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Messages - ianu

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Excellent - looks like I have some volunteers Gentlemen.
I might just be able to borrow someone's metal latice frame gazebo if it's big enough - so rain or heatwave we could still do something.... you need to bring your own brollies though..

Hi all - I intend coming along too.

I mentioned at our last Oxford meet that I'd maybe give a bit of a 'detailing' demo if the venue and weather were up to it. It sounds like this might be a great venue to do this if the weather holds out for us. I'm by no means a qualified/practicing car valeter/professional detailer in any way shape or form - so if someone that's going is - maybe they could give me some tips too... ;D
It's purely intended to cover off a few techniques I use, and a few tips about products that you may have heard about - but always wondered what on earth they were talking about. A bit of terminology uncovered etc.
I'll bring some of my own stuff - and if we can get access to a bit of water for a couple of buckets - I could walk through a simple process etc.
Purely amateur guidance - if you've ever visited Detailing World website - there's a month of Sundays worth of tips and advice on there.... I use a minute fraction of it that works for me with the time I have.
Whether you throw the bathwater over the car and dry it off with the nearest rag in the corner of the garage  :'( :'( :'( - or are still striving for the mirror finish shine the glossy adds would have you believe possible only with their product  8-) - hopefully I can give you at least 1 tip on how to get a step nearer to a better result... :y (unless your already there and just want to keep it that way).

..btw - I'm not spending all day cleaning everyone else's car OK  :D...

If everyone's up for it - I'd aim to be there from about midday.


378 too depending on date. Sounds like a good venue too accomodate some detailing demo's if we've got access to a bit of water too... :y

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 13 March 2011, 23:50:59 »
...just a little off topic - but in the morning I was actually in Swindon at a Help 4 Heroes open day marking the 1st anniversary of The Wheel Specialist franchise (in Swindon) where I had my Omega alloys refurbished a few weeks earlier.....
Suprise suprise - a few pictures I took of the event...remember it's all about the wheels - so they dominate the subject matter a tad..

Some interesting  :-? machinery  :-X

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 13 March 2011, 23:17:35 »
..thanks Gents ... photography is my second passion - it's a treat to have some willing subjects and some great material to work with. Honestly it doesn't have to be shiny to make a great picture (see some of the other Oxford meets and you'll know what I mean)

Re the detailing Chris - you can find more than you'll ever need at Detailing World website. I've only picked at the surface of it as after a while there's is just too much advice to choose from and everyone has their own opinion on what's best.
I know you had a brief glimpse in the boot of my car - this is only the tip of the iceburg - it starts way before you put any wax on the car.
If you want at the next meet - or when the venue suits (Kassam would be good as it had plenty of room and we didn't really get disturbed much). I couldn't do a full wash obvioulsy - but a demo with some products should be possible.
I'd be happy to go through some basics and cover some things which even to me sounded scary before I tried them - but if you're into it can be so rewarding - especially on the dark colours. BUT you'd be amazed how much sparkle you can put back in sliver too...
This is a third passion of mine - so I could talk for hours about it too - I wont bore you with it here.

Anyway - must definitely get a pass for the curry next time Josh about that Bentley..... ::)


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 13 March 2011, 20:41:01 »
Despite GayBoyGixer's constant attempts to upset me, particularly during the curry, I enjoyed the day.

I was childishly amused by GayBoyGixer's attempts to upset the waitress in the breakkie place, and his attempts to upset the waiters in the curry house.

I see a theme here ::)

The one thing I will take away, and I'm sure others will as well, was just what good value for money a high spec Omega really is when compared to a nearly £200k motor.....

I'm guessing Josh turned up in the Bentley then ...  :)

And Chris is now a newbie junior again ... not surprising really ...   :) might spot it amongst these...

Sorry for the delay - it does take me a while to sort and polish these up you know....
I think I've nearly run out of different angles to shoot a brace of black Omega's (I do like black). Space wise we probably didn't make the best use of it - but certainly plenty of it. Quite a subtle back drop as well.
Apologies there's quite a few of these - but I thought they all deserved a view - hope you don't get bored halfway through. If you want any copies drop me a line.
Enjoy - cheers Ian.  :y




Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 13 March 2011, 11:10:38 »
..did turn a bit chilly didn't it - nice to see you all again.
I'll post the pic's up a bit later today - for those that couldn't make it - see if you can spot the Omega wannabe.... ;)


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 08 March 2011, 20:12:45 »
i should be there if thats ok..... will let yu know for definite tomorrow  :y

any objections to bringing the wife?

I'll be there too - fine by me Webby TB  :-?


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 17 February 2011, 21:46:05 »
..everyone happy with 1pm. There is plenty to occupy yourself with if you want to get there early..
Bowling, cinema, arcade games, bar, fast food...

There's even a Sainsbury's just up the road if you want to make a day trip of it  :D

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 16 February 2011, 20:13:25 »
OK OK - Majeski / Kassam - all looks the same to me...I hate football anyway.....why can't they just call them by their real name

I stand corrected - that'll be the [size=14]KASSAM[/size] then... :P

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 16 February 2011, 19:29:37 »
[size=12]Saturday 12th March - Oxford Vue Cinema Complex - by the Majeski Stadium - far side of the car park.[/size](South Oxford).  :y

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 12 February 2011, 14:23:12 »
 :y..sounds like a plan TB.
12th if we're desperate to have one in March.
Or 2nd if most can plot that date now and stand a better than average chance of making it (seems a way off - but it'll be here before you know it  :( )

OR -12th March for a try our very best to make it - and use late April for the Go Karts   ::) at LR Heritage Centre ....

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 12 February 2011, 11:56:39 »
..I'm happy with that TB - but Oxford are playing at Home that day  >:( (so*ing footy gets everywhere  :P
Possible dates are:
Sat 12th March
Sat 2nd April.
Unless anyone wants to come up with an alternative venue  :-[

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 12 February 2011, 11:02:00 »
But looking at google maps, oxford fc stadium has vue cinema to the left etc. There I take it?

Er, there's a water treatment works nearby, is that an issue?
Thats the place.

Why would treatment works be an issue?

Guessing it depends which way the wind is blowing. ;)

Never ever noticed it myself.
Appreciate we might be a bit thin on the ground - so there not a problem if we want to leave it a month - same venue ?

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.5
« on: 05 February 2011, 10:07:20 »
OK - just as a point to fix on - Oxford are away on the 19th so we'd only have the Cinema and Bowling crowds to compete with parking for.
SO how about we go for the 19th as the opener for 2011 to test the venue - worst case scenario I get to play with my own bowls    :D.
1pm onwards  :question
Then hopefully as the weather gets more friendly and the evenings longer we can get a bit more adventurous March/April time ( the Go Karts open at the LR Heritage Centre Easter Weekend  ::))

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