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Messages - moggy

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General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 09 August 2018, 17:36:29 »
From what I've been told in the past, BIASI boilers are cheap to buy, but the parts are very expensive which may be why your landlord has decided to replace rather than fix.  ;)

B&Q own brand I think maybe?  ???  :-\
sold in many places, crap compared to Bosch, Worcester bosch, Vaillant of the era
I'm not impressed with any of the new offerings

parts wise , I have used a company for many years called the heat exchange which are great ,should you ever need boiler parts  :y

they list all the parts for that boiler at reasonable prices

but it sounds like the PMC and plumber needed their holiday funds topped up  ;D
Dave,just out of curiosity.What parts would you need to fix it and how much,compared to buying a new one.When the plumber called to have a look at it,the wife recalls he said about £1100 for a new one Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 09 August 2018, 15:06:40 »
What is the make and model of the boiler currently fitted ? fault code ?
seems odd that if it was just shutting down due to overheat stat,  it wasn't repaired and a new boiler scheduled at a more convenient time(should one be needed )
sounds like the worst case it would be DHW heat exchanger clogged
sounds like the plumber works directly for the property management company and the PMC and plumber will be getting rich at the expense and inconvenience of the landlord and tenant
if the boiler is really old, hard to get parts for, it should have been advised many baths and cooked dinners ago

but no point in upsetting the landlord (who sounds like he's doing his best)
as said, flannel wash and alternative food for a couple of days , a new boiler may save you money long-term (if the old "condemned" one is so antiquated )
Hi DTB,the boiler is a RIVA COMPACT HE M96.24SM/C2(it also has BIASI on the manual).It looks like there are 2 faults going by the manual 1 safety thermostat lock out,2faulty air pressure switch.(i am only going by what the flashing lights on it indicate in the manual)Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 09 August 2018, 11:31:34 »
It isn't your problem to stress over ;)

True it has a bearing, but only in so far as it's a modicum of inconvenience.

If the plumber hasn't shown by 1, then a polite, calm call to the landlord would be in order.

In the meantime, be grateful for not having the stress of being a landlord ;)
Hi DG,just phoned the property management company.They said they made a mistake and he is not coming till tomorrow :(,can he fit a boiler in one day as he does not work sat or sun. :-\ Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 09 August 2018, 10:39:17 »
Hi all,in hindsight i should not have said what i said so i apologize.The property management company said the plumber would be here a 9,but he has not turned up.At the moment i am very depressed,what with problems with the car no job and very little money.I know the PM company are doing there best but i could do without the stress.Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 08 August 2018, 20:59:27 »
You can't pay LESS rent without going into arrears.  If I were your landlord I'd be evicting at the next opportunity.  (probably) You need to discuss this with your landlord like a grown up.  Explain politely the impact on your health.  And ask him to help out.

Ideas for a free shower -

1) Landlord pays for you to go to a pay as you go gym.
2) You use the shower at work
3) You use a kettle and sink, and a flannel.  I was 30 years old before I had a shower in a house I lived in.  Parents didn't like to waste money filling the bath.  I believe it's called a strip wash. Very old fashioned.

It's summer - eat salad.  It's cheaper than eating out.

When our boiler went, it was minus 10 outside, and it took a week to be sorted.  The house was like a ice block, and I was £2K poorer, so thank your lucky stars that it won't cost you much, and will be fixed within 3 days. 

A new boiler in one of my BTL's would take 40% of the years profit.  Whilst my insurance covers putting the tenant up if the house is uninhabitable, I don't think the loss adjuster would think a boiler out of action should result in the house being uninhabitable.
So you would evict me would you,also remember i am out of work.If you can't say anything constructive don't say opps all you knob.I simply asked for advice  >:( Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: Boiler being replaced.
« on: 08 August 2018, 20:40:17 »
Christ Dean, you certainly get more than your fair share of sh*t. As to your problem is there a local baths or leisure centre you can go to while this is on going?
Ronnyd,yes i certainly do.Yes there is a baths/leisure center but i could only use the showers,can't swim because of the chlorine. :-[ :(. Dean.

General Discussion Area / Boiler being replaced.
« on: 08 August 2018, 19:54:29 »
Hi all,after some advice(again ;D)So i will start from the beginning,yesterday at 4pm the boiler stopped working no hot water.The flashing lights indicated safety thermostat lock out,followed the reset procedure in the manual but no joy.Phoned the property management company who said the plumber, was to busy to come out that night but would be here at 9 today.Plumber turns up bang on time today and says its fubar and needs to be replaced.Property company phone today to say a new boiler will be installed tomorrow,excellent i think.But the problem is i have not been able to wash or shower today(i have eczema and psoriasis)and need to do this every day.The plumber said the installation will take 2 days :o i can't go that long without washing.Also i assume he will have to turn the gas off,and our cooker has a gas hob so we wont be able to cook anything.Do any of you guys know if i can claim some sort of compensation for this,as it not my problem and is a major inconvenience.Could i ask the landlord or the property company,to reimburse me for say a hotel stay or for eating out.I have never been through anything like this before so i don't know where i stand.My wife thinks we should pay less rent this month,to cover any expenses we incur but i am not sure.Any advice as always gratefully received. :y Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: A public thank you to oof.
« on: 03 August 2018, 19:25:35 »
Moggy, your one of the most genuinely lads on here and we know you've had a bit of shit to deal with recently.

You will always be welcome on here mate and I know myself and other members will always help you out in anyway if we can  :) :y

You know were we are  :)

Thanks Steve,good to know :) :y Dean

General Discussion Area / Re: A public thank you to oof.
« on: 03 August 2018, 18:48:46 »
I have to say,i am a little upset my thread has gone downhill.It was simply meant as a thank you to all on oof. :( Dean.

Omega General Help / Re: Little light on battery.
« on: 03 August 2018, 18:30:25 »
if its on charge the voltage should be around 15.2 volts (home charger 8 to 12 amp) and then leave the battery off charge for half an hour. then check should be 12.8 or 12.6. can be lower more lower its not hoolding its charge. on alternator charge should be around 14.2 to 14.5 volts 70 to 120 amps depending on alternator output. anything lower than 12.8 volts on alternator charge there is somthing wrong with battery or altinator or wiring or earth. so they would need to be checked. there can be a drop of voltage on the wiring of 0.2 to 0.5 volts anymore than this then the wiring is damaged. mine the wiring was damaged so put new earth wire in and a new alternator feed to the battery. 13.8 volts was the most before and it was all over the place on voltage. after adding the wirse its 14.5 volts and steady no waving about. dont remove old wiring just add to the original and add a fuse link with fuse from 70 amp depending on alternator out put. new earth added to the alternator bolt rear of the case. not the front as this will cause resistance.
Hi Chazza12,thanks for that.But the wiring bit is way beyond my capability's,would not know where to start. :-[ Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: A public thank you to oof.
« on: 03 August 2018, 03:28:44 »
we're your friends. Anything that helps is what this forum is for.

Thanks Nick,that is very kind of you.Dean. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: A public thank you to oof.
« on: 03 August 2018, 03:26:53 »
Nice post Dean, top man. :y
Thanks Ronnyd much appreciated Dean. :y

Omega General Help / Re: Little light on battery.
« on: 03 August 2018, 03:19:58 »
Hi all,just a quick update on this.I took the original battery off the car(not the spare)and started to charge it at 6pm,the voltage was 11.98.At 2am the battery charger light went from red to green,i measured the voltage its 13.22.So i take it that's good :-\ Dean.

General Discussion Area / Re: A public thank you to oof.
« on: 02 August 2018, 23:26:38 »
Dean, I seriously doubt that Ive given you any thoughtful, intelligent advice, but your post was nice to read.  :y
I am sure you have mate,and thanks it is from the heart and the truth :y.Dean.

General Discussion Area / A public thank you to oof.
« on: 02 August 2018, 21:03:18 »
Hi all,as i have time on my hands(out of work) i have been looking through some of my posts.It strikes me that i have always asked for help and advice on all manner of things.Be it car related or personal and i have always had great reply's,from kind thoughtful intelligent helpful members.But i have not really contributed very much, to give help and advice to the members who have helped me.This is not a conses decision but i don't know much about cars,and i have ballsed up a lot of thing in my life.So who am i to give advice on life, problems and decisions.But i just wanted to say i do appreciate all help and advice,you good folk of oof give me.And if i can ever help any member out in any way i would willingly do so.Kind Regards to you all Dean. :) :y.

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