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Messages - Sir Tigger KC

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General Discussion Area / Re: Fed up with cameron
« on: 08 April 2011, 22:53:01 »
I generally support the Condemns..... because hopefully they'll condemn Labour to opposition for a very long time!!!  :y :y :y

But... call me Dave is starting to build up form in this sort of thing.... He should be out there bigging Britain up and not wringing his hands like some Liberal... Oh hang on!!  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: The boat that Guy built
« on: 09 March 2011, 22:08:16 »
Good to see Guy giving Wayne Rooney a plumbing apprenticeship.

Where did the shower waste water go to? Bilges?One day all programmes will have people speaking so quickly only young people will be able to follow!

Well spotted Varche  :y Especially from Espana  :o ;D

Is this an attempt at censorship? An attack on our rights of free speech? and isn't the "General Discussion Area" what it says on the tin?  :(

I don't think that the forum is broken at all, I enjoy the lively discussion and banter that occurs in the General Discussion Area.  So I'm with Banjax here, although I don't agree with many of his views......  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Why is dad the last to know,
« on: 04 April 2011, 10:52:42 »
Would Dad have given him a lecture about buying expensive powerful motobikes if he had known?  ::) ;D ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Funeral cortege etiquette
« on: 04 April 2011, 10:48:24 »
I got stuck behind a bikers funeral cortege on the A303 near Yeovil a few years ago.  There had to be around 100 bikes and they proceeded up the dual carriageway at around 35mph and took up both lanes for about 6 miles or so before peeling off into Yeovil, probably to the crematorium.

I was driving an artic right behind the cortege and I was abit frustrated at being held up and there was a hell of a tail back behind.... I remember though feeling abit ashamed later and thinking what a hell of a send off that biker got.....

We're all in such a hurry these days to get things done and be places, that we all tend to forget simple things like showing abit of respect  :-[

If they merge, does that mean the resulting publication will be twice as right wing? and will they publish a double amount of horse manure?  ::) ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: New tits
« on: 03 April 2011, 15:45:40 »
My neighbour has one of these boxs with a camera ( and infra red) and they have Bluetits nesting as well!  :y

I think they're a great idea and brilliant for kids!! :y :y :y

Aaaaah! but how gutted would you be.......  :'( :'( :'(

Lets face it, it's a typical British muddle  ;D ;D ;D

Most of the Commonwealth countries bit the bullet and went fully decimal and now its completely normal in those places  :y  I have a few Canadian/Aussie/Kiwi mates who think it's totally barmy that we operate a sort of dual system  :o

I kind of like the quirkyness of all to be honest! Its one of the things that makes us Brits kind of unique in this world :)

But Thank God they did at least decimalise the currency!!! £/s/d seems like a nightmare to me  :-/

General Discussion Area / Re: Temp Insurance
« on: 01 April 2011, 10:36:11 »
Any reason why you can't tax a car on a temp insurance?  :-/ So for example if I bought a car at auction with no tax, could I tax it on a days insurance cover note to get it home legally?

General Discussion Area / Re: Serious earthquake in Japan
« on: 11 March 2011, 10:40:42 »
Shocking scenes!!  :o :'(  We really don't know how lucky we are in this country ::) It puts our few inchs of snow dramas into perspective   :-/

General Discussion Area / Re: sugar, sugar game
« on: 20 March 2011, 00:31:03 »
Heh heh maybe Terbert  ;)

A bit of a cerebel challenge never did anyone any harm eh?  :)  I did get a tad 'involved' though...  ::)

Anyway back to my misfire.... :-/

General Discussion Area / Re: sugar, sugar game
« on: 20 March 2011, 00:14:01 »
Ha Ha had a laugh reading though the thread!!  ;D ;D ;D Glad I wasn't the only sucker.....  ::) ::) ::)

I finished it a couple of nights ago and went to sleep with green and red dots floating around....  :D :D :D :o :o :o

General Discussion Area / Re: sugar, sugar game
« on: 17 March 2011, 01:04:47 »
Totally sucked in.. :o Level 19 ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: At war again by the weekend ?
« on: 18 March 2011, 16:12:57 »
Hopefully the UN resolution has made Gadaffi sit up and take notice that the international community won't sit on their hands and watch while he murders the people of Libya.... and in my view that goes for the other despots aound the world as well!

I'm glad that the UN has finally got round to assuming a position on this, as if we did nothing we would be witnessing genocide in Bengazi and the world has sat and watched too many genocides in recent history.... Cambodia, The Balkans, Rwanda and the DRC spring to mind  :'( :'( :'(

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