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Messages - Entwood

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General Car Chat / Re: Detailing for beginners
« on: 04 May 2020, 19:48:47 »
Thanks GK ....  I think ......  :-\

You've just cost me £180.00 ..... I'll let you know in a couple of weeks time if I'm gonna love you or hate you ......   :D :D

General Car Chat / Re: Car Polish - Wax or Ceramic?
« on: 02 May 2020, 22:29:58 »
We legitimately have one of those big plastic outdoor boxes full of detailing kit. About 4ft long and 2ft square... MrsGK makes me look like an amateur.

She won a trophy at a Merc concours a couple of years ago, to give you an idea...!

So how does she fancy doing an audi allroad then ..... it needs a good seeing to !!

General Discussion Area / Re: Fake Covid-19 Figures?
« on: 01 May 2020, 22:14:49 »
I think that too much is expected from them regarding figures , it's an awful situation for everyone who is dealing with any of it government key ,workers etc it will make absolutely no difference dwelling on what is on death certificates, what is needed is plain old commonsense and people pulling together to get through the present situation & hopefully finding a vaccine to combat this virus, which unfortunately I think is some time away.

Disagree.  We need to know why Covid-19 is being listed as the cause of death when it wasn't.  Why is this happening?  ???

Simply because it's easier for officials?  or is it an instruction from the top to boost death figures so they can justify the lock down?   ???

Why would they need to justify the lockdown ? As I said in my post commonsense..

Exactly.  Why would our Government want to inflate the Covid 19 death figures when they are,and will be in the endless future, be judged on their performance in handling this pandemic that has affected most of the World? ::) ::)

Don't see it myself ;)

No neither do I Lizzie, people criticise & comment whatever decision is made these are ordinary human beings dealing with an "invisible enemy" yes people  will lose jobs businesses will cease trading  in the end all of us will be affected one way or another, regarding the lockdown it's sensible in my opinion but if anyone wants to ignore it it's their decision ultimately it depends how much you value life, yours & others.

Agreed :y :y

It is very easy for those without responsibility for a nation to be wise after the event and sound as though they know how the leaders should act and what they should do, along with when. Of course, those without responsibilities can just walk away from their vocals and not take on any sense of consequence.

Anyone of us who has been responsible to shareholders and a board of directors for a mult-million pound business employing 1,000’s of staff knows how that feels when it comes to making decisions that will affect everything you have under your control, including people’s livelihoods.  We can just imagine what it is like to be responsible for a nation under threat from an enemy that cannot be seen; at least the likes of Churchill could see the enemy!

But no, you will always get the armchair critics who think they know it all, spout off all kinds of ‘solutions’, but can then forget it all as they go to bed, which I certainly could never do, let alone our PM being able to do that with all he has on his plate! :o :o


You mean the so called "opposition" and "main stream media" ???  Who ALWAYS know afterwards exactly what "should" have been done  .... ??

2 months ago - testing not needed ... 1 month ago - 100,000 tests a day - impossible......   today - figures must be lies ...

the truth .. it matters not as long as they are mashing their gums ....

General Car Chat / Re: Anyone know about Astras?
« on: 01 May 2020, 22:07:37 »
Well done mate .. excellent work and a great result  :y :y :y

Sorted the gas fire. The igniter was striking but there was next to no gas coming out to light. Decided to take bits off to check for a blockage .... the pilot light nozzle has the SMALLEST hole in it .... smaller than a wire off a stainless wire brush but managed to poke a tiny nylon 'wire' through it & obviously managed to clear some sh1te out ... blew out with air line. Re-assembled & there is now a flame big enough for the flame detection gizmo to 'see' .... Sorted!  :y :y :y

If you have to do this again .. try this ... (works on several carbs I still play with) ... take a piece of standard 13 amp cable, strip it back and use SINGLE strand of one of the inner wires ... no idea what the size is .. but its small, its bendable to reach awkward places, and its stiff enough to move small crud. .....  works a dream on the lawnmower carb !!

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: V6 Timing Kit
« on: 30 April 2020, 11:39:51 »
Please lock, item sold

General Discussion Area / Re: Captain Tom
« on: 30 April 2020, 10:33:37 »
Makes the namby-pamby idiot aged 19 whose just been caught for the THIRD time sneaking out to smoke weed with his mates, and who is no complaining he's being "picked on" look exactly what he is .....

A spoilt selfish prat.

Thank you COLONEL Tom ... an inspiration to us all

General Discussion Area / Re: A revelation
« on: 29 April 2020, 19:40:22 »
It started to go downhill when they all had mullets .. and steadily just got worse !!

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 29 April 2020, 19:29:31 »
And we've had the Audi a year .....  time flies when you get old !!

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 29 April 2020, 15:26:11 »

Omega General Help / Re: Nurse requires Cambelt!
« on: 29 April 2020, 11:41:05 »
DLK (Darth LooKnee) has re-appeared on the forum and used to do mine for me .. really excellent work everytime ... now, he used to be in Stoke - I would drive up and he would do it while I waited - but he may well now be in Poland ... who knows !!!!!!!!!   :)

(and I still have a complete timing kit for sale ... see sales pages) ...  :)

Tonnes of DIY  ;D ;D

Rumours of his departure to foriegn lands are obviously untrue ...  welcome back YooF   :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Corona virus Europe
« on: 25 April 2020, 23:43:41 »
Just remember .. everyone STAY SAFE .. no matter your age ...


Omega General Help / Re: Rear Brakes
« on: 25 April 2020, 22:39:13 »
There is a tool for the job  :y

.... never used one though  :-\
Aside from the slow boat from China, are you sure this tool is for this job? The drawing suggests the business end is 2.5cm in diameter, way too big to fit through the access hole in the hub.

Why would you be doing this through the access hole ?? The shoes are removed/replaced with the drum OFF .. the hole in the drive shaft flange is pretty big and long nosed pliers fit in easily ... .. at least that's how I've always done it !!
Who said the drum was still on? Clearly it's been taken off. That leaves the hub flange in the way. As I recall the access hole in the hub flange is Ø12mm. So a Ø25mm tool just isn't going to fit through. Long pointy nose pliers will.

Anyway I see he's used a 2BA nut spinner to depress the spring. That will also easily fit through the hole. And is readily available.

OK .. when you said "access hole" I thought you were refering to the hole in the drum that you use to adjust the brake ......  I wouldn't call the holes in the flange plate "access holes" ......   :)

Omega General Help / Re: Rear Brakes
« on: 25 April 2020, 19:52:34 »
There is a tool for the job  :y

.... never used one though  :-\
Aside from the slow boat from China, are you sure this tool is for this job? The drawing suggests the business end is 2.5cm in diameter, way too big to fit through the access hole in the hub.

Why would you be doing this through the access hole ?? The shoes are removed/replaced with the drum OFF .. the hole in the drive shaft flange is pretty big and long nosed pliers fit in easily ... .. at least that's how I've always done it !!

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