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Messages - Andy B

General Discussion Area / Re: Rainx
« on: 20 December 2006, 15:32:32 »
And what happens if your visor AND your windscreen mist up at the same time?
You're Sandra Bullocks'd  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Rainx
« on: 20 December 2006, 15:31:06 »
Was thinking that, now the omega may be spacious, but I think wearing a helmet would leave very little head room.
;D I have the seat as low as it'll go but still feel I'm too high without my crash helmet!!  :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Rainx
« on: 20 December 2006, 15:02:55 »
A bit of research seems to suggest its is great everywhere except the windscreen, wipers affect its effectiveness, can cause a bit of juddering, so was gonna do it on side windows and mirrors on both, and her rear screen
Although there's none on at the minute I have used it in the past on the front screen. It effectively makes your wipers redundant. All water just beads up and runs off the screen upwards and outwards. My only gripe is that as it wears off, it makes the outside of the screen appear to mist up and you need to keep wiping the screen or you can't see through it!  :o It's good on your crash helmet visor - if you have one.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: T reg GLS - £2.5k
« on: 22 December 2006, 19:32:58 »
PS yes please Santa (3.2 elite auto estate converted to lpg)  :y
Any preference on colour?  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: T reg GLS - £2.5k
« on: 22 December 2006, 15:19:21 »
I'd be happy (but delusional! ;) ) if I got that for my T reg Elite  :-?

General Discussion Area / Re: talk radio or music ?
« on: 23 December 2006, 14:13:33 »
Radio 2 for me, Steve Wright and ask Elvis is so funny

That particular slot is the Radio highlight of the week for me. Hilarious !
And me. Fantastic.

General Discussion Area / Re: talk radio or music ?
« on: 22 December 2006, 23:56:50 »
Used to but Sweeney is class in the mornings

I think he was on Picadilly Radio 261 (?) last time I heard him - or is that showing my age?  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: talk radio or music ?
« on: 22 December 2006, 20:58:46 »
Capital gold for me Sweeney and Debs on the breakfast show are great. :y
You mean you don't list to Tower FM?  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Which spark plugs are these ?
« on: 21 December 2006, 16:43:32 »
Ive got some Blosch 4 electrode ones in mine from Halfrauds ::)
I bet my 4 electrode plugs from Vauxhall with Trade Club were cheaper than yours!  ;D
I had to buy eight but with the Halfrauds trade card they were cheap ;)
That's abother thing that p's me off with Halfords.  >:(  They seem to think that all cars only have 4 cylinders (& here we all know 6 is the minimum  ;)  ;) ). The last time I bought plugs from them (many many moons ago) I told them I wanted to buy 6 not 8 or nothing at all - they 'found' some singles for me.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Which spark plugs are these ?
« on: 21 December 2006, 16:30:59 »
Ive got some Blosch 4 electrode ones in mine from Halfrauds ::)
I bet my 4 electrode plugs from Vauxhall with Trade Club were cheaper than yours!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: How cold? where you are?
« on: 21 December 2006, 15:47:46 »
One of the regulars in my local reckons we're all a bunch of softies - he's a big lad (6' 6") and works outside all the time. He came in the pub the night before last when the temp outside was about 0 degrees and he's wearing shorts!! :o :o
Sense & feeling springs to mind!!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: How cold? where you are?
« on: 21 December 2006, 00:21:51 »
The old german sub base? a marina and still standing
Actually in the fjiord. I was on HMS Fearless waiting for the Booties who were playing war in the snow!  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: How cold? where you are?
« on: 21 December 2006, 00:06:57 »
-4 Yesterdau but no wind so felt ok - back to -1 today.

Coldest I've been in was -25 on top of a French Glacier last year , -40 when skiing with the windchill!

With the exception of a certain parade ground in the land of horizontal rain and 2" frosts ie HMS Caledonia in Rosyth  ;) the coldest I've witnessed was -45 inc wind chill was Trondheim Fjiord (sp?) in Norway

General Discussion Area / Re: Any guesses
« on: 21 December 2006, 15:40:18 »
Its not original fit.......and it has 8 can even tell the version from the washer jets...
It could be a pre facelift with face lift washers fitted!  :D I have the holes that have been blanked off on my late pre face lift car.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Senators
« on: 20 December 2006, 20:30:34 »
just like buses  ;) would love one but they always have rotten arches  :-?
Senators & rotten arches. If various peoples experience of rust spots on the tops of Omega doors etc etc I don't think that Omegas will be any better than Senators were - I certainly wish I'd kept mine.  :'(

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