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Messages - Viral_Jim

Pages: 1 ... 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 [276] 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 ... 287
General Discussion Area / Re: Oh no, its that time of year...
« on: 12 November 2015, 04:26:36 »
...she wants to know what I want for Crimbo.

As always, absolutely no bloody idea at all. HELP!
Just man up and tell her you want....nothing. It's what I've been asking for, and getting, for years.

CHRISTmas...are you religious? No? Then what's it all about?

Depends on your POV STEMO, me, me mum and dad are all about as devout atheist as you can get, but when I was growing up my dad worked as a contractor in the aviation industry, away 2-4 weeks at a time. The only big block of time we used to get together was 10 days or so around Christmas so for us it was, and still is, all about being together.

Plus its hardly religious any more, its all mixed up and has been for lots of years:

- Its the wrong point in the year for the Christian festival
- Turkey is an americanism
- Santa Clause was Turkish (or Ottoman I think)
- And only got his red suit due to Coca Cola advertising
- Christmas trees are a victorian invention

Happy Yuletide  :y

How many holes could I pick into that list.......  hmmmmmmm.

Generally interested in your comment as I though all these were pretty on the mark:

1. Astronomers calculated that the star of Bethlehem turned up in June, a couple of years BC (4 I think)
2. Introduced by a bloke called Strickland I think from America, Henry VIII took it on as Xmas fayre but it didn't hit the mainstream until the mid C19th when it became a popular middle class dish amongst Victorians.
3. St Nicholas came originally from that part of the world, big reputation for generosity and gifts. Hence the Santa clause gig. Also there's a legend that he pitched some gold through a family's window and it landed in a young poor maiden's sock, meaning she could afford her dowry and didn't face a life of prostitution. Hence why we get stockings at Christmas. Although since this doesn't exist in other countries (eg Germany) seems a bit more far fetched than the rest of st nick's CV.
4. Prior to coke's 1930's ad campaign, st nick appeared in lots of colours, for example my folks have some victorian Xmas decorations that show him in blue and green suits. And in some countries/cultures he still rocks up in his original bishop's regalia. However, since the ad campaign most/all of those alternative colour schemes for him gave vanished.
5. Introduced by queen vic for the benefit of prince Albert to remind him of Christmases gone by in ze fatherland.


However, like I said, believe what you want, just use it as a time to seek out the people you love and who (hopefully) love you back and be together. Whatever label you stick on it or whatever brand of funny hat you wear while you do it, doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

General Discussion Area / Re: Oh no, its that time of year...
« on: 11 November 2015, 22:28:43 »
...she wants to know what I want for Crimbo.

As always, absolutely no bloody idea at all. HELP!
Just man up and tell her you want....nothing. It's what I've been asking for, and getting, for years.

CHRISTmas...are you religious? No? Then what's it all about?

Depends on your POV STEMO, me, me mum and dad are all about as devout atheist as you can get, but when I was growing up my dad worked as a contractor in the aviation industry, away 2-4 weeks at a time. The only big block of time we used to get together was 10 days or so around Christmas so for us it was, and still is, all about being together.

Plus its hardly religious any more, its all mixed up and has been for lots of years:

- Its the wrong point in the year for the Christian festival
- Turkey is an americanism
- Santa Clause was Turkish (or Ottoman I think)
- And only got his red suit due to Coca Cola advertising
- Christmas trees are a victorian invention

Happy Yuletide  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Popped in Vx Dealer on the way home...
« on: 11 November 2015, 22:15:33 »
Yup, sounds about right, I'm currently being forced to drive a US spec Hyundai Santa Fe (literally the last National car in the airport carpark). It has buttons everywhere, oppsing thousands of them, laid out in the least intuitive way possible.

Also, this is my 3rd day with it and I still can't find out how to adjust the seat recline.

Oh and its oppsing metallic orange, With a beige cloth interior  >:(

Perhaps you can tell I've not bonded with it

General Car Chat / Re: New shape astra
« on: 11 November 2015, 22:07:38 »
Anywho, about this Astra...

Looks ok, think I prefer the previous model. However, since the last astra I owned was an R plate 1.4i sh!tbox, I'm probably a bit out of touch on this one.   ;D

General Car Chat / Re: New shape astra
« on: 11 November 2015, 02:46:29 »
Net result is the same ::)

Only in as much as a plane gets totalled. The Who, the why and the how of the incident are  wrong. Specifically, the live leak article MADE UP a number of aspects of the "incident". Namely.

a report released by French investigators in December 2008 (translated into English here) did not identify the cause of the crash to be ADAT technicians who were unfamiliar with the aircraft and overrode a vital safety feature:

And report you linked to begins word for word identically...

Yes, because Snooes articles quote the BS version first, followed by a more factual account.   ::) ::) ::)

Sure, in the end it's a good waste of $200m but linking to a made up article which has clear racist overtones is a bit too Britain First for my taste.

General Car Chat / Re: New shape astra
« on: 11 November 2015, 01:07:00 »
Utter brilliance ;D

You couldn't make that up...
1. Take one empty, brand new A340-600 for a final predelivery test.
2. Taxi across airfield to face a 6 m wall 100m and apply the parking brake.
3. Wind all four Rolls Royce Trents up to take off power without setting the flaps for take off.
4. Ignore the computer warning telling you that the aircraft isn't configured for take off.
5. Get so fed up with said warning that you pull the ground proximity warning breaker to trick the aircraft into thinking it's actually hovering.
6. Realise a little too late that step 5 releases the brakes automatically so that you don't land with the wheels locked.
7. Wake up unemployed in hospital a day later.

Were you a civvy pilot in a previous life?  ;) ;)

No an Air Accident Investigator who drove a taxi  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)

Something of an inaccurate account of the incident. Which was actually Airbus' fuŁkup. Story designed to play into the anti Muslim stereotypes, in this case by way of "weren't the Arab crew dumb" type story.

A more accurate description of events is below. Including a translation of the original air crash investigation report.

General Discussion Area / Re: benefits yorkshire dole
« on: 10 November 2015, 20:17:53 »
One thing that pisses me off is the train operators.

Last year we the taxpayers subsidised these PRIVATE companies to the tune of four billion pounds.

Still, look on the bright side, at least this allowed them to pay large dividends to their shareholders. :( >:(

It is worth bearing in mind that a substantial percentage of shareholders in UK equities are Life insurance companies, pension funds, unit trusts etc. These account for a much higher percentage of shares held than those held by individuals. So an awful lot of the money paid out in dividends goes back - albeit indirectly to the people in the form of investment and pensions growth.

Also worth thinking about when Corbyn starts battering on about re-nationalising assets without compensation.

General Car Chat / Re: Onstar
« on: 10 November 2015, 20:01:24 »
Isn't the onstar system the one that allows hackers to remotely take over your car? If so I'll skip it

Also, ive never yet been in a car and thought "you know what, this car would be much better if it came with Facebook" - what a joke.

General Car Chat / Re: New shape astra
« on: 10 November 2015, 19:59:00 »
I had one as a hire car in Germany over the summer, I found it to be fine, obviously not a rocket ship but didnt feel out of its depth on a-roads, motorways etc.

It also sounded quite good, compared to a standard 1.6 lump I mean. However I think if you extract enough performance from it to make reasonable progress the economy is shot!

General Discussion Area / Re: Time
« on: 05 November 2015, 13:54:10 »

Erm... What exactly is Santa offering here?  :o

Attracting the attention of operation Yewtree...

General Car Chat / Re: Your leathery knobs...
« on: 05 November 2015, 13:26:04 »
My 2003 CDX auto has both a leather knob and steering wheel.

1950' - 60's for me, just so many cars from that time that I love and designs I think today's modern cars just cant come close to.

- Mk2 Jag
- E-type
- 250 GTO
- Original fiat 500
- Original Mini
- AC Cobra & Daytona

This is despite passing my test in 2001 I hasten to add  ;).

General Discussion Area / Re: Mum and Dad
« on: 04 November 2015, 11:43:47 »
Nearly 1 year for me now - getting there  ;D

Congratulations to them both!

Omega General Help / Re: Cam cover gasket - am I missing something
« on: 04 November 2015, 11:34:15 »
No point in changing cam cover gaskets if you don't clean the breather system as well, and then keep it clean on a regular basis. Cause of cam cover gasket failure is 90% down to blocked breathers. ..... IMHO


Thanks both, this is just the sort of thing I would have missed and ended up with them leaking again!  ::)

Cheers Harris, do you happen to have the part numbers for the 2 hoses and the metal breather pipe to sump gasket? If I'm doing it I may as well do it properly, and seeing as the mig is our only car at the moment I can't nip out for parts half way through  :y.

Omega General Help / Re: Cam cover gasket - am I missing something
« on: 04 November 2015, 10:04:11 »
Cheers, that is my first plan, do you know if a VX gasket/kit comes with the sealant or is it some flavour of Loctite gunk?

The reason I was asking was that I think I recall seeing in another thread (wasn't paying much attention as it was on V6's) that sometimes replacing the cam cover is necessary - is this the case on 2.2's as well, or did I imagine the whole thing?

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