October 7th marks 28 years since I last had a fag.
A smokers cough that just would not disappear, vanished within 2 weeks of giving up the dreaded weed.
Now I was a 30 a day man back in 1980, so I'll do the maths. 28x365x30 a day = 306,600 which I would have smoked but have'nt.
I don't know how much fag money I would have saved, if I hadn't spent it all on booze, fast women, motorbikes and illegal substances. But thats another story.
I do remember that my last packet of fags, 20 Gold leaf, cost me the princely sum of 51p.
Has anyone noticed that certain fag brands disappear. When I was young everyone seemed to smoke Players No.6, or Players No.10 if they were short of cash.
As kids we used to buy the cigarettes in the prettiest packets. Carlton (purple). Consulate. And when we were feeling daring we would buy a packet of Capstan Full Strength, which used to blow your head off.
Anyone know if any of these brands still exist? Anyone tried giving up, and failed or succeeded?