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Messages - Tony H

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General Discussion Area / Re: Bees Nest
« on: 27 June 2018, 22:05:56 »
Last summer I had a bubble bee nest in my tumble drier vent as I hardly use the drier in summer so I avoided using it at all and just let the bees do there own thing. It was quite interesting to watch the bees fly back and forth, especially when they were trying to manoeuvre through a little hole in the vent grill in strong winds. Come the autumn the bees got off and I got the use of my drier back. All bee populations in this country are under great pressure at the moment and need all the help they can get.

General Discussion Area / Re: No I aren't dead!!!
« on: 27 June 2018, 21:22:41 »
Hi Daz welcome back :y Hope you are good. As forgetting you who could forget a bloke that wore pink crocks!!!  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Moors fire
« on: 27 June 2018, 21:16:52 »
The smoke plume can be seen over Liverpool. Also a satellite image provided by NASA showed the smoke over the Isle of Man.  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the sparks:
« on: 26 June 2018, 19:58:21 »
....  When I was a very young child I remember seeing her still using fire irons; that is those solid pieces of metal shaped similar to a modern iron that was heated by placing them over an open fire or on top of a range. An environmentalists dream, without a bit of leccy used! 8) 8) ;D ;)

Flat irons .....  ;) There are some at home, they make good door stops. :y

Agreed I have three of my late mums holding my doors open in this scorcheo weather  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Power sounder
« on: 26 June 2018, 19:38:45 »
I would still take heed regarding the previous advice and remove it completely the power sounder when it malfunctions has the capacity of setting your car on fire!!! :o 

General Discussion Area / Re: Dishwasher
« on: 15 June 2018, 19:15:53 »
Our Mk 1 washing up brush doesn't use any salt. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Hero
« on: 28 May 2018, 19:00:25 »
Apparently being made a French citizen for his troubles :y

And offered a job as a pompier.  :)
Fire fighter I think he passed his agility test

Omega General Help / Re: New rear wiper arm and clean up
« on: 18 April 2018, 20:23:57 »
Great result  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Well, do I win a prize?
« on: 10 April 2018, 22:10:19 »
A prize for being prize prat ;D

As many know, I'm into radio controlled models, and for the last couple of years, that's been quadcopters (drones, for the uninformed).

Well, I built up a new little racer 2 or 3 weeks ago, despite having the bits, bar the FPV camera, since last spring/summer time, but have been really fighting to get the telemetry to work.  I check, double checked, and triple checked all the wiring, the flight controller settings and the transmitter settings.  And then checked them again, and again, as the damn thing wasn't giving any telemetry data back from the flight controller, just from the receiver itself (which is pretty much naff all).

So, imagine the lightbulb moment, when it dawned on my that because I mounted the receiver upside down, I'd done the schoolboy error of connecting the wrong pin.

Quick bit of resoldering to the right pin, and issue resolved. What a first class pillock  :-[


Totally disgusting >:( I know quite a number of police officers who state that in the course of their duty that they would rather be punched than be spat on.

General Discussion Area / Re: Trouble Down At the Wind Farm
« on: 10 March 2018, 23:12:37 »
I would agree, as long as they aren't built by the Chinese, run by the French, and UK consumers aren't charged an arm and a leg for electricity.
When Nuclear was first announced as the future for our energy needs, the Govt. said cheap toit would be so  produce it wouldn't be worth the paper and admin costs of sending out bills.  ::)
Maybe we should round up all those middle class lefties who still wont let go of "the hateful crimes by the Thatcherite state against the miners" and send them underground to dig coal.  :D

On that point they did not factor in the decommissioning costs in there calculations to take it down to a base level I run a catering business and it would be like me providing a meal but not allowing for the cost of clearing up and doing the dishes!!!

Got a similar call last week was instructed to follow his advice which I said I would do but he had to be patient with me because I am not very good with computers he asked me to do several things when I logged on I acted totally thick to his frustration,anyway got bored and said to him do you honestly think that I am going to do what you tell me so as you can hack my computer at which point he became very abusive and said are you f*cking stupid (which really upset me NOT!!!) to which I replied no you are the stupid one for thinking I would fall for your scam funnily enough he put the phone down on me :-\

Omega General Help / Re: Cam kit & water pump on V6
« on: 01 February 2018, 20:58:44 »
CLASS! that's one tidy looking Manta a credit to your work :y

General Discussion Area / Re: insurance quotes
« on: 15 January 2018, 21:09:58 »
Complacency is insurance companies best friend loyalty counts for nothing every time renewal time comes shop around and go for the best deal but before you sign up go back to your existing   company( to save the ball ache of changing) tell the the score and see if they can better the deal if they can't  BIN EM OFF! :y

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