the authorities in the UK would have a different outcome to excessive violence in the USA ??

The overarching principle of policing in the UK is "police by consent" ... I would not like to see that destroyed by those who simply like to display and exert power against the people.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Ncdc2013
« on: 05 June 2020, 22:37:24 »
Hi all
Quick question
I’ve got Someone breaking a 3.2 elite
It’s has the ncdc 2013 with the colour display
If I bought the unit and the display ( as I’ve read on here they are paired )
Are those the only two things I need to fit them in my car as mine has the ccr2006
I know I’ll have to add some extra wires for the Rgb display , that’s in the top connector
And the antenna for the satnav (wich I won’t need so I leave that )
Is there any thing else I need to know or add
Just want the stereo working with the colour display and for it to show car info like mpg etc

Do not want to appear negative, but I have now had two of these units on which the CD player has packed up, no doubt due to the age of these electronics.  So, if you want the CD function, just check it works before undertaking all the work to install the unit.

 Some on here have also added a USB port or similar to bring the NCDC 2013 right up to date. ;)

As Lizzie says .. the CD units are renowned for failing, especially if "home burned" CDs are used in them .. it completely knackers the laser lens guide. New lasers used to be available from Germany, very fiddly to change but not actually difficult, although if heavy handed there are a couple of ribbon cables you can mess up easily (don't ask how I know ... :)  ). I got away with it because I obtained a broken unit to practice on before I attempted mine .. which worked for another 8 years ....  when I sold the car it went with another replacement laser I had purchased but not got round to fitting.

General Discussion Area / Re: Tosser Trump blunders again
« on: 05 June 2020, 19:26:22 »
Slightly off topic, but might explain why Washington D.C is, apparently, so badly organised (other than the fact they are all petrified of something happening to Trump) ....  and, to my mind, exceedingly indicative of the fear the "coloured" of Washington are presently expressing ....

Lost several hours of my life having to reset my gayPad to factory and not restore the backups to appease Mr DJI.  Not that it will make the slightest difference I suspect :(


A remote camera/drone system is dictating how you use your tablet ???  I know what my reaction would be !

General Discussion Area / Re: Tosser Trump blunders again
« on: 05 June 2020, 12:11:45 »
Looking at the "overall" picture, it has been said (although there appears to be little actual proof) that less than 0.5% of the population can be described as "extremist/radical" from any/all sections of the community (black/far right/islamic/whatever) .....

Problem is ... the population of the USA is around 328,000,000 ... that indicates that in the USA alone there are some 1,500,000 (ish) "extremists/radicals"  ....

There is no way that so many folks can be "controlled" by the forces of "Law & Order" .. or the military come to that ....  just imagine trying to arrest/lock up/detain/prosecute that many folks ... simply not possible .....

Then add the fact that they can, and do, all carry guns - legally -  so those "forces" assume that they will be attacked on each and every occasion, and the potential for conflict is easily seen .... add racial stereotyping and the problem just escalates.

Then get the frightened (for their seats,way of life not their actual lives .. they are fully protected from reality) white politicians sticking their oar in and demanding that force will overcome all problems  and the situation beconmes explosive ....

If anyone is under any doubt that the problem is real, and caused by white politicians .. just read/research the following 3 aspects of USA history:

Jim Crow Laws -,was%20a%20way%20of%20life.

The Redeemers -

The Compromise of 1877 -

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 04 June 2020, 22:09:35 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Tosser Trump blunders again
« on: 02 June 2020, 14:35:08 »
nothing ever changes in America ....

Meanwhile, a man walks across a road to show he has a book.


General Discussion Area / Re: iphone as satnav.
« on: 30 May 2020, 22:00:40 »
Settings > Mobile Data > Slide the top setting On (to the right).

Sliiiiide to the right .... we know a song about that ...    :)

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 30 May 2020, 16:38:18 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Sticky for Jokes
« on: 30 May 2020, 09:30:47 »
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases told the President: "This morning, 3 Brazilians were killed by Covid-19."

Trump's face went egg-shell white with shock. The blood drained from his face and to everyone’s amazement he collapsed on the floor.

Minutes passed and to everyone’s relief President Trump got up shakily and then sat back on his chair.

His staff was nothing less than stunned at this display of emotion from their President, nervously watching as he sits, head in hands, waiting for him to faint again.

Finally, the President looks up and with a shaky quivering voice asks the Dr Fauci, *"How many people is a brazillion?"* 

General Discussion Area / Re: Super Fuse?
« on: 29 May 2020, 21:38:43 »
A 13 amp fuse is just that, to protect a cable up to that rating.

You would be bloody mad to think you could somehow "up-grade cable" and exceed 13 amp loading just because these fuses are rated "Super fuse"!! ::) ::) ::) ::)

One would think so, but on my degree course a large part of one module was taken up with "fuses" !!  In the lab we could consistently get a 13 amp fuse to take up to 25 amps without blowing, especially if the current was increased slowly, pulsed and cooling applied to the "fuse" !!  So called "fast blow" fuses would regularly fail at around 11 amps !

Remember .. a fuse "blowing" is simply the wire overheating and melting ... the quality of the wire, the rate of heat dissapation v the rate of heat application, and even the style, quality and position of the fuse holder all make a big difference to the actual thermodynamics of the item !!

The other thing folks forget is a 13 amp fuse is designed to CARRY 13 amps .. not fail at 13 amps .. it should fail at 13+ a tad .. but they all have "leeway" depending on how well they are made.

If fuses were as good as some folk think they are then electrical items would never catch fire ...  but they do, with regular, and dangerous, monotony

General Car Chat / Re: Fuel additives...
« on: 29 May 2020, 20:00:35 »
A load of rubbish, just drive the 10-15 miles hard and get the engine hot.  :y

Many thanks for that ... as the resident engine expert I take your point well ...  leaves me a tad concerned.....  last time I "drove hard" was in France and it cost me 200 Euros ..... I have a feeling that "driving hard" around here, even in 2nd gear, would quickly cost me my licence !!!  The beast goes far more quickly than the omega ever did !!

General Discussion Area / Re: Apple charging cables
« on: 29 May 2020, 13:00:49 »
Genuine Belkin are pretty good, but beware there are a zillion fakes out there !!!  and prevalent on a certain site beloved of our leader ...  :)

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