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Messages - D

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General Discussion Area / Re: gifgaf question
« on: 21 August 2015, 17:47:47 »
Used GG for the last 6 months. Really wanted to like it but I was frequently struggling to make calls, even when the phone was showing full signal strength. Initially thought it was my phone at fault.

Internet was a real pain as it would often not work. Google Maps would never work despite four bars of signal, so navigation often stopped and would not display the maps for many minutes.

Absolutely awful. Moved to a mainstream provider and have had seamless calls and internet for the last month or so. To be honest moving to a different provider has made me realise how crap GG was.

This thread is interesting, because when I moved to GG, the overall feedback was positive.
For me, GG went down the Gary Glitter just over a year ago. Went from a pretty good, if somewhat quirky, provider into a amateur, unreliable, useless provider.  The problem is, if you sing their praises on their forum, they give you money, which skews a lot of people's perception...  ...and even users become almost blind to the problem.

About a year ago, I moved my primary phone to EE (after trying PAYG on all networks bar Voda (no signal here), which has been shockingly brilliant.  Granted, I now pay a tenner a month for 1.1Gb data, 200mins and unlimited txt, whereas with NiffNaff I paid £7.50 for 250Mb data (pointless having more, as it never worked anyway), 200min, unlimited text.

Slowly, I've moved all my others, along with Mrs TB, to EE, except the telematics in the MV6. That needs to stay O2 or Voda based, and NiffNaff is the cheapest O2 based provider I can find.

I rarely ever have trouble with calls - the occasion one going to VM when I know I've had a signal, but I had that on O2 as well. It was just data, which was utterly hopeless.

Interesting, because I did just that. Switched to EE, unlimited mins and txts with 10GB of 4G data for 8ppm. I had this nagging feeling something was wrong with GG. Unfortunately where we live in Surrey has always had awful reception and I put it down to that rather than GG. It was the lack of maps working that drove me around the bend and forced me to switch. Once ported, I couldnt believe the difference. And 4G coverage seems very good so far. Even working deep within the depths of my workplace. So far EE has been great for me.

General Discussion Area / Re: I was in tears this morning
« on: 20 August 2015, 22:52:29 »
Well done to the young man, you must be so proud.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: gifgaf question
« on: 20 August 2015, 22:43:14 »
Used GG for the last 6 months. Really wanted to like it but I was frequently struggling to make calls, even when the phone was showing full signal strength. Initially thought it was my phone at fault.

Internet was a real pain as it would often not work. Google Maps would never work despite four bars of signal, so navigation often stopped and would not display the maps for many minutes.

Absolutely awful. Moved to a mainstream provider and have had seamless calls and internet for the last month or so. To be honest moving to a different provider has made me realise how crap GG was.

This thread is interesting, because when I moved to GG, the overall feedback was positive.


This one is unusually good though, basically free apart from the line rental

Recently used your 50% off code, should have waited a bit longer to get this instead. Presumably adding movies would be at full price ie £17? Even though that still works out cheaper than the 50% off deal. Probably the best Sky deal I have seen for a while.

General Discussion Area / Re: where does the fault lie?
« on: 15 August 2015, 15:01:12 »
How long does the battery last?

I've had it for 18 months,  used several times a week. still on the original batteries.

Thanks, was looking for something smaller than an air horn. Will give it a try.

General Discussion Area / Re: where does the fault lie?
« on: 13 August 2015, 22:22:13 »
How long does the battery last?

General Discussion Area / Re: where does the fault lie?
« on: 13 August 2015, 19:27:45 »
These cyclist vs. car driver wars incidents is down to lack of respect on all side imho.

The majority of cyclists don't follow the rules of the road.
Undertaking, weaving though traffic, believing that red lights or most traffic signals don't apply to them only serve to piss off car. van and wagon drivers because they haven't got a friggin clue what they are going to do and are sick and tired of these muppets exploiting the lack of will of the police to enforce these laws.

As we all know, if a car driver runs a red light and gets caught then the shit hits the fan, he is hammered within a inch of his licence and the world gets to know about it.

For instance, until these cyclists are forced to and publicly prosecuted for non compliance of the law, the empathy and lack of respect to cyclists will only continue and get worse.

The law can start by enforcing the following ..............
1/. Wear a helmet
2/. Wear a Hi Vis jacket or vest
3/. Have lights front and back that are fit for purpose
4/. Have carry valid and suitable insurance if your over 16 years old. (below that, your parents are responsible and pick up the tab)
5/. Follow the rules of the road

If this happens (and i'm not holding my breath here), then maybe car drives and there sort will start to give more respect to cyclists as a whole  ;)

Profess are well known for being very average to poor with their install quality. They are also well known to randomly change components and charge exorbitant rates. I would stay away as LD suggests.

I can suggest someone in Tenbury wells who is very good and much more reasonably priced. Also very well regarded on the LPG forum. Still not that close mind.

Truck turning into street with indicators on, I would have stopped a fair distance before the biker did. Rather than ride into the truck's path as this chap did.

What is more interesting is the mother who leaves her child in a pushchair by the kerb and rushes to help the biker. In Peckham!

General Car Chat / Re: Omega replacements
« on: 21 July 2015, 16:32:53 »
If looking for an XJ now, I would be seriously tempted by something like this:

They are nice, but I always felt that space inside was at a premium, especially given how large the car is. The facelift is a different kettle of fish, much more roomy. Just dont like the back end. Yes, infact the backend would put me off buying one, ever. Neighbour had a XJ-R, the supercharged variant. Loud and very nice.

General Car Chat / Re: The Economics of a new car
« on: 20 July 2015, 14:22:43 »
Funny you should post the CLS, I've hung my nose over one more than once in the past, always been too tight though :P. Love the exterior styling, unlike most other things on the road!

Also, in the interests of shooting my new car argument in the foot, I have NOTHING to recommend a brand new car over one like this which is 8 months and 5,000 miles old and is less than £10k  ::)

Brand new car via DTD is £12500 with 0% APR. So cost for a new car once you subtract a bank loan @ an average 7% APR would be £1250 more than the used car. Then take away £110 for first year road tax and it is £1140 more for the new car. Now that is a deal available to all via DTD. There will be dealer specific deals that will narrow the gap even more. Sub £1000 why would you want to buy a used car? I would go for the new car.

They do have a shorter life. Not sure if that is due to the increased output or associated heat. But my last set was a few years ago. I think it was a Philips 110+. Certainly lasted 8 months plus and then I sold the car. The set before lasted just over a year. Premature failure may be related to fingerprints/oil on the bulb during installation.

General Car Chat / Re: The Economics of a new car
« on: 19 July 2015, 19:07:00 »
One of the few freedoms left in this country is how we spend our money after we have paid our essential bills and there is no right or wrong how you spend it, just what is right for you and your dependents. :y :y :y

People's priorities also depend upon their personal circumstances. Somebody that earns mega money through working very long hours, would say that the money they would lose through instead of working, by repairing a car, would cost them more than throwing money at a new / leased car every 3 years, where any problems are for the garage to sort out. Shortage of time and time management are their priorities. Whereas somebody working a 37 hour week or maybe only part time and struggling to run a car, would say a cheap secondhand one and home maintenance is essential. Then there's the hobbyist who enjoys repairing his car, so regardless of money would do it for the enjoyment. :y :y :y

So IMO this thread and some very opinionated opinions and arguments are all a bit pointless as it is horses-for-courses and what personally suits you and your circumstances. :y :y :y

Finally, a reasonable post.

Cannot agree more, spend as you see fit and what suits your circumstances. Calling someone stupid just because they choose to spend money (on something they like) is plainly not correct.

General Car Chat / Re: The Economics of a new car
« on: 19 July 2015, 16:47:12 »
D. Are you suffering from depression?

Do you really think that is funny? Sometimes I do not understand you. Why do you need to ridicule everything including a mental health condition?

General Car Chat / Re: Omega replacements
« on: 19 July 2015, 15:43:45 »
Ok, lets try again:

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