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Messages - Kevin Wood

General Discussion Area / Re: Servicing
« on: 06 November 2007, 13:59:46 »
So, subtract 300 from 440, that's 140 quid for a cam belt, which is a bargain. Do the rest yourself :y


General Discussion Area / Re: Servicing
« on: 05 November 2007, 21:06:23 »
Main thing is to check when the cam belt was last changed bearing in mind it needs doing at 40k/4yrs and that both the belt and tensioner pulleys must be changed. If there's any doubt get this done ASAP.

Other common issues are to clean out the crankcase breathers, keep an eye out for coolant leaks and check the coolant is not contaminated with oil. Do any routine servicing that needs doing (we would recommend changing the oil more regularly than the dealer service intervals. every 3-4k is ideal). Coolant needs changing regularly as it can corrode the oil cooler if it is allowed to get old. It's worth changing the automatic transmission fluid and filter if there's no recent history of this having been done (it's not a service task according to VX but worth doing if the car has covered a fair mileage).

Have a read through the FAQ and maintenance guides as they cover all the common issues.


General Discussion Area / Re: New Position
« on: 05 November 2007, 13:16:00 »
Well done :y

Happiness is... Not having access to Lotus Notes >:(


General Discussion Area / Re: Monday morning funny....
« on: 05 November 2007, 11:44:05 »

Very good!

If the lawnmower engine will fit, would a BMW flat twin fit?
If the VW4 will fit will a 911 engine fit?

Quite possibly, but I think if I was going for BMW bike engine power, I'd go the whole hog and get a Grinnall Scorpion. I can testify that they are properly mad!

I badly want to build another kit car :(


GTM Libra, and the Blackjack Avion

 :-* :-* :-*

I've druelled over both of these at kit car shows.

... And just when I was thinking the Avion is the sort of car that would be a total scream to hoon around in and, with only 2cv power, it's not going to kill you... they bring out one with a VW flat 4 up front  8-)


General Discussion Area / Re: Nag's Head on Saturday
« on: 03 November 2007, 17:17:18 »
Never mind. I'm going to a geeky junk sale tomorrow so I'll come home with plenty of old junk in revenge!  ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: Nag's Head on Saturday
« on: 03 November 2007, 17:12:59 »
.. Whereas I've spent the day being dragged round the shops by SWMBO looking for an outfit for a wedding reception tonight >:(

Why aren't there any interesting shops in shopping centres any more? It's fine if you want to buy clothes, shoes, mobile phones, jewellery, etc. Could not find one interesting shop to while away the hours.  ::)


General Discussion Area / Re: I've broken my video recorder
« on: 03 November 2007, 11:58:38 »
I must say, I'm not 100% convinced by LCDs yet. I think the colours from a CRT look a bit more natural and I just find some LCDs wearing on the eyes. LCDs seem to look much worse on poor quality source material too.

Good job I've got a lovely KV32FX60  ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: I've broken my video recorder
« on: 02 November 2007, 12:11:50 »
One point is the power used by a PC

Surely a media centre would wake itself up when it's time to record and sit in standby at all other times? You can set the BIOS clock to wake up most PCs from standby with about 3 lines of code. Running a PC the whole time just in case you've set something up to record would be madness unless you can use a fanless, efficient PC (which wouldn't be fast enough) ::).

A PC's not really the best tool for the job IMHO. It's a shame you have to use one to get a sensible set of features. It amazes me that all of the consumer HDD PVRs available are so dumb. The hardware's there. It wouldn't have taken much to put a web interface on it and a few features like actually recording the program you wanted, not just starting recording at the time it should be on. Missing the first / last 5 minutes of the program is what used to happen when I first got access to a video in about 1978 yet I still get it today >:(.


General Discussion Area / Re: I've broken my video recorder
« on: 30 October 2007, 22:38:56 »
video... so 1990s!!

This one's earlier than that I'd say :o

Does it do anything at all towards tape loading or just no activity? I guess spinning up the head would be the first thing it does when you hit play so it's probably no showing signs of life? Does it fast forward and rewind?

Not something simple like an interlock switch or IR detector out of place so it doesn't detect tape insertion?

Was the broken wire anything to do with the supply to the head? Just thinking it might have shorted somewhere and taken out something?


General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night
« on: 03 November 2007, 17:15:05 »
All the red tape, risk assessments and insurance cover are what cost the money no doubt. Used to be a few nice friendly village bonfires around here but most of them have been legislated out of existence :(

Have fun whatever you do. Have squandered the entire firework budget on a single rocket which I'm going to put a match to tomorrow night at my parents' place.


Is that an insurance job then ;D

Looking at the beast it might well be!


General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night
« on: 03 November 2007, 16:52:01 »
All the red tape, risk assessments and insurance cover are what cost the money no doubt. Used to be a few nice friendly village bonfires around here but most of them have been legislated out of existence :(

Have fun whatever you do. Have squandered the entire firework budget on a single rocket which I'm going to put a match to tomorrow night at my parents' place.


General Discussion Area / Re: Petrol prices rising.....
« on: 03 November 2007, 11:50:56 »
...while buying a litre of water for 1.20

Not ruddy likely. I object to getting the vaseline out when I fill up. The chances of me buying any of the other rubbish in a petrol station are minimal!


General Discussion Area / Re: Interview progress...
« on: 03 November 2007, 11:54:04 »
All the mest, mate :y Sounds like you're pretty much there now.


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