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Messages - Entwood

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General Discussion Area / Re: Capitol Hill
« on: 07 January 2021, 12:47:14 »
NURSE.......he's out of bed again  ;D
Not for long, but again, there is so much ill-informed nonsense going around, that having watched the entire Joint Session, I had to say something :-X

So I take it that you actively agree with these two statements then ??

Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, said the election disputes should be resolved through "trial by combat".

Donald Trump Jr, the president's oldest son, had a message to members of his party who would not "fight" for their president.

"This isn't their Republican Party anymore," he said. "This is Donald Trump's Republican Party."

making the latest definition of "democracy" not "government by the people, for the people" .... but now ... "he who lies longest and loudest wins"....   ???

General Discussion Area / Re: Capitol Hill
« on: 07 January 2021, 12:07:33 »
Wouldn't you think that with the events planned for yesterday at Capital Hill, both inside and outside the Capital Building that the authorities would have planned for any event and security organised accordingly?  ???  Apparently not.  ::)

The woman who was shot inside the Capital Building and later died from her injury, was attempting to climb through a window so presented no immediate threat to Police Officers and security.  There seems to have been a collective shrug from the worlds media, but I wonder what the reaction would have been if it was a BLM crowd who stormed the Capital Building and she was an apparently unarmed black woman.  :-X

Her name was Ashli Babbitt, she was 35 and a USAF veteran.
Second person in was a man called Thomas Moretti (iirc). He didn't know her but explained exactly what happened during an improptu interview with a PBS reporter love streaming from the press area on the main forecourt. Apparently they had used aome scaffolding at the rear of the building to gain entry and used flashbangs to clear a path in and when they arrived at a locked interior door near the Senate chamber, they forced it open. She was the first one through it and was shot in the neck. At this point the Capitol Police pushed them back and at this point, the evacuated the Senate Chamber and locked down the building from the inside.

Congress was about 25 minutes into hearing arguments for and against rejecting Arizona when it happened, and they recessed for about five minutes before continuing with a presentation. Once that presentation had finished, they too evacuated.

Not my definition of a "peaceful protest"

I'm absolutely amazed and disgusted that the white, right wing  "protestors" were simply allowed to do what they wanted .. if this had been the BLM movement then they would have been shot out-of-hand.....  total hypocrisy from the so called "law enforcement" bodies who actively appear to support Trump and his ideals

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown
« on: 04 January 2021, 17:28:54 »
Who knows... the only thing for certain is a whole bunch of idiots will ignore whatever "rules" are inplace 'cos they think they know better ... lacking the common sense to know they are actively spreading it.

Lock down will make absolutely no difference to C and I .. we don't go out, we don't mix, we keep ourselves to ourselves.. the dog is walked across open fields where we seen no one else at all, and because of that 2 KOS have stayed lonely but healthy .. so far.. and hopefuly will continue to do so.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 03 January 2021, 22:08:25 »

General Car Chat / Re: fuel degradation
« on: 02 January 2021, 10:50:06 »
What happens to cause fuel to lose its potency with age and how long does it take on average?

Mostly caused by the "aromatics" (the more volatile elements) evaporating, so leaving behind the heavier elements that don't atomise as well, so making combustion more difficult (can often be recognised by the appearance of a "varnish" like sheen in the bottom of the tank/container from the remaining heavy elements settling)

Time is difficult to state... temperature/temperature changes/porosity of container etc etc all will have an effect.

Personally, I try to avoid petrol over 6 months old in lawnmowers/generators/strimmers etc .. and pour into the larger tank of the wife's car !! The old seems to mix with the newer quite well to avoid waste !

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 01 January 2021, 20:30:15 »
Perhaps some form of common sense is actually begining to prevail over there ....

General Discussion Area / Re: CV 19 vaccination
« on: 31 December 2020, 18:19:23 »
DoctorsThe union mouthpieces for the doctors union have written to Matt Ballcock telling him that the idea of cancelling second vaccinations, in favour of giving everyone their first, is totally out of order as there is absolutely no medical evidence that one is enough to give any practical immunity after a few weeks. The government is in danger of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

FTFY ... don't forget to mention Prof Peter Openshaw, of Imperial College London,  (probably a tad more qualified than a union quack) ... who has something slightly different, and more constructive, to say on the matter .... but as that doesn't fit your anti-government stance best not to say it ???

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 29 December 2020, 12:25:27 »
Pierre Cardin - 98  ... now that's a good innings !!

General Discussion Area / Re: Bye Bye Mum
« on: 26 December 2020, 20:50:00 »
Condolences Ron ... a damned good innings but still a wrench when they go, just remember, she is still there in every single memory you have.

General Car Chat / Re: Battery Failure - Great AA
« on: 26 December 2020, 20:47:40 »
I'm not Entwood, but the answer is no. A good charger will come with(it's also available separately) a hard wire kit that you fit to the battery, and route the plug to somewhere convenient. Then you park the car, and leave the charger connected until the next time you use the car.

The trouble is that a lot of later vehicles have to be charged from the designated posts, not the battery itself.  :y

That's only a little fiddlier than fitting a ring terminal to the M6 bolt on each battery connector

The audi  is left with the battery connected and the charger connected to the supplied "posts" with no problems at all . There is plenty of room for the crocodile clips on the posts, and the charger sits nicely near the airbox. The mains lead goes out through a small space at the "point" of the  wing so the bonnet closes fully, thus the car is locked, the alarms set and the battery is kept "topped up" throughout the time it is not being used. When the time comes to use the car, pop the bonnet, unplug the charger, disconnect the crocodile clips ... job done .. takes less than a minute.

General Discussion Area / Re: If there was no deal.....
« on: 24 December 2020, 22:13:11 »
Those who wanted out will say it's a good deal

Those who wanted to stay will say it's a bad deal

The left wing media will twist everything to slate Boris simply to have something to print/say

Theresa May supporters will say its her deal re-written

Corbyn's supporters will say that if it hadn't been for him we would have caved in weeks ago

Sturgeon will say it never should have happened

The tin-foil conspiracy theorists will say it was all stitched up months ago

Trump supporters will say he achieved the whole thing in the background

Why let the truth (whatever that is) get in the way of a good "soundbite"

regardless of all that hype .. the world will continue to revolve ... life will go on ... and 90% of us will not notice any difference  :)

Edited for smelling pistakes !!

General Car Chat / Re: Battery Failure - Great AA
« on: 23 December 2020, 12:18:58 »
The audi has not turned a wheel for 4 weeks, but the battery is in tip-top condition, as it has a "smart charger" connected to it for 48 hours  every 14 days. Modern cars with all the anti-theft devices and other stuff quickly run down a battery, .......

Whilst we are on the subject of batteries, any recommendations for a smart charger for AGM Start/Stop batteries. Mine doesn't go far now so I'm thinking it should get a little charge now and again. I was looking at the Halfords Smart Plus but no idea if it's any good or not. I have two of the standard battery chargers but they're no good for AGM type I believe.

Reference the AA and batteries, I drove over 300 miles in one go in the Omega, parked up, went to move it twenty minutes later and it was completely dead. Well, 8V actually, but may as well have been dead. The AA turned up, did the checks for parasitic drain and fitted a new battery. He was a pleasant guy who was only too happy to check for battery drain, so a thumbs up from me.  :y

I use a ctek MXS 5.0, and have used ctek stuff for years, in fact I still have the older one which is used on the shopping trolly .... only purchased this one as it does AGM batteries which the Audi has.

Not everyone agrees, but I find ctek stuff very good.

General Discussion Area / Re: Why won't my mower start?
« on: 22 December 2020, 20:39:46 »
If you mean the throttle butterfly it should be held open by a spring at rest.
When running a governor mechanism in the crank case or an air flap in the cooling nacelle closes it against the spring to regulate the speed. Maybe the spring has fallen off?

Yes...the spring is gone, reply 37. I was told to start the mower with the butterfly closed. Which I couldn't.

You got me wondering now.  ;D

Just been out and started my mower.  ;D  Popped the air box off and shone a torch up the air intake when the mower was cold and prior to starting it. The butterfly was fully closed (as in blocking air from entering the carb). As it warmed up it opened the butterfly to allow air in to the carb. As a double check I looked at my strimmer and the bike, which both have a manual choke. When I flicked the lever to choke, it blocked the air from entering the carb, just the same as the mower. Choke being rich, air being lean.
As a triple check I looked on YouTube.  ;D

Incidentally, it may start without choke but will struggle to rev until warmed up.  :y

Thanks. That is a great video. The carb is exactly the same as mine.

With the butterfly closed mine simply refused to start, which was why I pegged the mechanism to hold the butterfly fully open. It then started. The exact opposite to what should happen it seems. Perhaps if the weather was colder the butterfly would need to be shut.

I need to get a new spring.

Perhaps my carb is running 'super rich'

or you had "flooded" it and the extra air cleared it enough to fire up??   Accelerator to the floor is the way to clear a flooded carburettor engine ....  :)

General Car Chat / Re: Battery Failure - Great AA
« on: 22 December 2020, 17:19:06 »
That's a coincidence Lizzie!  My Mondeo was as dead as a Dodo today!  >:(

Luckily I have a new battery which I bought last month, so fitted that.  The old battery had 8 volts...  :(

The AA chap said sorting out batteries was all they were doing now. With me, you, B52 and all other motorists at the moment, I am sure the batteries are going due to the very low mileage we are doing at the moment.  After turning a 3.2 engine, or any engine, if it cannot do a good long run every week it must put a lot of strain on the battery and quickly make it go dud! :'( :'( :'(

The audi has not turned a wheel for 4 weeks, but the battery is in tip-top condition, as it has a "smart charger" connected to it for 48 hours  every 14 days. Modern cars with all the anti-theft devices and other stuff quickly run down a battery, and a battery discharged for even a short period is rapidly damaged beyond repair (look up sulphate to sulphide conversion) as the build up of irreversable hard crystals occurs when a battery is left discharged. PROPERLY charging can prevent this, and if the crystals are still "soft", even reverse it.

The problem is .. even a 20 mile run will NOT "Properly" recharge a battery .. but 48 hours on a charger will.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boris is on telly...
« on: 19 December 2020, 23:27:37 »
What is pissing me off right now is the totally stupid "acquaintances" .. I no longer call then "friends" .. who see the "rules" as a "target" and are attempting, at every moment, to push them to the limit.

We can no longer see our daughter this xmas as she is now tier 4 in London, and is worried that, should she actually visit us she "might" pass the virus on .. (both C and I are rated "vulnerable" due to past illness/age)  and did she last weekend when she, legally visited, but knew nowt about this "new strain" ........

but folks we know have just booked a weekend in a hotel in London as they are "stir crazy" and want to get out .... and then got all pissy with me when I told them to stay away from my house when they come back as I don't wish to see them.

As I said earlier .. the virus is spread by people .. not rules/governments/rain drops or beer ... but PEOPLE .. stay away from other folks and you neither catch or spread the virus .. it is NOT difficult .. although it is neither "nice" or "comfortable" .. it is a fact ......

I apologise if I upset anyone .. but I am severely pissed off at the stupidity of some of those around me ..... I have also lost 3 friends this week, all past colleages in the RAF , and all of a similar age to me. Covid knows no discrimination .. it attacks everyone.

edited for smelling pistakes

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