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Messages - Entwood

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General Car Chat / Fuel additives...
« on: 29 May 2020, 11:15:25 »
Hi... remember I know nowt about these odd diesel engines ..... this is the first one I've ever had in 50 odd years of petrol head enjoyment !! This is a 3.0 turbo V6 Allroad

Due to the present covid crisis, the beast is getting very few drives, and those that do occur are shortish - max about 10-15 miles, and that is going the long way round to get to the few places I must get to !! otherwise , for health reasons, we simply don't go out.

Everything I read tells me that short trips are bad for most bits of this engine from the Turbo through to the Cat to the DPF .. but I have no choice at the moment.

I am considering using a fuel additive in an attempt to reduce any problems, and the best I seem to find is "Archoil AR6400-D Max Professional" which claims to fix all the problems mentioned.

Question then, for you guys who "know" these things ... is this a "snakeoil" type claim .. or do these additives work ?? Is it likely to cause any damage or other problems to this engine ?? Is there anything else I should know/be aware of before going down this track ??

Regards and stay safe .... 


General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 28 May 2020, 14:05:57 »
So, Durham police state that   

"A police investigation into the actions of Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson's top aide, has concluded there "might have been a minor breach" of lockdown regulations when he made a journey from his parents' property in Durham to the town of Barnard Castle." ...

and, more importantly ..

"The force also concluded that Mr Cummings' trip from his London home to Durham, made with his wife who was showing coronavirus symptoms,  did not break the rules."

and that they are taking no action.

Kier Starmer states .... in response ...

"well, if Cummings doesn’t have to abide by the rules, why do I have to?"

Unless my understanding of the English language is completely wrong .... the police statement "did not break the rules."   means, I believe, that he DID actually "abide by the rules"....

So, can someone explain to this simple idiot, what language is Starmer speaking in ???  or has the English language now become "I'll say whatever I want and it will mean whatever I want, regardless of the truth"

General Discussion Area / Re: I know the Daily Star is......
« on: 27 May 2020, 12:19:37 »
Unfortunately, even though we see the stupidity and humour .. there are a great many idiots who will believe it to be true ...

and yet another example of an "unbiased" report by "national media" .... methinks probably not .......

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 25 May 2020, 20:07:56 »

No I deliberately didn’t, because it now depends on the Country’s reactions and, regrettably, the hunger still left in the press pack of hounds to chase this story. Watching the situation since the Cummings press conference, it would appear it is not over. So, in the interests of everyone, no matter how innocent or not Cummings is, he must eventually, within days, go.  If he does not the damage already done to Boris will be irreversible.

Boris must act in a Machiavellian manner and act in interests of the many, not Cummings. He must now be history ;)

The problem with this, is if he resigns, that would be an admission of guilt.  If he is 'asked to leave' that implies the Government think him guilty.

The MSM have much to answer for with the way they have dealt with this, and changes should be made immediately.  Of course, the Government cannot simply tell the Press how to do their job, that's not how a Democratic system works, but I think many of those reporters who have WITHOUT QUESTION broken safety guidelines should be in a meeting first thing tomorrow morning with their arses handed to them.

As for the general public who asked for his head at the first hint of any wrongdoing, they have been taught a lesson, and whilst I don't believe many will change, I hope at least some do!

No such animal ... the press have simply found folks who will repeat "their" agenda and put it forward as an opinion .... have you been asked your thoughts ? has anyone on OOF?  has anyone you know ??  .. I very much doubt it.

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 25 May 2020, 20:04:04 »
No Lizzie is actually time now to stand up to the gutter press and show them that

a) They should report the news, not try and manufacture it with falsehoods

b) They don't run the country, the Government do

The "country" won't have a reaction ..... some idiots with no braincells will simply repeat, ad nauseum , what the gutter press put out

General Discussion Area / Re: Corona virus Europe
« on: 25 May 2020, 20:00:45 »
mmmm "It's too dangerous to send my child to school" .......   but it's ok to do this ???

hypocrisy rules .......

General Discussion Area / Re: Corona virus Europe
« on: 25 May 2020, 19:46:19 »
Moving away from the politics of it all for a moment .... and focusing on the actual illness itself .... an interesting article on the physical effects, and the problems they cause the medics,  can be found here ...

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 25 May 2020, 19:37:22 »
So it seems that the British "media" have now re-written a basic tenet of our lives over the past few hundred years .... from now on everyone is guilty until proved innocent... and if the answers that prove you innocent are not what the media want then they will be ignored so you are guilty anyway.

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 24 May 2020, 23:04:52 »
One wonders why the claimed "autism" of the child is not mentioned a single time by either BBC or ITV ......  if the child is (unfortunately) autistic .. that can only be a deliberate omission simply as it undermines their stand .....  if the child is NOT autistic one would expect them to be crying "foul" from every corner ..... to me that only leaves one explanation ...deliberate omission as it does not suit their "line"

There was a time when the main TV channels actually "reported" the news ... rather than trying to manufacture what they want folk to think is the news...... ie their agenda.

General Discussion Area / Re: Corona virus Europe
« on: 24 May 2020, 22:50:56 »
They've changed the patient dynamics, not the management  :-X
Pre Batflu, hospitals were reportedly chaotic, poorly managed stressful places to work.

Apparently the only thing that has changed is why the 'customers' are there, ie Batflu... Doesn't alter the fact that they're chaotic, poorly managed and stressful work places ;)

Put another way, Mrs Stemo* currently works in a school. Let's say that half her staff are crap and the building is falling down. The school gets a shiny new building, but nothing else changes. Is it all roses suddenly? No half the staff are still crap, so her work quality doesn't really change.

*Obviously made up situation...

I've told you before and I WON'T tell you again .....  STOP USING COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC in your posts ... it goes completely against the modern trend of "Blame the government without thinking" ... it is NEVER the workers fault, always the Governments .... this is a progressive, forward thinking, ecologically sound and therefore totally left wing forum, so your continued application of common sense marks you as a right wing terrorist, your opinions cannot be valid under any circumstances as you fail to follow media led hypocrisy.


General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 24 May 2020, 19:34:08 »
My tuppenceworth and nowt else.

Any normal person with an ounce of decency would, once found out, move on or, someone in a position to force it, would do so.

Trouble is, Cummings knows where all the political bodies are buried, so to speak, and so gets public protection from his personal Pinocchio......

Implies he was hiding something, or had something to hide ... seems he doesn't as it was his parents who called the police to tell him he was there and to ask for security advice, given his high profile .... .. calling the police and saying "I'm here" .. is not 'exactly' hiding something ..... is it ???

General Discussion Area / Re: cummings
« on: 24 May 2020, 16:03:02 »
Questions for those who think the "media" are impartially doing their job .....

If he did this hienious crime 7 weeks ago, .....  why is it only being reported now, and not at the time ??

Why is an "anonymous witness" more credible than a man making a public statement ?

Why is the answer given to a question "not acceptable",  does the questioner have the right to only get answers he likes ??


Do you, like me, think this is simply the "media" trying to remove someone who does not play their silly little games ?

General Discussion Area / Re: Extension lead
« on: 23 May 2020, 22:51:20 »
I need a extension lead for a new tumble dryer, only need about 1 metre would a standard 13amp one do or will i need a heavy duty one.

Asking due to the fact i came home tonight to find the old extension socket end had melted itself to the dryer plug. I had to pry them apart with a screwdriver. Its been working fine for the last 3 years.
 Wife refuses to use the dryer again. Hense going to have to buy a new one.

Nowt wrong with the drier ....  lots wrong with the plug/extension socket .... :)

  (as dangerous due to blinding others)...

And then there are the road users that are too stupid to turn their lights on when it's dark which means their fully lit DRLs are blindingly bright!  >:( >:(

.... and being so stupid don't realise that on most vehicles it means they have no lights at the rear at all ....

Just a quick thought to those fitting DIY DRL's .... have you ensured they either dim when headlights are switched on or go off at that point ???

AFAIK it is illegal for them to remain on at full brightness  (as dangerous due to blinding others)...

You've not really read the original question have Nige?  ::) ::)

Yup I had .. OP knows the law/courtesy to others/common sense ... others posting after with their ideas may not ....

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