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Messages - Bionic

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General Discussion Area / That visible crucifix fiasco
« on: 16 January 2013, 04:05:11 »
Surely the world has gone bananas when some old biddy takes a company to court because she was requested not to display in plain sight, (she was not told not requested not to wear) a crucifix. She stated that it there to signify her religious beliefs. What about the other religions who are offended by the sight of the crucifix and yet come into contact with her? Have they not the same right to be offended? In my view her employers did exactly the right thing by requesting that it was worn under her clothing and so out of sight and therefore unable to cause offence to anyone else. Religious she might be but a fool she most definitely is considering that it is we, the tax payer again, who has had to foot the costs of her ridiculous legal action in the High Court. No doubt her barrister was pleased with his share of the proceeds! As for the ones in silly stockings and wigs who made the judgement, well we already know that they live on a different planet anyway.
I hope her employers remember her action and ensure that her contact with the general public is now limited to ensure that any other religious person using their facilities are not given the opportunity to take offence at the sight of her prominently displayed cross.
To me this is but one more reason why religion should be remembered for what it has proven to be over the big fantasy and a tool whereby wars, discrimination and torture are legalised! Quite apart of course to there NEVER having been any scientific proof that such an entity ever existed in the first place. To me it is but a tool of support for the weak willed and those of low moral fibre as my old SGM used to say (shout), those who need the constant support of a fantasy to believe in. Faith? How about being like many others who are not religious but yet believe in themselves and live quite happy, love filled, morally decent and successful lives without the need for a 'higher being' to believe in?
She should be made to pay all of her legal expenses herself....or ask her religion to! One thing sure is that they would refuse.......
 ::) Waiting for the BB's to rabbit their nonesense now.............

General Discussion Area / Park Hampers
« on: 09 January 2013, 09:35:59 »
 :D Wifey got on about Park Hampers and gave them a ring to see what it was about. Turns out that you pay so much a week/month according to what you have selected and they deliver near to next Xmas. Ah but says I, do they pay any interest on the money they collect and hold for you for the gift vouchers etc. No says she so I says in that case you would be better off taking out a 12 month savings plan at our bank or using a seperate savings account somewhere like a Credit Union and so gain interest which would then allow you to buy more for your money.
Ah she says, that is wise indeed and that is what we will do. Park rang her again to ask if she wanted to proceed and when told why not they tried all ways to convince her that it was the best way to save for Xmas and that she would otherwise miss out on 'special offers' only available to Park Customers Funny though that they could not say what the 'special offers' were  :D.
How many will not heed that sound advice (gleened from MoneyExpert) and pay Park for the pleasure of doing what they could do for themselves and save money into the bargain?  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Car insurance (TV)
« on: 09 January 2013, 07:49:56 »
Agreed, but at least now its a level playing (paying) field across the genders! That does not mean that I expect the insurers to lower the charges or even average them out. Doubtless those women who were paying less will now pay the same as men and the insurers will again have sneakily increased their profits thanks to the EU! :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: Camera cars (parking)
« on: 09 January 2013, 07:44:16 »
 ;) Councils of whatever flavour will always take the easy route to raise revenue (usually the driversbcause by way of their number plates they are an easy prey to capture) and provide jobs for the civil servants who are little other than parasites on the real working, tax paying class.
Before I go (rarely cos its the pits) through the city now I plaster mud over the bigger part of the number plates both back and front. If I get physically stopped then its simply explained as I went through some dirty tracks on my travels.
All parasitic jobsworths should be put against the wall and eradicated.........
Comes to a point in the city I visit its the sheer number of the buses that are the cause of the problems! Double deckers with 2 or 3 people on for the better part of the day and all running far more regularly per hour than can be justified by passenger numbers. All subsidies should also be stopped and the fares capped nationally across all operators to make it a fair playing field in all of the cities and routes.
Will that ever happen.....Dream on!  ::)

 :y :y Good on you both Tiger and Lizzie.....people after my own heart. Problem is now they are here and grabbing every job they can and still being unwanted by many of those Brits whose jobs they are stealing how do we get rid of them? Perhaps Labour, the party who caused the problem in the first place, will come up with the solution....NOT. It was just a bit more proof that the Labour party cannot ever be trusted to govern. They lost my vote permanently when Blair got in because I knew first hand of, and experienced his pattern of politics from where he began his political career in the North Esat before I moved south.
Now I just do not know who to trust.....perhaps the Queen should do as old and hold all of the power. And hopefully have the power to remove heads (literally). At least it could not be any worse for us lowly ones. ::)

Ah, but how many obese politicians and other 'advisors' are there? Seems to me that those who would try to incite others to lose weight are generally very overweight or even obese or worse themselves!
I would not mind so much if those giving the advice were slim and healthy or even fractionally overweight but to have it it stuck to you by an elephantine lump is ridiculous. That is what happened to me on the last few visits to the clinic I attend. Let those who give the advice lead by example and that does not mean a single person it means the whole organisation or political party  >:(

 :-X Please dont go down the obese road....I am soon to go back to Skeggy area for my regular fishing jaunts and I see enough of them in Skeggy in their electric scooters. Not all, if any at all, can have the usual excuse of 'gland trouble' or an ilness that made them lose control of their overeating. Skeggy maybe the 'northern place' that should retain the name of the fat capital during the holiday season.
 ;) I still grin when the twice the size (literally) of me dietition nurse informed me that I was a mere single stone (6Kg) overweight. Looking at her gave me more than enough reason to start a weight loss regime! Perhaps that is why the NHS employ the huge ones in those roles?
Ah well....its still a happy new year despite all of the miseries gits in my local area. Even managed not to rack up any debt on the cards again this year so will be comfortably off. I can't feel sorry or sympathetic towards those who now face ages of high repayments and will keep on borrowing year after year. Simple solution is to spend what you can afford and already have.
 ;) I reckon that the availablity of credit cards should be curtailed to one per person with a maximum of £1000.00 credit limit or 12c times the nett annual salary/income per card holder and only given to those who have a proven nett income of that sum.
 :y Debit cards are no problem because you cannot spend what you do not have in the bank! They are just as useful and available to pay for anything bought exactly the same as with a credit card. The only difference - the biggy - is that you are not using or paying for credit and so building up accumulative debts. This country now apparently has the 'honour' of having the highest levels of personal debt in the EU. Did the all follow the lead of Labour and spent, spent, spent, borrow, borrow, borrow until we achieved the distiction of having the highest personal debt awarded to us? How sad.
Now for the garden at last its fine..........and I can get away from the deadly boring and constantly repetitive BTVision and Freeview tv offerings. Roll on March when my contract ends with BT when I can go back to Sky. Might even get issed on that day  :y

General Discussion Area / Equal car insurance?
« on: 03 January 2013, 08:24:55 »
Bit puzzled about what will now ensue that the ladies will have to pay the same as the men for car insurance. Will it transpire that the insurance companies will simply grab the extra or will they, as they ought to, proportionally reduce the premiums we all pay?
Am I living in a dreamworld?
Silly sod  ::) I already know that they will not give us any reduction cos that is not what the insurance game is about at all. They want our money and they want to keep it if they can possibly remotely do so by using some almost unheard of sub-sub-sub clause in tiny tiny print.
Will the government of the EU insist that they will give a fair play to it and make certain that the insurers do not profit by the new act?
Opinions please.........

 ???  ???After the many floods that could posibbly have been averted had the road drains been cleaned out regularly as they once were we had a visit yesterday of a gulley sucker truck in our local area. There was obviously loads of blockages in the kerb gutter drains because it took 2 trips and and an empty to service the 5 in our road alone! How many it would take to do the ones under the always flooded railway bridge is not known but the road used to be always at least 8 inches under water for a few hundred yards every time it rained a bit heavily.
To see horse pastures with water a few foot deep is concerning too when it is the lack of road drainage that causes the problem. The canal was invisible to the eye for miles!
I suppose that the local councils (in their wisdom ;D) will now revert to not doing them again though to save money that will only cost them far more later! The mind boggles at their 'common' sense that looks like it is not so common after all. Quite rare in fact around here  ::) ;D
Anyone else having the same type of experiences with their local authorities?

General Discussion Area / Re: Teachers are at it again
« on: 03 January 2013, 08:06:42 »
 Never wore a dunces hat but to have stand outside 'darkies' office for the cane was quite regular  :o The duster was generally used on the back of my fingers and the old slipper on the backside  :-X
::) There's that word rant again given as some sort of response. Meaningless to me because it has nothing to offer as a positive suggestion to resolve the real and present problems we all are facing. If 'rant' is all then the vocabulary available appears to be in short supply. Have read at what Cem says....he is much nearer the mark of the concerns we all should show. Too many are just simply unwilling to grasp the nettle and fight through the necessary actions to resolve the ills of this country. That is the only way the youth of this country will ever come to terms with itself and gain self respect and consideration for others.

General Discussion Area / Re: Jedward?..... National service?
« on: 03 January 2013, 07:55:56 »
 :y Love to see it Opti, and they could take lots more with them too to solve the lack of work and boredom problems many seem to have.
Europe has it, why not the UK?

I have read the replys and now it is my time to respond. I also note that those who use the word rant also do so far more regularly than I do.
Depressed? I have never been that and will never be because I believe that my own life is of my making and therefore I am responsible for matters that affect how I would feel. Stange to call somone depressed that you have never met or know though. I look in the mirror every day and what I see I like, as do my friends, neighbours and family. I am pleased to say that I do have quite a lot of respect due to my work within the area I reside. Nothing negative towards me at all...... Assumptions are all too easy to make but not to justify.
I fully agree with the sentiments of Rods2 who, like me and probably lots more too, appears to have a real grasp on the reality of todays world and have values that are not so different. Some of our youth are intent on bettering themselves and it is they I applaud. It is the remainder I constantly hear whinging they cannot have what they want simply because they think they are entitled to it without any effort being made by them. They are the ones who are intent on being passengers through life, probably taught by their parents in that manner, whom I object to supporting. What I would like to see is that the education system goes back to the 60's where the teachers were respected and called Mr, Mrs or Miss as a sign of respect. Where they actually stood for no nonsense in class and where the vast majority left school able to do the 3 R's efficiently. Home discipline also accounted for the higher levels of respect and self respect in those days past. Bring in a system of National Conscription as the rest of Europe have for a couple of years. It not do me any wrong and taught me self discipline, to think independantly, respect myself, respect others and work as a team. I ended up being promoted and left after the 9 years service I had agreed to.
As for those who are of the opposite viewpoint you can have ago as much as you like but at the end of the day I tend to live in the real world of free speech and opinion and can see no optimism when so many are so very obviously intent on losing the credibility of this once great country by their own power seeking, self glorifying and attention seeking grandstanding.
Fortunately there are those of us who have an independant mind and will not bow like sheep to the wishes of those who are quite happy to be led like them. Funny how it is those who tend to happy being a part of the in crowd that sceam the loudest when something they have agreed with ends up hurting, instead of bettering their lives. vAs for the waffle about no jobs, yes, well that came about by the natural development of technology and mechanisation where the use of mass labour was no longer required. It is the same throughout the whole of the developed world and the youth of this country should accept that. By accepting that it does not follow that they should simply give up looking, trying or even starting their own little business as many of us older ones used to do to help out with the family incomes which in those days were lower than today. Whinging never got anyone anywhere and it never will because at some point the sympathy factor runs out.
Polititians too can only do the best they can and they cannot do 'miracles' simply because there are those who demand action. Tgis countries money was wasted by the other party in power for years who did nothing but borrow borrow borrow and then borrow to pay the inerest on those loans! That is why we are in the state we are in today and the government is doing the best it can to get rid of that massive, massive legacy of debt left to them by their predecessors! This country is almost broke and almost fell into bankruptcy which is why the drastic painful action was deemed necessary. Labour dispute that fact but it is the truth. I now do not support my past lifelong Labour Party because they are as far as I can see the worst choice for this countries future. They would, if they ever gained power again, only do as they had done so many times before and increase the National Debt. That is called a fact of life. Same applies to strikes, they are too easily put into action and care not for the associated damage they cause to others. Too many strikes eventually did for the miners, eventually they also lost public support and that is a lesson that should not be forgotten by those who are now considering the same type of action to bully their way forward.
Fact is that the strikes will go ahead though and once again it will not be their fault for the damage they cause. Bet its the teachers who will be the first strike too..... ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Hibernation
« on: 02 January 2013, 07:51:55 »
 ??? Dunno ask Vamps  :y

 ::) Now this has to raise a laugh. According to a recent survey done by The Princes' Trust, a very worthy organisation with good intentions, the vast majority of the youths surveyed stated that they were unhappy, depressed, bored and found it difficult to relate to the people and real world circumstances around them.
 ??? That is hardly surprising when the majority of them spend countless hours in a world that is not real, it is a VIRTUAL REALITY one, on their various games consoles, smart phones etc! It seems to me that the problem is that they cannot differentiate between real and imaginary and therefore makes the solution and remedy a very simple one. Stop them accessing and using virtual reality games for long periods of time. Have the manufacturers and designers build in a mandatory maximum time limit operation on them of a few hours, say 2, that would then cut the game off until a longer set period of say 8 hours had elepsed. That way they would then have to spend time in the real world that suirrounds them and adapt back to it  :y Will they like it, of course not because the real world is boring after the many exciting adventures they had in the virtual one which to them had become REAL LIFE.
Why cannot the doogooders and government see that? Are they in some sort of working imaginary virtual world too? ::) ::)
Depressed?  ;) It is the rest of us that have to put up with their selfish ways that should, and have the right to be depressed...........

General Discussion Area / Teachers are at it again
« on: 02 January 2013, 06:28:46 »
  Before anyone takes the hump with the following then perhaps they should first think about the previous teaching experiences and employment of the writer, his previous work colleagues and whose relations are still within the same profession but hold an opposite view to the majority of those they work alongside. We always have put the needs of the children - the pupils, FIRST.
??? I just knew it had to come! Watching the news this morning it has transpired that via a survey of teachers that their moral is again very low. Guess what will inevitably come next...obviously they will strike again for better conditions, less work, more holidays, more perks etc whilst all the while insisting that any actions taken by them will not affect the education of our children ::) If that is what they beileve then it is obvious that they are in the wrong profession if they cannopt understand that any strike action by them WILL damage the education of their pupils with whom they were charged by parents and by the government (of whatever flavour) to provide a high standard of education to our children.
I suggest that if their moral is so low and that they are so unhappy then perhaps they ought to go find a different job! Oh! I forgot...there is not another job that affords them the same level of paid time off and power. At the end of the day no-one forces them to work the supposed many unpaid excess hours they do (according to them) do they? A salary in my day, and still does, meant that you were paid for your experience, skill and work, not by the hour.
If teachers are so called professionals then it is high time they acted like true professionals and not in the selfish, self-centred way they do.
Perhaps the truer picture is that they do not like the idea of having to work for a living because it is too much of an inconvenience for them?
A strike will only serve to prove that the above was all correct and bang on the mark!  ;)
Why are so many children leaving school without having received a decent education? Don't blame it on the kids either because the teachers are the adults and it is they who had the rules re-written to make their own lives easier.
Time for a drastic change so teachers are made to come to the standard of teaching our children have the lawful right to, and that we as parents have the right to expect!
I now wait for the usual wafflling excuses that will as usual bear no truth or reason.

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