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Messages - MrMoffat

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 28
Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 03 March 2014, 20:30:14 »
Sorry Al, I was compiling my last post whilst you made your post! I did not mean to be repetitive!  ;)

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 03 March 2014, 20:22:36 »
Regarding the 'Out of Service' signs, it's just me being over cautious being marked up in Battenburg! I have a strict code of conduct to follow which is outlined by the Association of Chief Police Officers and I carry a letter of endorsement signed by it's Chief Constable, I have also informed the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire and Thames Valley of it's exsistance. It also pays to be a member of  either PVEC or PCUK.

The rear board is done for a reason, the equipment fitted by Thames Valley Police was on various locations in the back of the estate, but my reason fitting one board was so that I can fit a dog cage in the back which allows us as a family to go to various shows up and down the country, and adapt to running a preserved Police can in today's world.  All Police equipment has to be isolated as can be seen by the red switch on the rear board.

So Paul, I can supply info on the Battenburg, and if you wish to send me a PM I will supply my contact details.  :y

Your car sounds interesting, any photo's!  ::)

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 01 March 2014, 08:27:07 »
   mr Moffat and Jim will have to come to Billing this july to meet up with the ABS police enthusiast, james W. At Billing this year, the feature car for display is to be the Omega B. We intend to extend the invite to all OOF members to join us on our field for this. Camp if you wish, get to know us. More details later inthe year
Keith B

I have already booked into two Shows in July, I really hope they do not clash!  Please let me know ASAP.  ;)

Sorry No, the standard ones about a 1 x 3/4 inch oblong.

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 27 February 2014, 08:55:30 »
Just in-case anyone was wondering how I intend to use OOX on a public road, the magnetic 'Not in Service' signs were initially intended for the front doors, but due to the battenburg they would not adhere, so used them on the bonnet.
Now awaiting for new sings for the inner rear side windows. Please no rude comments about the bonnet bar!  ::)

It's the small plastic square plug that holds up the head lining in the center please!  :) and just remembered I also need the plastic plugs that hold the inner trim around the rear tailgate window.  ::)

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 27 February 2014, 08:05:02 »
Looking very good Jim  :y How close are you to completion!
I have all the equipment I need, Lightbar, Battenburg etc, its just a case of putting it on the car. I should have it complete in the next 2 months.

Excellent, if you ever get stuck for anything drop me a PM.

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 26 February 2014, 15:14:53 »
Looking very good Jim  :y How close are you to completion! 

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 25 February 2014, 19:49:53 »
Looks neater than mine ::) have you done away with the Optilink then :-\ if so why?

Taxi Al, I have just noticed that the photo of the electric board was taken before I installed the light bar and Optilink system! I'll have to update the photo later!  ::)

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 25 February 2014, 16:23:19 »
Should have included this photo, sorry!  ::)

Omega Gallery / Re: My latest project!
« on: 25 February 2014, 09:08:16 »
Just an update on OOX -

Fully working video camera with VHS record and Vascar, operational light-bar. Just the speaker to source and awaiting for a dummy tracker system to arrive.   :)

And the rear  electric board which was a challenge!

General Car Chat / Re: J W's Police Omega Thread
« on: 01 October 2013, 20:31:16 »
Josh, any update with LHY!

General Discussion Area / Re: A small favour please!
« on: 16 September 2013, 08:55:53 »
Well what can I say! absolutely fantastic response from fellow forum members!  :y

It has helped Victoria to compile a true and country wide survey, and she has asked me to thank everyone who has taken part, She is truly thankful. :y

Survey is now closed, and once again our thanks to all who took part.  :)



General Car Chat / Re: bmw 530
« on: 10 September 2013, 08:57:51 »
Have you cross checked the engine and vin numbers that he gave you with the car!

General Discussion Area / A small favour please!
« on: 08 September 2013, 07:58:37 »
Hi All,

My daughter Victoria is taking an exam later this year and part of it is to do a survey, she works for a Local council as a Electoral Services manager.

The survey is a tick the box for 10 questions and is completely anonymous, I have already asked one or two members direct but it would be helpful to her to get as much response as possible. The survey goes directly to her and is not shared with any other body (Exam purposes only).

I would be more than grateful if the OOF membership would spare the time and take part, last question is for any comments but please keep it relevant and to the point!  ;)

My thanks to Kevin for allowing me to post this on the OOf forum.  :y

You can view the link here :- Survey will close on 15th


My thanks to all in advance who take part,  :y


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