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Messages - Leomas

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General Discussion Area / Re: it takes allsorts
« on: 22 January 2009, 15:13:47 »
Did he 'let them down' gently?

General Discussion Area / Re: cant believe my son
« on: 22 January 2009, 15:12:40 »
Our boy has just finished the 'Kevin the teenager' phase even though he's only 14. Shocked the h*** out of me on the weekend by clearing away all the washing up without being asked and then announced he was going up for a shower!!!!
6 months ago he would have made SuperNanny swear with his attitude and classed washing as a cruel and unusual punishment.
Just leaves our youngest daughter to get through that phase and we can have peaqce and harmony in the house........I wish

General Discussion Area / Re: boobs
« on: 21 January 2009, 19:04:30 »
Seem to recall a ditty which goes 'How do you make a pound of fat irresistable to men.......put a nipple on it'

General Discussion Area / Re: Off to pastures new
« on: 21 January 2009, 19:29:28 »
Virtually an endless supply of watering holes around Dublin :y
There are a few oofers from the fair city as well.
May not be much fishing around Dublin but if you travel a bit the fishing in Ireland is as good as it gets,coarse/game/sea.not much carp though. :y

Don't care what they are just so long as you can catch them with a fly... :D

General Discussion Area / Off to pastures new
« on: 21 January 2009, 19:03:11 »
Just got the nod to say I start work at IBM in Dublin in a couple of weeks on a contract for a few months. Gonna take the miggy over on the ferry now I've got it running again and with a little luck I may get to meet some of the OOFers in the area. They can show me the better watering holes.. :)

Will make a GOOD change from commuting to London daily by train and I may even take all my rods and do some fishing

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone use Firefox as a Browser?
« on: 19 January 2009, 22:29:16 »
Biggest issue with IE is you can't remove it so even if you do keep your preferred (non-IE) browser up to date, there is still a chance for IE to bugger it all up for you

rant over (for now)

General Discussion Area / Re: Man loses £130,000 in online scam
« on: 14 January 2009, 22:56:53 »
The bit that got me was that having been scammed by a 'poorly old woman whose mother had just died' he then fell for some guy claiming to be from the FBI and wanting money to pay for the travel to sort it out!!!!!!!!

We play the 'lights' game this time of year. One kid counts up fog lights in use when not required, one counts 'one-eyed monsters' and one counts cars with both. Had a 20 mile journey the other day where all three were up over the 50 mark.

General Discussion Area / Re: any one use torrents?
« on: 13 January 2009, 23:39:25 »
Have tried torrents a few times but all the stuff I'm interested in downloads via boring old http in a tenth of the times of the torrents. There is probably somethig I can do to make them faster but I can't see any point

If he tells you, then he has to shoot you.   ;D ;D ;D

..... and qualified/capable to do such things from over 1200 yds with iron sights and a sling.  None of that telescopic sights stuff and a bipod.....   ;)

if it's worth shooting then it's worth using the BFG9000

General Discussion Area / Re: PC Problems
« on: 10 January 2009, 19:07:22 »
This is one of the reasons I run my own mail server...does mean I have to fix any problems but at least I can track down where it is going wrong

General Discussion Area / Re: nice little car quiz
« on: 09 January 2009, 13:39:55 »
I got 16/30   53%. Anything over 50% must be a pass mark so that's another anorak to hang in the cupboard


General Discussion Area / Re: Dubai
« on: 09 January 2009, 22:15:13 »
not a problem mate. if you have the time make sure you go to wild wadi good fun. mall of emirates, biggest shopping mall i ever did see complete with indoor ski slope with PROPER snow. theres also a genuine english pub complete with low ceiling, oak beams, john smiths and boddingtons. i think its in the metropolitan hotel. will find out. not a lot happens in dubai till after dinner and a lot of places are open till early morning.

Yeah i think they have the worlds largest indoor snow slope, also wanna see that building like a sail, and also that building which is huge, forget the name!

the burg. if you go to wild wadi you will be practicaly next to it. it has it's own beach but for residents only.

Isn't that the one the designers of the Portsmouth Spinnaker Tower thing stole the idea from

General Discussion Area / Re: Motorbike test results....
« on: 07 January 2009, 22:20:42 »
It wasn't a good time to do it but now you have done a slide you have gained valuable 30MPH the bit that hurts the most is your pride.
In my time on 2 wheels I have managed it at most speeds from 2MPH (REALLY embarrassing) up to 80. Still here to bore people by talking about it as the thing that does the damage is the sudden stops. Next time on the test you will be much more relaxed and will pass with ease.

General Discussion Area / Re: NWS - Adult Online magazine
« on: 07 January 2009, 20:22:18 »
Wonder just how close to the edge that nice Mr Skruntie gets before he falls over and into his old ways


I said no piccies, and I havent even posted a rude joke yet this year.

Now if you want me to stop posting info on 270mph cars as well then it can be arranged.    :D :D :D ::) :-X :y's fun looking for the next post to see what it contains....almost better than Xmas as I don't have to put up with the kids whingeing about whose turn it is to choose what's on TV

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