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Messages - Omegatoy

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General Car Chat / Re: Range Rover Convertibles
« on: 24 October 2018, 18:03:12 »
wont lose licence, as many know i drove car transporters for years, big money an big reponsibilty with a peak deck,max height no matter how many cars is 16ft,every driver should get a bridge bashers map!it marks every bridge under 16ft in the country,well worth having,still got mine lol the driver of that was in perth i think and that bridge is nowhere near where he should have been delivering! either a foriegn gentleman, or a newbie i reckon,
damage like that used to be the tin tack, however he may get away with a bollocking and retraining in this day and age, having said that many may wonder why no debris at the bridge? simple answer is the car collapses into itself and keeps al the bits inside it apart from glas shards :y 

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: ❌LOOKING A VAUXHALL OMEGA TD ❌
« on: 19 October 2018, 15:45:21 »
look at the post underneath yours ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: The new Doctor Who.
« on: 18 October 2018, 18:11:44 »
lol watched the 1st ever episode of doctor who back in the late 60,s as a young boy, didnt even see the whole program, thought it was really unrealistic and could not understand why me mates were raving about it?  and to this day ive never watched any of them,
strange thing is I love scifi movies/ series star trek star wars, etc etc
but i just dont get dr who,
mind you the bbc does my head in with its costume dramas, biased news,and dont start me on "alternaive comedy" feking shite! etc plus why the hell is the tv licence still going? they make millions every year no need for it nowadays

Omega General Help / Re: Why are Omega wheels so hard to balance?
« on: 18 October 2018, 13:12:18 »
never had a problem balancing them except with crap or old tyres? hoever one i did have a slight problem with i put on the balancer without its tyre on, to find it was buckled! although you could barely see it with tyre on, it would balance perfectly without a tyre,so put tyre back on, took first reading,55/ 30 put the weights on where they were needed and it came back,15/10 in different places,so i marked original weights positions,then moved them a few mm either way and got it to 0 after 4 or 5 attempts,only one ive ever had do it that wasnt the tyre

General Car Chat / Re: How Far Would You Go For The Right Car?
« on: 13 October 2018, 17:43:12 »
lolo got up at 4am left at 5am,in oxfordshire, drove up to midway between glasgow an edinburgh,arrived 0910 to see a car based on 4 photo,s an 3 emails,done the deal,(took a few grand with me just in case) :y arranged transport to home, back indoors at 4pm,just under 700 miles total distance ;D
edit reason i did it like this? the mrs would have gone mad if i said was looking at a car! told her was going to do a trackday lol

no conflict, they will just turn off the gas, as they supply most of europe!

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: 2.5td estate prefacelift
« on: 04 October 2018, 18:26:28 »
price is lower now!! such a shame Im allergic to sludgepumps being in my cars!!

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: 2.5td estate prefacelift
« on: 04 October 2018, 17:58:03 »
agree with all the above points BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 how many pfl, omega TD estates are actually still on the road?

General Car Chat / Re: Advice on taking garden waste to the tip....
« on: 03 October 2018, 18:25:25 »
lol seen a guy with  C15 local shepherd where we lived, 3 goats and 4 sheep in it!

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: 2.5td estate prefacelift
« on: 02 October 2018, 18:17:49 »

Cars for Sale & wanted / 2.5td estate prefacelift
« on: 02 October 2018, 18:16:35 »
someone was looking for one of these? well there is an almost immaculate one for sale with just 64k from new,and its pretty cheap for such a clean car,
so get yourself over to and look in sales section

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 01 October 2018, 20:42:10 »
stripped ,cleaned,copperslipped all four calipers and derusted discs, helped by the wife bringing out some toast and a cuppa miday,
 can honestly say toast and copperslip with rust dust is an aquired taste :P
As is Marmite  :D

love marmite! and bovril,not keen on jam :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 01 October 2018, 17:03:10 »
stripped ,cleaned,copperslipped all four calipers and derusted discs, helped by the wife bringing out some toast and a cuppa miday,
 can honestly say toast and copperslip with rust dust is an aquired taste :P

Omega General Help / Re: Rusty wheel arch
« on: 01 October 2018, 16:59:53 »
Back to the rusty wheel arch. MOT preparation proceeds apace, cills are welded, undersealed, Kurusted and Supertrolled. The unsightly wheel arch on page one is still unsightly, it's not an MOT matter but I should like to clean it up a bit. Clearly painting over the rusty wing don't work, I wonder how I might seal over it somehow. Undercoat didn't work. Any suggestions? I wondered about araldite or some epoxy material.

If you're not going to grind back to solid metal and replace it with new then don't touch it.

At all.

It will look utterly shit whatever miracle snot you smear over the top.

simply use some fine wet and dry, sand it gently back, most of the rust stains will then be unseen at a quick glance, the wax polish the area, repeat as and when needed,

General Discussion Area / Re: Mrs May's speech Friday afternoon
« on: 21 September 2018, 15:51:02 »
quite simply bullying us, because if we succeed as we will, waiting in the wings to exit are swedes,italy and a few more who are fed up with it,
E.U  is a great idea, but run by complete f ecking idiots who can see no further tha the depth of their own pockets!
especially french t ossers,every 4 weeks a few billion goes on transport to move the whole lot to france every other country has voted to stop it as a waste of resources but the french veto the vote everytime,
its all the little interferences that ordinary people hate,until its sorted eu is going to be a wasteful.bloated laughable cok up with idiots spending millions without a second thought,breaks sake look at kinnock,did nothing for this country now a multi millionaire as he is an mep along with his mrs,and many others including bliar and the list goes on and on
enough! lets get out

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