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Messages - DaveA

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General Discussion Area / Re: Vulcan XH558
« on: 25 May 2013, 11:29:48 »
Remember so many years ago now,as a boy going to the airshows at R.A.F.Finningly[now Robin Hood airport]just outside Doncaster.The show was always opened by 4 Vulcans doing a "scramble".The noise!The vibration of sound!What an awesome thing to experience.

    My father was born in Cottesmore village, use to go and visit relatives in the village, end of the fifties.  Was in his cousins house when they scrambled for real for RAF Cottesmore, they shook the whole village. A crew and a ground crew stayed with the aircraft at all times for a quick scramble.
    It was a full throttle Scramble, it was noisy, shook everything off the mantelpiece in the cottage. :y
    WW2 Fighter Ace Johnny Johnson was the CO at the time.


Awesome days, but very scary ones that I remember only too well. :y :y :y :y

Yes a full Vulcan scramble was a sight to behold, but thanks to my Royal Navy father I knew only too well what it could mean.  A knowledge that grew with age ;) ;)

I knew that if "for real" the Vulcan's would be taking off with already fully nuclear armed American B52's of SAC (Strategic Air Command), that had been kept in the air on a rota of 24/7/365, would already be on their way over Russia towards their allotted targets, after Presidential codes had been conformed.  The end would have been very near. :P :P

       Very very near  At the time of the Cuban crises in 1963 the finger must have been a Gnats left B*****k away from the firing button. RAF Melton Mowbray was a satellite of RAF North Luffenham and had three Thor ballistic missiles based there.   Could see them from my bedroom window, that was the only time I saw them in the launch position for days, got the impression they were fuelled and armed ready to go.   I remember sitting watching them, wondering how long  before the Russian Missiles hit, the area must have been  targeted.  Just didn't believe it would happen, I was 19 at the time.
 Looking at the reports of the crises years later, I didn't realise, at the time, how close we were, .

The missiles had gone and the airfield closed by 1965.

  Apparently the Russian people knew nothing about it until years later.                 

General Discussion Area / Re: Vulcan XH558
« on: 23 May 2013, 19:23:41 »
Remember so many years ago now,as a boy going to the airshows at R.A.F.Finningly[now Robin Hood airport]just outside Doncaster.The show was always opened by 4 Vulcans doing a "scramble".The noise!The vibration of sound!What an awesome thing to experience.

    My father was born in Cottesmore village, use to go and visit relatives in the village, end of the fifties.  Was in his cousins house when they scrambled for real for RAF Cottesmore, they shook the whole village. A crew and a ground crew stayed with the aircraft at all times for a quick scramble.
    It was a full throttle Scramble, it was noisy, shook everything off the mantelpiece in the cottage. :y
    WW2 Fighter Ace Johnny Johnson was the CO at the time.


   MOT today Passed :y  Couple of advisory's Misting (slight) rear shock and discoloured rear indicators  :y 

General Discussion Area / Re: Motorists to Blame
« on: 30 April 2013, 22:00:24 »
    Just got back from a week in Cornwall, drove into Looe on Sunday 21st Spoilt my day completely :'(    I got tangled up with a cycle event, I saw at least 100.   First I saw of them, they were pouring out of a minor road onto the A387, the road I was on, they could see me coming but continued to pour out almost defying me to hit them, if I dare, I had almost stopped, eventually they gave way.    Followed them into Looe, they were racing, crazy, one point they were four abreast, at one point the outside rider was the wrong side of the double white line on a blind right hand bend, I was hoping he would reappear stuck to the front of a bus, Tom and Jerry fashion.  Headed for the car park, over the bridge, on the the West Looe side, signalled to turn right into car park, was over taken on the right, road narrow, he could not wait, spose it would have been my fault if I had turned into him :'(
      Walked into East Looe had to cross a controlled pedestrian crossing. Waited for the green man and crossed, as is my right, we were suddenly surround by cyclists, not one stopped at the red light, only just missing us.   My wife is 74 and only 8st if any one of them had hit her, well I don't want to think >:(
      Made a bit of a fool of myself shouted at them as they went past, spectators thought it was funny, wife pulled me away.  Not one of the Cyclist looked back. Any event like this should be banned on public roads,  Kilotogo or something like.
      This was not the idiotic few who were not bothered, they were all at it, all caught up in the event!!!! road safety! PHEW *:"~ that >:(   

General Discussion Area / Re: Lincolnshire airspace ...........
« on: 14 April 2013, 16:28:06 »    That's right, he was a rear gunner, I think. Look how close you can get, without sitting in it :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Lincolnshire airspace ...........
« on: 13 April 2013, 14:53:29 »
   There is talk about putting Lanc NX611 "Just Jane" back where it should be in the air. It's already having/had  fresh Merlin's fitted/being fitted.   You can at the moment win a taxi ride by winning a raffle they have before each taxi run, I tried a couple of times, NO LUCK, can't afford price of seat :'( :'(   Take some ear plugs with you, engines are run up in pairs, no use trying to talk. I moved from infront of aircraft and stood by the wing tip, thought it would be safer if the brakes failed :y :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 28 February 2013, 19:35:00 »
     Oil and filters changed, checked steering and wishbones, all seemed OK :y 

Brilliant Build, and very quick. :y :y :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 18 February 2013, 20:26:37 »
     Cleaned and serviced/adjusted, handbrake and checked discs (yesterday). first day of decent weather for a while.  Gave it a good wash and brush up, looks nearly new ::) :y

General Discussion Area / Re: So who's got snow?
« on: 12 January 2013, 18:07:34 »
  No snow here, been dry, but cold all day, not a bad day :y

General Car Chat / Re: Write Off
« on: 07 January 2013, 19:30:20 »
Maybe it was a stolen one  :-\
   Could be, last sight I had of him, he was tail gating a motor until he moved over.

General Car Chat / Write Off
« on: 07 January 2013, 14:57:36 »
  Had to go down to Chieveley service area on the M4 yesterday, (Sunday). On the way back on the A34 south of Oxford I was overtaken, at speed, by an dark red Omega that looked as though it had been rear ended, didn't realise at first that is was an Omega. Near side tail lights were out and rear wing buckled, boot lid open.
   I was on the speed limit, went by me very quick ::) very fast for a damaged car.
  No one on here, I hope. 

    I don't think it was a wind up, because he seemed lost for words a couple of times, a wind up merchant would have had said anything to keep it going, repeating himself if needs be.
    There are people who think they are entitled and have no sense that they are doing wrong, (hope that makes sense).

Omega General Help / Re: Half Engine
« on: 21 December 2012, 10:36:38 »
I would seriously doubt the engine number would give any indication of mileage covered,I've certainly never heard of this,but stand to be corrected!The best thing to do in my opinion would be to measure the cylinder bores with a micrometer and compare those figures with the factory figures.Hope this helps.
  Thanks Baza

Omega General Help / Re: Half Engine
« on: 21 December 2012, 10:34:05 »
You can tell the bore wear simply by look and feel  :y
    That's one of the reasons for my OP there is very little wear in the bores, in fact, I can see what looks like honing marks in each of the bores, seemed to good to be true.
    Will strip down anyway, Will keep me occupied, never know might be of use.
I know, one has already been suggested  ;D Might get away with claiming it's a sculpture/work of art :y       

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