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Messages - jimbobmccoy

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [21]
General Discussion Area / is it just me?
« on: 10 October 2008, 15:52:43 »
Friday afternoons at work drag soooo much, i vote they be abolished.
but then, would friday mornings feel the same?
three day working week anyone.
oh the insane boredom :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Abbey.
« on: 10 October 2008, 17:37:18 » pension! (Iwished)

General Discussion Area / Re: Abbey.
« on: 10 October 2008, 17:34:16 »
i see, so my pension may not be a mere dream carried off on the winds of government folly then.

General Discussion Area / Re: Abbey.
« on: 10 October 2008, 16:39:01 »
with more available credit to the banks, there should be more confidence, and a lowering of the libor, which in turn means unsecured loans, and credit card interest rates should drop in relation to this.

I agree its going to be a long haul, what really annoys me is the press talking us further and further down the path.  yea its not brilliant at the moment, but if people use common sense, and live to their means, it shouldnt be the doomsday they are saying is imminent.

General Discussion Area / Re: Abbey.
« on: 10 October 2008, 16:16:52 »
was £50 billion not used to buy shares in the banks?

i thought it was.

Its great, as since the shares have kept dropping taxpayers money is literally disappearing while they get nowt, cant see my pension being there in 40 years!

they'll want to invest in iceland next :)

I do think providing loans to keep the libor down and provide more credit is good, but the shares?????

from experience in back to normal takes about 8-9 weeks.
The first 2 you cant do anything and it hurts lots, sneezing and hiccups, aswell as laughing are out, and rubarb or prune juice are in (then quickly out again :) ) milk and lots of sleep will help, as will a good diet, if you can, try taking some glutamine, as it could help healing times.

Week 3 and four, you feel a bit bettet till you get over confident and are reminded your not fixed yet, usually results in you in a ball of pain heap not breathing too well, feeling like you broke them all over again, so still take it easy, week 5 onwards get some light stretching routines approved by the doctor and start doing them, this will improve blood flow to the are whuich will speed healing, aswell as loosen the are up. First time i dsid mine i didnt dstretch anmd it added two weeks on to being normal again.

After that its gradually reintroducing nrmal activities, ph, and weaning your self of the bran flakes with prune juice for breakfast.

All in bout 8-9 weeks before the remuinding twinges stop.

General Discussion Area / Re: Dell Docking Station
« on: 28 September 2008, 10:58:22 »
sorry just reread your post, if you only have a printer connected, why the use of a docking station?

General Discussion Area / Re: Dell Docking Station
« on: 28 September 2008, 10:56:00 »
Ive only ever had to use generic docking stations, namely a targus jobby, due to work being too tight to fork out for decent gear, still it gets the job done.

Have to load drivers on for it tho, is this the same for your one, (may well not  be if its a dell dock for a dell machine)? If so will it boot in safe mode?

General Discussion Area / Re: Jimbob
« on: 03 September 2008, 08:53:56 »
hmmm, i'm somewhat there anything profane about jimbob??

Aside from being the worlds best name, which i can only asume was censored out of jealousy from other lesser named beings, its gone over the top of my head.

(Tho it would explain the error message i got when first editing my profile.)

General Discussion Area / Re: just wondered....
« on: 02 September 2008, 16:57:13 »
your intelligent and well thought out argument has convinced me, i shall take a jaunt out after the witching hour and let you know the results.

should i bring some water and fairy liquid do you think in case its too dry????

General Discussion Area / Re: just wondered....
« on: 02 September 2008, 16:11:32 »
lol, that'd would be the ideal way.  unfortunately 2 litres and nowt but a useless TC light on the dash to taunt my lack of power means donuts are for eating only for me.

still, might be fun to try anyway ::)

General Discussion Area / just wondered....
« on: 02 September 2008, 15:30:49 »

just got a w reg omega and had a few musings.

I read somewhere (or think I did) that they got changed from rear to front wheel drive, if this is true, would it apply to mine?

Also, its a cd model, and i wondered how many speakers there where, as the only ones i can see up front are tiny, and cant produce the noise i get from the stereo, so im sure there are more hiding around somewhere.

Even though its only a 2 litre (im young and not had a license long, so insurance dictates engine size at the mo) i'd quite like it to sound nice.  Dont get me wrong, i am not a boy racer, and dont want an exhaust that looks like a small galaxy would fit down, but are there any that will sound nice, and maybe help the engine a little? i dont want people to hear me miles away tho, again i'm not a boy racer.

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