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Messages - ianu

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Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.4
« on: 17 October 2010, 21:06:59 »
Fair point about facilities - where is Ashridge ?

Cuttesloe does have 2 entrances however..

What date do we want to aim for - next Saturday afternoon (23rd) or the following (30th) as a starter for 10 ?

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet no.4
« on: 17 October 2010, 12:20:27 »
Maybe another venue to consider at Stokenchurch. There is a woodland area on top of the hill with public car parks (it's close to the M40 between J6 and J5) and I'm sure the autumn colours will start to look pretty good this time of year too as a backdrop. On Google earth you can see it as Cowleaze Wood
I don't know any of them personally - but there are a few pubs in Stokenchurch along the Oxford Road too for refreshments if you're interested  ::).
Not train set I'm afraid though ...


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 28 September 2010, 20:54:22 » OK for me Simon - try dowloading them if it'll let you and save to desktop ??

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 28 September 2010, 20:32:50 »
Thanks Simon,
I think we've got a few more followers from the Volvo forum aswell now they've seen some of the photos.

The link to the video clips is below - with password. Sorry for the quality - need to sort out a better camera technique for next year.

For those that didn't make it - the camera angles really don't do this justice. There was some amazing machinery there.

URL for viewing the album from a computer
Password to access the online photo album:


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 27 September 2010, 20:56:03 »
Hi Simon,
We had a fantastic day and actually that is mine you've got the photo of. It was really good to meet you. The other fella bailed out halfway round as he broke his steps too - and decided to quit while he was still solvent  :o.
Tony in the ML behind me - I was watching with interest as he followed me round - I cannot believe he tackled the step on the last section (the bit just behind me in the picture) I went round it and remember seeing the front of his car crashing over the top of it in my rear view mirror - very impressive - looked pretty brutal though  :-[.

I've got a couple of video clips I can put a link up for - if you know anyone who's got any clips of mine taken from the bank - I'd be very interested. You don't get to see much from in the vehicle trying to film (all the action is on the outside)
I'll keep an eye on the website - and I think you've got a couple of customers for the next one already lined up.
Brilliant day - hopefully put the Volvo on the map as more than just a school bus and shopping trolley for Ladies that lunch. The car has been fantastic - I love my Omega too though  :y

Please pass on my thanks to the marshalls - we were made really welcome ( I think they thought I was mad) and appreciated their advice as we ventured round the course.

I'll get the video link up soon.


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 18 September 2010, 18:14:45 »
Only 17 days or 418 hours till 8am (26/9/2010) The start of the Abingdon 4x4 Show ;-)

If you are coming then come and say hello at the start of the 4x4 course.. You wont miss me thats for sure.

Hi Simon, all,
Just to let you know I've booked my ticket for the Saturday including the offroad course.
Anyone else going - I'll probably aim for mid morning arrival and I'll be in an XC90.
I take it you'll be easy to spot Simon with your day glo hair-do  :o

If any of the Oxford crowd are going - would be good to see you again.


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 06 August 2010, 18:16:40 »
Thanks Simon,
Understood - I have dropped one of the contacts on the website a mail declaring an interest by both Omega and Volvo forum members.

Slightly seperate question - through your 4x4 club contacts - is there someone you would recommend reasonably local(ish) to advise about additional 'skid plate' protection for the underside of my Volvo. Just curious at the moment if it would be possible.


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 04 August 2010, 21:09:45 »
...oh by the way - if anyone has a preference of a particular day (Sat or Sunday) - let me know before I buy my day ticket for the full off road monty.... :-XI might need a tow home

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2010
« on: 04 August 2010, 21:03:42 »
Hi Simon (72)
Just been looking at ticket prices for this event - and is there a 'turn up and spectate on the day price' - or is that the £15 quoted on the website.
I was wondering if any of the chaps wanted to convene for an "Oxford No. 4" meet here and do there bit for chariddy but a tad cheaper than 15 quid just to park and watch  :-??
Gives everyone a bit of time to plan ahead with hopefully the silly season out of the way and the chance to watch some entertainment on the course.
It's reasonably central too considering where some of them travel from...... just a thought..


430's in my diary - intend to bring the Volvo - I'll have a look round before I commit it to a challenge though  :o

Wow - cool... a bit too ambitous for my machine.. :-X
Sounds like a plan Simon. I'm only in Bicester so it'd be a day trip for the diary - I'll stay tuned.
By the way - here's my efforts at ToR - I think they were pretty impressed actually - 1st Volvo they'd had round the course
The password is TOR2009


Hi Simon,
I went as a spectator a few years ago and enjoyed the day immensely - but it did look a bit too extreme for the 'soft road' metal.
I've got an XC90 which I took to ToR last year and intend taking again at the end of this month - what's the Abingdon course like for those that are a bit more challenged on ground clearance - but can cope with slippy and slopey stuff (doesn't do ruts well though !)
PS Are you likely to be at ToR on the 30th May ? - i'll be the nutter in the shiny XC90  :o

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford meet #4 proposal
« on: 24 September 2010, 23:59:12 »
No worries all - I'll be there. There will also be another bloke with an XC90 coming from Cardiff which will be good for moral support too.
My car has a private plate J2 *** so you know who's who.
I'll be tracking Simon down when I get there about 11ish hopefully - and hopefully meet some of you there.
Kai - you still going ?


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Oxford meet #4 proposal
« on: 02 September 2010, 21:45:26 »
Hi all,
This is touched on in a couple of threads already - but thought I'd re package it and come straight to the point as it could be the perfect Oxfordshire location.
How about we take the opportunity to do a bit for charity and hijack use the Abingdon 4x4 festival that Simon72 is championing as the perfect venue to socialise and take in the entertainment available.
It's on Sept 25 & 26th. I will be going on the 25th with my Volvo XC90 and probably make a full day of it (in case I break something   :-X).
It's an airfield - so space shouldn't be a problem. Just becareful which queue you join in the car park if there is one  :o :o :o.

It's 15 quid per car - or 30 if you want to take it off road  ;D - but it should be a good day out.

How about it ? - we can do something a tad cheaper for #5 meet.


Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Oxford Meet no.2
« on: 02 May 2010, 21:54:11 »
Hi all,
I was so impressed by my originals  ::) - I've done a - shall we say - signature set here too.
Maybe not everyone's taste - but there's a distinct profile of the Omega's that make them unmistakeably er .. :-/ well  :-/ Omega shape ! ..enjoy.
Happy to put the link up in the Gallery section if you want  :question  :y
Ian. OOOPS [size=8]Official Oxford Omega Photographer Saddo..[/size]
doh - you'll need this

Password 'SLICED LOAF'

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