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Messages - X30XE

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General Discussion Area / Re: Police funds extended.
« on: 12 March 2017, 21:27:40 »
Much as I sympathise with their loss, despite their obvious negligence, I don't agree with this. I strongly suspect that anyone who doesn't hold their respectable positions in society - with the contacts and knowhow of the system that brings, their case would have disappeared off the radar a long time ago.

Yep. No one cares about the ugly kids who go missing every day:(

Good job I wasn't abducted when I was a kid then. ;)

Perhaps I was simply too ugly to be 'snatched away' ;)

*mumble Shannon Matthews mumble QED mumble*

Bad bad mans  :)  Now I have to clean a fine mist of wine off my laptop  ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Valve won't seat!
« on: 12 March 2017, 21:17:36 »
If it makes you feel reassured, I didn't put nearly as much effort or scrutiny into grinding the valves on my V8 as you have already and it passed it's emissions test with flying colours last week.   :D

General Car Chat / Re: Replacement Estate
« on: 12 March 2017, 19:07:50 »
E63 AMG all day long  8)
Not for £20k ;D

It'll lose way less in depreciation. So I'm taking the executive decision to exempt it from the 20k rule  :P :)

General Car Chat / Re: Valve won't seat!
« on: 12 March 2017, 19:05:25 »
Is "ground too far" an option?

I doubt it. Unless you have the patience of a saint.

Seriously though, unless you've worn completely through the seating areas to find a piece of metal that is no longer round, or even more unlikely, ground it to the point that something else binds up before the surfaces mate... then I very much doubt it.  :-\

Edit : Oh yeah, the other one I missed is cracked valve seat/head

General Car Chat / Re: Replacement Estate
« on: 12 March 2017, 18:59:32 »
E63 AMG all day long  8)

General Car Chat / Re: Valve won't seat!
« on: 12 March 2017, 18:55:54 »
Then the options I can think of are :
- Valve stem is bent
- Valve guide is misaligned (unlikely I would suspect)
- Valve head isn't perfectly circular
- Valve seat isn't perfectly circular
- Valve seat isn't flat
- You haven't ground it far enough

- any combination of the above

General Car Chat / Re: Valve won't seat!
« on: 12 March 2017, 16:13:22 »
Are you testing it with the valve spring in place?

General Discussion Area / Re: This looks like a bargain
« on: 12 March 2017, 16:03:20 »
1 year warranty... sweeeeeeeetttt!  :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Police funds extended.
« on: 12 March 2017, 10:40:55 »
Much as I sympathise with their loss, despite their obvious negligence, I don't agree with this. I strongly suspect that anyone who doesn't hold their respectable positions in society - with the contacts and knowhow of the system that brings, their case would have disappeared off the radar a long time ago.

Yep. No one cares about the ugly kids who go missing every day.  :(

So .... just what was that crap?  :-\

EGR soot - fine on it's own
Oil breathers/turbo oil - fine on their own

combine the two... SCHMOOOOOO!!!

I bet!

For anyone else wondering...  Hells teeth!! ....

Wow.  :o That makes the average Mundano TDCi inlet look clear  ;D

P.S - this would have been much more satisfying with an "after" pic  :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: Feral kids
« on: 11 March 2017, 12:50:52 »
I think you are due for a detention, X30XE - see me after class!  >:(


Now... I'm not the letigious type but... yeah... that did sound like sexual harassment to me  ;)  "Big ron" want's to "see me" after "class"  ;D

Yes, my lad, you may well run !!!!!
I brought my kids up in the same vein as myself. Difference was...when caught smoking at about 7 years old, my lad got a wallop, whereas his friend was 'sent upstairs to his bedroom to talk it over with Jesus' !!!!!!!!
The start of the tree hugging generation. >:(

Oh ffs...  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Feral kids
« on: 11 March 2017, 12:01:46 »
I wass a war baby, growing up in the East End of London and every adult then was an authority figure, so if we kids got up to any mischief (and we did!), we stopped and ran at the very approach of an adult, let alone a copper. If caught, we got a clip around the ear or somesuch; if we told dad, we would get another one because we deserved it - no thought of claiming legal retribution.


Two peas in a pod, you and me Ron. Your statement is spot on. Your parents expected you to be chastised by other adults if you were doing wrong. We never answered back (at least not in earshot) and, as you say, in trouble with the local bobby brought you twice the grief !!!!!! ;)

So basically what you're both admitting is that it's your generation of parents that haven't learnt how to raise children properly  ;)  *lights the blue touch paper and runs*  :D 

General Car Chat / Re: Bore damage. Game over for BMW?
« on: 11 March 2017, 09:32:24 »
Are we SURE this happened with it running, and not since I took it apart?

Reason for asking:

I found this (below) photo, taken a few weeks ago, from after I took the head off, but, before I spun the crank far enough today, to fully lower the no4 piston (the one in question).

The wall looked like this:

So you can see in this picture, immediately after taking the head off, the marks DONT appear to go all the way down, and only stop at where the piston had been sat? Or am I mistaken?

Would this not imply, that whatever is in there, caused the marks to go all the way down there today, when I turned it by hand?

Looks like the marks go down to the top of the piston to me squire  ???

As mark says... polish it out and re-spin it and you'll know.

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