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Messages - Leomas

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General Discussion Area / Re: Good sunday?
« on: 01 March 2009, 21:18:39 »
Had a late breakfast fry-up then wandered all of 100 yards to the river and caught myself a pike just where I expected there to be one. Had a celebratory pack of Jaffa cakes and then sat watching TV...stressful day all-round really, gotta love the pace of life here in Ireland.

General Discussion Area / Re: Can anyone recommend a good screw?
« on: 21 February 2009, 23:44:15 »
Worth getting some woodcaps to put over them. Drill/countersink down enough to get the head 1/4 inch or so down and cut slivers of dowel to stick down over the screw. Gives the screw that bit of protection and you can just dig out the cap if you need to remove the screw

General Discussion Area / Re: newbies
« on: 21 February 2009, 16:45:18 »
Fully agree. I was very nervous at first as I only really joined to get help with some issues but everyone was very forthcoming and I got it fixed (OK, the bit I broke while doing it was all my own fault, and the beginnings of a habit BUT...). Have chipped in on a few conversations since such as this one and without really trying I am over the 250 posts so can sell just about anything. Shame really that I've got so attatched to the thing.

General Discussion Area / Re: linux or windows
« on: 07 February 2009, 11:06:46 »
Biggest question has to be 'What will it be used for?' If it is a games machine then there is little point using linux as too many current games will not run even in WINE or similar. If it is for internet and typing and such then it is worth giving linux a go just for the experience. You could even go mad and set it up as dual-boot.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any ideas?
« on: 30 January 2009, 18:24:11 »
Firstly I don't know if this is the right section so Admins feel free to move it.....

I have been wanting to build a trike for a looooong time now but after continually failing to find someone willing to build the chassis for me I am going to have to do it myself so...
I have been told that car chassis 'members' are only fairly low guage steel and I am using the front end of a Rover as it will be a 'tadpole' trike so a cradle for the engine and then a simple spine back to the rear wheel. Making it easy for myself I was planning to use simple box section with cut'n'weld webbed corners rather than bending.
How thin a wall do you think I can use for the box as the thinner it is, the lower rating I can get away with on the welding kit?

ps  Volunteer welders welcomed if only to show me what I will undoubtedly be doing wrong

1800vvc or 2.5 kv6?
if your gonna be stupid you may as well be really stupid   :y (i would)


Sadly it's just a 1.6 that I had converted some time back for LPG. Bodywork is rotted to whatsit but the engine/running gear still seem fine.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any ideas?
« on: 30 January 2009, 17:36:08 »
Yup, also known as a tadpole....figured that if it was good enough for Morgan...
Also makes putting bodywork on for weather protection a lot easier, you don't have to have rubberised holes for forks etc. Was looking to steal styling for the front end from the supercar types with flaring over wheels etc and a false windscreen for directing airflow up and over. Will be buying the back-end of a traditional trike (Harley/Goldwing/BMW etc) for the luggage and to save having to demonstrate my lack of design skills.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any ideas?
« on: 30 January 2009, 13:25:46 »
Thanks for that but I'm building "That's not a trike"....

Rover engine/complete front end/front wheel drive (yes folks, two wheels at the front)
Automatic transmission (OK so I'm lazy, anything to remove the need for foot pedals)

Seen a few car-engined trikes and they all seemed to have the same issue with the gear lever sticking up in the way and from there they just got ugly. If my concept works it will be stunning and suitable for anyone to ride (disabled capable, hand controls only...possibly even with wheelchair if I could rig the floor properly) and if it doesn't then it will never see the light of day and all evidence will be destroyed.

General Discussion Area / Any ideas?
« on: 30 January 2009, 11:04:40 »
Firstly I don't know if this is the right section so Admins feel free to move it.....

I have been wanting to build a trike for a looooong time now but after continually failing to find someone willing to build the chassis for me I am going to have to do it myself so...
I have been told that car chassis 'members' are only fairly low guage steel and I am using the front end of a Rover as it will be a 'tadpole' trike so a cradle for the engine and then a simple spine back to the rear wheel. Making it easy for myself I was planning to use simple box section with cut'n'weld webbed corners rather than bending.
How thin a wall do you think I can use for the box as the thinner it is, the lower rating I can get away with on the welding kit?

ps  Volunteer welders welcomed if only to show me what I will undoubtedly be doing wrong

General Discussion Area / Re: bye bye speed camera's
« on: 29 January 2009, 20:26:44 »
grrrrrrr >:(
bugging me now >:(
i know i herd it on the radio but cant find it on the net anywhere

The report I heard related to the original trial being approved by Parliament with the general understanding that any deployment would require new legislation but the Home Office reckon what they have is enough. Not the first time that stuff gets the nod for a trial run in the belief it will need full parliamentary approval later but then a loophole is mysteriously found. Pay as you throw bin charges comes to mind.

here's a link

General Discussion Area / Re: bye bye speed camera's
« on: 29 January 2009, 10:46:45 »
herd on the radio while i took the daughter to school that they might be taking the speed camera's down
something about them not being approved by parliment

What's the phrase ...... something about the Vatican & showing a certain part of my anatomy!!!
I'm sure that even if it was the case, any subsequent laws passed would be made retrospective!

Shoorly shome mishtake...that would be like bringing in a law penalising people for a car they bought 6 years ago

ah yes, right

General Discussion Area / Re: Living in a mad world
« on: 28 January 2009, 11:45:01 »
Let's get this right..

The NHS wants patients to go without meat as producing it involves a high amount of emissions (despite the fact that meat is recommended especially after surgery).  >:(

and...patients should phone their GP rather than drive in for a visit, according to National Health Service guidelines unveiled today. So GPs should diagnose over the phone to save on CO2?  >:(

So this is all in the name of man-made global warming which has been championed by James Hansen at Nasa. It was that very man that first brought the subject up. He wants industrialists to be treated as criminals and has recently defended green trespassers at a UK power station.

Hmm, funny then that today Hansen's former supervisor has declared himself as sceptical of AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming). He goes on to say that Hansen has been an embarrassment to Nasa and that his climate models are useless. ( :y)

Any chance of any sanity returning?  :-/

Only if it will win more votes than it loses


General Discussion Area / Re: Second Home Owners Screwing Locals
« on: 28 January 2009, 11:42:39 »
Sympathise greatly with the comments above but it seems that all is not quite as reported. Not only is the fisherman at the centre standing alone as 'fishermen wanting a new quay' but he also does not live in the village.
Apparently a number of locals who really do live in the village are not happy with the plans as put forward and have suggested he might like to use one of the unoccupied jetties in the river itself for landing his catch.
Seems like it was a slow news day plus there is a rock star involved.

General Discussion Area / How embarrassing?
« on: 27 January 2009, 21:06:11 »
Having got off my backside and put in the effort to get my omega back in use, the last thing to do was sort out the LPG. At first it was switching over and then immediately cutting, but it had reached the point where it wouldn't even switch over.
Went to my friendly installer who had a look (I now know where all the bits are!!) and then replaced the relay.
It worked

Total bill £4 plus a pint for doing it there and then....time to get round to doing all this? 6 months   :-[

General Discussion Area / Re: Noisey Neighbers and the Law
« on: 25 January 2009, 22:17:30 »
As with all these, a polite word (over a cup of tea?) has to be the first step. She may not be aware just how much the noise comes through or, as she is single and living there alone, she doesn't realise how what she is doing and the time she is doing it could be seen.

Popped into the branch and it still works, but ordered another one.  I was told not to use it in a shop as the sig strip now just says VOID VOID VOID VOID get the idea...they're not allowed to accept a card like that, apparently..

Had that happen once but once the card had fully dried (couple of days for the funny strip) it was back to normal

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